Consumer Expenditure Surveys

Section 14, Part C - Hospitalization and Health Insurance - Medicare, Medicaid, and Other Health Insurance Plans Not Directly Paid For By The Household
Section 14, Part C covers participation in health insurance plans for which the household does not pay directly, such as Medicare, Medicaid, and military health care plans.
For definitions Information Booklet »
Choose one of the following
- Enter 1 if household has provided data for this section from prior interview - Interviews 2 through 5
- Enter 2 if household has not provided data for this section from prior interview - Interview 1 [and replacement households]
Last time you said that a household member was/household members were enrolled in Medicare. Has the number of household members enrolled in Medicare changed?
[Single-person household] Last time you said that you were enrolled in Medicare. Has that changed?
How many members of your household are covered by Medicare?
[enter value]
Choose one of the following
- Enter 1 if household reported being enrolled in a Medicare Prescription Drug plan in prior interview
- Enter 2 if household did NOT report being enrolled in a Medicare Prescription Drug plan in prior interview
Is/Are you or household member still enrolled in a Medicare Prescription Drug plan?
*Enter 'YES' if the member changed to a different Medicare Prescription Drug plan.
Is/Are you or household member's premium still the same?
What is/are you or household member's current premium amount for the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan?
[enter value]
Are you or any members of your household presently enrolled in a Medicare Prescription Drug plan since the first of the reference month?
The Medicare Prescription Drug plan is also known as Medicare Part D.
Who is enrolled in a Medicare Prescription Drug plan?
[enter text]
In what year did you or household member(s) enroll in the prescription drug plan? [enter value]
In what month did you or household member(s) enroll in the prescription drug plan?
* Enter month of enrollment [enter value]
What is the monthly premium for you or household member(s) Medicare Prescription Drug plan?
* Do not include any monthly co-payments paid by the household. [enter value]
Is the monthly premium deducted from a Social Security payment?
Last time you said that a household member was/household members [you were] were enrolled in Medicaid. Has the number of members enrolled in Medicaid changed?
How many members of your household are covered by Medicaid?
[enter value]
Are you or any member of your household covered by a plan such as VA Medical, CHAMPVA, CHIP, or Indian Health Service?
Are you or any members of your household presently enrolled in Medicare?
Medicare is the Federal Health Insurance Plan.
How many members of your household are covered by Medicare?
[enter value]
Are you or any members of your household presently enrolled in a Medicare Prescription Drug plan?
The Medicare Prescription Drug plan is also known as Medicare Part D.
Who is enrolled in a Medicare Prescription Drug plan?
[enter text]
In what year did you or household member(s) enroll in the prescription drug plan?[enter value]
In what month did you or household member(s) enroll in the prescription drug plan?
* Enter month of enrollment [enter value]
What is the monthly premium for you or household member(s) Medicare Prescription Drug plan?
* Do not include any monthly co-payments paid by the household. [enter value]
Is the monthly premium deducted from a Social Security payment?
Are you or any members of your household enrolled in Medicaid?
How many members of your household are covered by Medicaid?
[enter value]
Are you or any member of your household covered by a plan such as VA Medical, CHAMPVA, CHIP, or Indian Health Service?
How many members of your household are covered by these plans?
[enter value]
End of Section 14C
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Last Modified Date: April 7,2016