An official website of the United States government
5. Building Entrance--Location and Security Requirements: Please note that there are several entrances to the Postal Square Building (2 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Washington, DC), each of which is monitored by security guards. For ease of access, we recommend the following:
a. USE ONLY THE MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE BUILDING. This entrance is on First Street, directly across the street from Union Station, and is in the middle of the block. “Bureau of Labor Statistics” is written over the entrance. The “Visitor Entrance” is on the right.
IF YOU TAKE THE OTHER EXIT (Massachusetts Avenue, Postal Museum, buses and shops), do the following: When you reach the top of the escalator, turn right. Go to the crosswalk at the traffic light (ahead and slightly to the left from the top of the escalator). However, DO NOT CROSS THE STREET. Instead, turn right, and walk downhill to the middle of the block. You will see the First Street exit from the Metro on your right. On your left is the crosswalk (no traffic light). Follow this crosswalk to the building entrance.
NOTE: IF YOU ARE UNSURE WHICH EXIT IS THE CORRECT ONE, ask the Metro officer in the kiosk near the exit fare gates BEFORE YOU EXIT THE SYSTEM.
b. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. NOTE: If you last attended a workshop in 2017 or earlier, please note that security requirements have substantially changed. Regardless, please carefully follow the instructions below. Also, PLAN TO ARRIVE EARLY as there may be long lines at security:
Report to the “Visitor Entrance” (farthest right set of doors at main entrance). After explaining you are a workshop participant, provide your name and a government-issued photo ID (REAL ID compliant driver’s license or ID card, passport, or Federal employee, military, or Veteran ID card) to the security officer, who will direct you to further screening.
As part of this screening process you MUST REMOVE:
You MAY be asked to remove other items, such as your watch, jewelry, or shoes. You may wish to do this from the start to avoid additional screening.
All of the items above must pass through the screening equipment. You will also be asked to pass through screening equipment.
If the screening equipment does not clear you, the security officer will proceed with additional screening, including scanning with a hand-held “wand.”
Again, PLAN TO ARRIVE EARLY as there may be long lines at security. You will also encounter delays if you or someone ahead of you requires additional screening.
Once you have completed the process, you may proceed to the workshop. The workshop will be held downstairs in the Janet Norwood Conference Center.6.Food and Beverages: There is a cafeteria onsite at the Postal Square Building. While there are also restaurants nearby, for scheduling reasons, we recommend that you visit the cafeteria if you plan to purchase lunch or other food or beverages during the workshop: It takes more time to travel to and from restaurants outside the building; they are usually crowded during lunch hours; and you will need to complete the security procedures upon your return to the building. In any case, the cafeteria is open 6:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. daily. The closest restaurants outside the building are at Union Station ( https://www.unionstationdc.com/directory-map/; click “VIEW ALL” and select “Restaurants & Eateries.”).
Regardless of where you purchase, please note that there is NO FOOD ALLOWED in the training rooms within the conference center. There are, however, pantries and other areas just outside the training rooms where food is permitted. Beverages with lids (including plastic bottles with seals) are permitted, in both the pantries and the training rooms.
Last Modified Date: January 21, 2020