Consumer Expenditure Surveys

Consumer Expenditure Survey Anthology, 2005
Table of Contents
Part I. Survey Research and Methodology
- Is a user-friendly diary more effective? Findings from a test (PDF 54K)
- Exhibits 1 through 4
- ( PDF 760K)
A new Diary Survey questionnaire, designed to be more user-friendly, was tested to see how well it performed compared to the questionnaire being used.
Eric Figueroa, Jeanette Davis, Sally Reyes-Morales, Nhien To, and Lucilla Tan
- The efficacy of cues in an expenditure diary (PDF 788K)
A cognitive study tested whether adding cues to the recording pages of the new Diary Survey questionnaire would result in more detailed reporting by respondents.
Nhien To, Eric Figueroa, and Lucilla Tan
- Characteristics of nonresponders in the Consumer Expenditure Quarterly Interview Survey (PDF 40K)
The characteristics of nonresponder consumer units were examined. The most common reason given for not participating in the survey was "refusal."
Sally Reyes-Morales
- Determining area sample sizes for the Consumer Expenditure Survey Interview Survey (PDF 76K)
A new, automated method of allocating the nationwide Consumer Expenditure Survey sample to individual geographic areas was developed.
Sylvia Johnson-Herring, Sharon Krieger, and David Swanson
Part II. Analyses Using Survey Data
- From AFDC to TANF: Have the new public assistance laws affected consumer spending of recipients? (PDF 62K)
There have been significant changes in the spending patterns of welfare recipients since the enactment of welfare reform legislation in 1996. Some changes follow trends in the non-welfare population, whereas others are unique to welfare recipients.
Laura Paszkiewicz
- Spending patterns of older consumers raising a child (PDF 36K)
The demographic characteristics and spending patterns of older consumer units raising children are different both from those of their generation who have no children at home and from younger consumer units raising children.
Abby Duly
- Tobacco expenditures by education, occupation, and age (PDF 34K)
Average annual expenditures on tobacco continue to rise despite the heightened awareness of the health issues involved, but expenditure increases are less than the increases in the prices of tobacco products. Spending patterns among various education, occupation, and age groups show marked differences.
Mark Vendemia
- Spending by singles (PDF 32K)
Many differences in spending patterns between single women and single men can be explained by differences in characteristics between the two groups, particularly age. However, differences remain even when controlling for age.
Meaghan Duetsch
- Trends in airfare expenditures (PDF 52K)
Spending on airline fares was at a peak prior to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, fell sharply after that, and rebounded some by late 2002. Spending dropped off more for some age groups than for others, and the four regions of the country experienced different effects.
George Janini
- Appendix A: Description of the Consumer Expenditure Survey (PDF 22K)
The full PDF version of the Consumer Expenditure Survey Anthology, 2005 (1.2 MB)
Last Modified Date: May 06, 2005