An official website of the United States government
PUMD ERRATA – 2010 Paradata files |
ERRATA – Consumer Expenditure Public-Use Microdata
November 29, 2011
To users of the 2010 Consumer Expenditure Public Use Microdata Files originally released on September 27, 2011:
There have been two errors found in the 2010 data files and one error found in the supporting documentation. The first error affects identifiers in the paradata files (FPAR and MCHI). The second error affects the PUBFLAG variable for one UCC in the interview survey MTAB files. The documentation error was found in the Interview Stub parameter file (IntStub2010.txt).
None of these errors affect the expenditure or income estimates.
1. Error in Paradata Files (FPAR and MCHI)
Due to a processing error, one quarter of paradata was missing the correct identifiers. For some observations in 2010q1, the values for CUID were missing and the values for NEWID only showed the interview number. The other variables for each of the observations were correct, but the observations could not be uniquely identified. This error affected 2,506 records.
An addendum file with the additional information will be sent upon request to all users who have received the original release of 2010 data. Those who purchase the CD after November 29, 2011 will have the correct file on the CD.
The following Interview Files were affected:
SAS, SPSS, STATA, ASCII-comma-delimited, ASCII column parametered (*.sas7bdata, *.sav, *.dta, *.csv, *.txt) |
FPAR0910.*, MCHI0910.* |
Variables affected: NEWID, CUID
The entire FPAR and MCHI files will be replaced with the correct identifiers.
2. Error in MTAB Files
An incorrect value for the variable PUBFLAG was assigned for all observations of the UCC “520110”. The value on the released CD indicated that this UCC was “not published”, but should have indicated that it was “Published in integrated bulletin”. This will affect users that rely on this variable to combine Interview and Diary estimates in an integrated table or use the Integrated Mean and SE.sas sample program.
The following Interview Files were affected:
SAS, SPSS, STATA, ASCII-comma- delimited (*.sas7bdata, *.sav, *.dta, *.csv) |
ASCII column parametered (*.txt) |
MTBI101x.*, MTBI102.*, MTBI103.*, MTBI104.*, MTBI111.* |
MTABI101x.*, MTABI102.*, |
Variables affected: PUBFLAG
Users wishing to use this variable and UCC should recode the variable with the correct value as indicated in the table below, or can request an addendum file to join and replace their current MTAB data files.
Incorrect Value |
520110 |
„1" |
Correct Value |
520110 |
„2" |
The addendum files will be sent upon request to all users who have received the original release of 2010 data. Those who purchase the CD after November 29, 2011 will have the addendum files in the “Addendum” Folder on the CD.
3. Error in INTSTUB2010.txt documentation file
Two lines in the Integrated stub parameter file (“/Programs/IntStub2010.txt”) are incorrect. The table lists vehicle registration for state and vehicle registration for local as two separate UCCs. These values are represented as one UCC (520110) in the public use data files.
1 5 Vehicle registration state 520111 I 1 EXPEND
1 5 Vehicle registration local 520112 I 1 EXPEND
1 5 Vehicle registration state 520110 I 1 EXPEND
This error will affect those using the Integrated Mean and SE.sas sample program.
A replacement file with the correct information will be sent upon request to all users who have received the original release of 2010 data. Those who purchase the CD after November 29, 2011 will have the correct file on the CD.
Requesting Addendum Files:
To request the “2010 Paradata” addendum file, the “2010 Pubflag” Addendum files, or the “2010 IntStub” replacement file, please contact the Consumer Expenditure Survey and specify which file you are requesting. If requesting addendum files, specify which file type (SAS,
STATA, SPSS, ASCII – comma delimited, or ASCII – column parametered) is requested.
Phone – (202) 691- 6900
Email – cexinfo@bls.gov
All orders placed after November 29th will receive the data CD with addendum files contained within. The corrected CD-ROMs will have a label indicating the most recent version number (v2) for the CD to distinguish them from previously released CDs.
We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us by telephone or email.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Consumer Expenditure Survey
November 2011