An official website of the United States government
The Consumer Expenditure Survey Coverage Section is used by the field representative to provide information on housing units that were selected into the sample but not interviewed.
* What type of non-interview do you have?
Type A = No one home, temporarily absent, or refusal
Type B = Vacant, under construction, occupied by persons with URE
Type C = Demolished, house moved, merged, condemned, located on base, household moved
* Enter TYPE A noninterview
* Specify other TYPE A [enter text] _____________
* Enter type of refusal
* Specify type of refusal [enter text] _____________
* Enter TYPE B noninterview
* Specify other TYPE B [enter text] _____________
* Specify type of vacant [enter text] _____________
* Enter TYPE C noninterview
* Specify other TYPE C [enter text] _____________
End of Coverage Section
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Last Modified Date: April 7,2016