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The Occupational Requirements Survey (ORS) is an establishment-based survey conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The ORS provides job-related information regarding physical demands; environmental conditions; education, training, and experience; as well as cognitive and mental requirements for jobs in the U.S. economy.
Go to the ORS homepage »Occupational requirements are highlighted in the occupational profiles, articles, and flyers. The occupational profiles give an overview of job requirements for occupations. The Economics Daily (TEDs) are short articles covering BLS data and are released each day. TEDs on ORS provide quick reads on occupational requirements.
Occupational requirements estimates are published on the ORS database page through database tools and an Excel spreadsheet. Factsheets and collection manuals explain specific job requirements measured by the survey or provide guidance when using the estimates. For example, the ORS databases factsheet walks users through each of the tools that are used to view the estimates. Lastly, more information on survey design and calculation of the estimates is in the ORS section of the Handbook of Methods.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is an agency of the United States Department of Labor. It is the principal fact-finding agency in the broad field of labor economics and statistics and serves as part of the U.S. Federal Statistical System. BLS collects, calculates, analyzes, and publishes data essential to the public, employers, researchers, and government organizations.
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