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The BLS working papers are available on the website at https://www.bls.gov/osmr/research-papers/. The Monthly Labor Review articles are available on the MLR website at www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/home.htm. Many of the published papers are available to subscribers at JSTOR. The unpublished papers can be obtained by contacting the authors directly.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) allows eligible researchers the opportunity to gain access to restricted data files for select statistical research projects onsite at the BLS national office in Washington, DC, at Federal Statistical Research Data Centers (FSRDCs), and, currently for CFOI, at a designated offsite location. For more information about how to request access to these and other confidential data files, please see BLS Restricted Data Access.
Abstracts of proposals which are currently using OCWC microdata are available for NCS and SOII and CFOI. Additionally, a bibliography of journal articles which use OCWC microdata is available for NCS and SOII and CFOI.
A list of contacts for questions about the data or the process for accessing the data is available here, www.bls.gov/rda/contact.htm.
Research economists on the staff are currently conducting research in a wide variety of areas. Many of the staff present their research at academic conferences, such as the Allied Social Sciences Association meetings, the Society of Labor Economists meetings, and the Joint Statistical Meetings.
Last Modified Date: August 6, 2020