Consumer Expenditure Surveys

2011 Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) Microdata Users' Workshop
Thank You For A Highly Successful 2011 Workshop
The 2011 Consumer Expenditure Survey Microdata Users’ Workshop (July 27-29) has recently concluded. Based on comments from attendees and observations of planners, this workshop was well received and highly successful. The planners wish to thank our presenters (see below) for a series of exceptional presentations. Of course, there would be no workshop without attendees, and we appreciate their investment of time, effort, and funds to spend three days with us at the BLS. Along with those in attendance from state and federal government and the private sector, several PhD candidates and professors represented 17 distinguished universities.
The 2012 workshop, the seventh in the annual series, is already being planned for next July 18-20. If you have never attended a workshop, but are interested in doing so, the planners look forward to answering any questions you may have. If you have already attended one, we hope you will join us again. The format varies from year to year as we incorporate recommendations from attendees, so that your experience at the next workshop may differ substantially from that of the workshop you previously attended.
Presenters At The 2011 Consumer Expenditure Survey Workshop
(in order of presentation)
- Kara Markley & Karen Ransom, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern Information Offices: Making Sense of the CE Microdata: Experiences of Two First-Time Users.
- Tian Luo, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Western Information Office: Higher Educational Expenditures by Race.
- Jonathan Fisher, Census Bureau: Household Adjustments to Gasoline Price Changes.
- Jeff Lundy, University of California, San Diego: Measuring Annual Change in Household Wealth with the CE Survey; Accessing Confidential CE Microdata: The BLS Onsite Researcher Program.
- Adam Bee, University of Notre Dame: The Effect of Car Ownership on Employment: Evidence from State Insurance Rate Regulation.
- Megumi Omori, Bloomsburg University: What to Buy, When to Buy, and How Much to Spend? Gift Purchasing Between Black Friday and Christmas Eve in 2009.
- Brian Melzer, Northwestern University: Effects of Mortgage Debt Overhang on Housing Investment.
- Sayeh Nikpay, University of Michigan: Seasonality of Medical Expenditures and Flexible Spending Accounts.
- Anthony Damico, the Kaiser Family Foundation: Health Care Spending by Medicare Recipients: How to Analyze CE Data by Expenditure Category for Any Population Group of Interest.
BLS Presenters and Instructors
- Steve Henderson
- Vera Crain
- William Hawk
- Bill Passero
- Craig Kreisler
- Laura Paszkiewicz
- Catherine Hackett
- Troy Olson
- Neil Tseng
- Geoffrey Paulin
- Special thanks to Brian Baker (Technical Writer-Editor) and Terry Schau (Managing Editor), who delivered a presentation on the process for submitting articles for publication in the Monthly Labor Review.
Last Modified Date: January 12, 2012