An official website of the United States government
PUMD ERRATA – Interview EXPN - RBT file |
Consumer Expenditure Public-Use Microdata
Original Release: December 2, 2009
Updated: January 27, 2013
To users of the 2008 Consumer Expenditure Public Use Microdata Files:
An error was found in the month of receipt in the public-use Interview Tax Rebate file (RBT08) and related values in the MTBI file (MTBI083). The error does not involve the dollar amounts received or how the money was intended to be used by the respondents.
No additional addendum is necessary, as the files you’ve downloaded already have the appropriate addendum applied.
The following Interview Files were affected:
SAS (*.sas7bdat), SPSS (*.sav), STATA (*.dta), ASCII-comma-delimited (*.csv):
RB T08.* and MTBI083.*
Variables affected:
RBTMO (in RBT08) and REF_MO (in MTBI)
In 2008Q3, several CUs were assigned the incorrect month of receipt for their 2008 tax rebate. The month values have been corrected in the RBT08 file and their corresponding UCCs in the MTBI083 file. A total number of 170 records were corrected.
All of the files have the same variables, formats and start positions (where applicable) as in the original release. Details on the variables can be found in the 2008 data dictionary.
We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us by telephone or email.
Phone – (202) 691-6900
Email – cexinfo@bls.gov
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Consumer Expenditure Survey
Last Modified Date: July 5, 2016