An official website of the United States government
The following pages provide the questionnaire content of the Diary Household Characteristics Questionnaire, including questions, response choices, and some instructions to field representatives (included for clarification where needed). These pages are designed to be a comprehensive and easy-to-follow representation of the Diary Household Characteristics Questionnaire instrument. Minor wording and structural changes have been made in order to translate the Diary Household Characteristics Questionnaire instrument into the web page format. For example, the actual Diary Household Characteristics Questionnaire instrument displays one question at a time, and the response to each question determines which subsequent question is displayed. On the following pages, selecting a response will mimic this functionality by bringing the next appropriate question to the top of the screen. Links at the end of each page also move to the next questionnaire section.
The home page of the Diary Household Characteristics Questionnaire instrument provides a bulleted list of links to each section of the CE Diary Household Characteristics Questionnaire. Section titles are descriptive and each section page begins with an introduction, so that specific questions of interest may be easily found and viewed without scrolling through the entire instrument.
Throughout the questionnaire pages, there are links to the Diary Survey Information Booklet. This booklet, which is organized by section, is used to provide the respondent with clarification and/or examples of response choices. For example, one entry in Section 4 of the Information Booklet lists examples of Professional occupations, such as accountant, engineer, physician, clergy, etc. A PDF version of the complete Information Booklet may also be viewed by clicking on the link at the bottom of the CE Diary Household Characteristics Questionnaire home page.
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Last Modified Date: January 13, 2009