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Section 18, Part BC collects detailed information about the trips identified in Part A, including the value of any package deals and expenses for transportation, lodging, food, and entertainment on trips.
Now I'm going to ask you about the trip/trips that you or your household took to "describe the place" ending in the "month provided in section 18A".
How many nights did you or any members of your household spend away from home on this trip/these trips? [enter value] _______________
You told me that someone outside your household paid for part of the trip/trips that you or your household took to "describe the place".
In the next questions, I'm interested only in the costs that you or your household had to pay, not those paid by someone else.
How many nights did you or any members of your household spend away from home on this trip/these trips? [enter value] _______________
Since you or your household took a set of similar trips to "describe the place" in the "month provided in section 18A", I will ask about them as a group.
Please give the total of all these trips for each of the following questions.
How many nights did you or any members of your household spend away from home on this trip/these trips? [enter value] _______________
Sometimes when people take a trip they have some sort of package deal that covers some or all of the costs.
Was all or part of this trip/these trips covered by a package deal?
Did the package deal include . . .
. . . Food and beverages?
Did the package deal include . . .
. . . Lodging?
Did the package deal include . . .
. . . Transportation?
Did the package deal include...
... Anything else?
* Specify: [enter text] _____________________
How much did you or your household pay for the package deal? [enter value] _____________________
Starting at the beginning of this trip, please tell me all the kinds of transportation you or any members of your household used from the time you (they) left home to the time you (they) got back home.
* Enter all that apply
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How much did you or any member of your household spend for local transportation (taxi, etc.) other than what the package deal covered? [enter value] _____________________
How much did you or any member of your household spend for airfare other than what the package deal covered? [enter value] _____________________
How much did you or any member of your household spend for train fare other than what the package deal covered? [enter value] _____________________
How much did you or any member of your household spend for bus fare other than what the package deal covered? [enter value] _____________________
How much did you or any member of your household spend for ship fare other than what the package deal covered? [enter value] _____________________
How much did you or any member of your household spend for rented automobiles, not including gas you or any member of your household bought, other than what the package deal covered?
* Do not include any rental costs already collected [enter value] _____________________
How much did you or any member of your household spend for rented motorcycles or mopeds, not including gas you or any member of your household bought other than what the package deal covered?
* Do not include any rental costs already collected [enter value] _____________________
How much did you or any member of your household spend for rented private planes, not including gas you or any member of your household bought other than what the package deal covered?
* Do not include any rental costs already collected [enter value] _____________________
How much did you or any member of your household spend for rented boats or trailers, not including gas you or any member of your household bought other than what the package deal covered?
* Do not include any rental costs already collected [enter value] _____________________
How much did you or any member of your household spend for rented campers, not including gas you or any member of your household bought other than what the package deal covered?
* Do not include any rental costs already collected [enter value] _____________________
How much did you or any member of your household spend for other rented vehicle transportation, not including gas you or any member of your household bought other than what the package deal covered?
* Do not include any rental costs already collected [enter value] _____________________
While on the trip did you or any member of your household stop to buy any gasoline, diesel fuel, or any other fuels?
How much did you or any member of your household spend for that?/ What costs for gasoline or other fuels won't be reimbursed? [enter value] _____________________
While on the trip, did you or any member of your household spend anything for tolls, not already reported?
How much did you or any member of your household spend for tolls?/ What costs for tolls won't be reimbursed? [enter value] _____________________
Did you or any member of your household have any parking fees?
How much were they?/ What costs for parking fees won't be reimbursed? [enter value] _____________________
Did you or any member of your household spend anything for hotels, motels, cottages, trailer camps, or other lodging not counting what the package deal covered? Do not include expenses previously reported for vacation clubs.
What was the cost, including taxes and tips?/ What costs for lodging, including taxes and tips, won't be reimbursed? [enter value] _____________________
Did you or any member of your household spend anything for meals, snacks, or drinks at restaurants, bars, or fast food places not counting what the package deal covered?
What was the cost, including taxes and tips?/ What costs for these things won't be reimbursed?
[enter value] _____________________
Was any of the "meals, snacks, or drinks" amount for alcoholic beverages?
What was the cost for alcoholic beverages, including taxes and tips? / What costs for alcoholic beverages, including taxes and tips, won't be reimbursed? [enter value] _____________________
Did you or any member of your household spend anything for food or beverages at grocery stores, convenience stores, or liquor stores on this trip?
What were the expenses, including taxes? / What costs, including taxes, won't be reimbursed? [enter value] _____________________
Was any of the "food or beverages" amount for alcoholic beverages?
What was the cost for alcoholic beverages, including taxes? / What costs for alcoholic beverages, including taxes, won't be reimbursed? [enter value] _____________________
Did you or any member of your household pay any fees to play sports, exercise, or rent any sports equipment not counting what the package deal covered?
For definitions Information Booklet »
How much did you or any member of your household pay to rent sports equipment? / What costs for renting sports equipment won't be reimbursed? [enter value] _____________________
Did you or any member of your household spend anything on this trip for entertainment or admissions not counting what the package deal covered?
For definitions Information Booklet »
How much did you or any member of your household spend? / What costs for entertainment and admissions won't be reimbursed? [enter value] _____________________
Did you or any member of your household have any expenses for this trip such as for souvenirs, tourist booklets, and so on?
How much were these expenses? / What costs for these things won't be reimbursed? [enter value] _____________________
*Are there combined expenses for this trip the respondent was not able to separate?
Only those expenses the respondent could not provide individual expenses for should be combined and entered here. / Only those non-reimbursed expenses the respondent is not able to break down should be combined and entered here. [enter value] _____________________
Does this combined expenses include anything for . . .
. . . Food?
Does this combined expenses include anything for . . .
. . . Lodging
Does this combined expenses include anything for . . .
. . . Transportation?
Does this combined expenses include anything for . . .
. . .Other expenses?
Does this combined expenses include. . .
. . . Any expenses for others?
You've told me about many expenses you or your household had on this trip. Were any of these expenses for someone outside your household?
You've told me about many non-reimbursed expenses you or your household had on this trip. Were any of these expenses you just reported for anyone outside your household?
How much of the total expenses for this trip were for persons outside your household? / How much of the total non-reimbursed expenses for this trip were for persons outside your household? [enter value] _____________________
End of Section 18BC
Go to Section 18 Part E - Trips and Vacations - Trip Expenses for Non-household Members »
Go to Section 18 Part F - Trips and Vacations - Local Overnight Stays »
Go to CE CAPI Survey Instrument Home Page »
Last Modified Date: April 12, 2013