An official website of the United States government
Consumer Expenditure Public-Use Microdata
Original Release: January 28, 2010
Updated: June 27, 2013
To users of the 2001 through 2007 Consumer Expenditure Public Use Microdata Files:
An error was found in the release of the public-use Interview Expenditure (EXPN) files, affecting data from 2001 through 2007. Note that the corresponding UCCs and expenditure amounts in the MTBI files were not affected by this error.
No additional addenda are necessary, as the files you’ve downloaded already have the appropriate addenda applied.
FRB file:
The following Interview Files were affected:
SAS (*.sas7bdat), SPSS (*.sav), STATA (*.dta), ASCII-comma-delimited (*.csv):
FRB01.*, FRB02.*, FRB03*, FRB04.*, FRB05.*, FRB06.*, and FRB07.*
Variables affected: Every variable in each of the files.
Due to an error in processing, select records are missing from these files. Records where the CU indicated that they did not rent or lease furniture (FURNRNTL = 2), but indicated that they did have expenses for repairing, refinishing, or reupholstering furniture (REPFURN = 1), are missing from the file. Note: The corresponding UCCs (340904 and 340630) and expenditure amounts in the MTBI files were not affected by this error.
UTP file:
The following Interview Files were affected:
SAS (*.sas7bdat), SPSS (*.sav), STATA (*.dta), ASCII-comma-delimited (*.csv):
Variables affected:Â Every variable in each of the files.
Due to an error in processing, select records are missing from these files. Records where the CU indicated that they had an expense for pre-paid cellular minutes (PRPYCELL = '1'), but they did not have an expense for pay phones (PYPHONE = ‘2’) or pre-paid phone cards (FONCARD = '2') are missing from the file. The corresponding UCCs (270101, 270102, and 270104) and expenditure amounts in the MTBI files were not affected by this error.
We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us by telephone or email.
Phone – (202) 691-6900
Email – cexinfo@bls.gov
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Consumer Expenditure Survey
Last Modified Date: July 5, 2016