- Capital asset price deflator
The relative change over time in the acquisition cost of a capital asset.
- Capital asset share in industry capital income
The proportion of the total capital costs attributed to a particular capital asset.
- Capital composition
The portion of change in capital input that cannot be attributed to changes in capital stock.
- Capital cost used
The actual capital cost values used in calculations after determining whether to use costs based on internal or external rates of return.
- Capital costs
The payments to capital input for use in the production of goods and services.
- Capital costs based on external rate of return
Capital costs calculated using a general rate of return across the entire private business sector.
- Capital costs based on internal rate of return
Capital costs calculated using the rate of return to investment specific to the industry examined.
- Capital input
The contribution to production from capital assets. Capital assets are the productive tools (equipment, structures, inventories, land, intellectual property, etc.) that can be re-used in future time periods after they are purchased.
- Capital input to wealth stock ratio
The ratio of capital input to the value of existing stocks of capital assets, discounted to reflect the future services expected from them.
- Capital intensity
The ratio of the amount of capital input used relative to the amount of labor hours used to produce output of goods and services.
- Capital investment
The payments made to acquire capital assets to produce goods and services.
- Capital price deflator
The relative change over time in the cost to utilize units of capital input to produce goods and services.
- Capital productivity
The efficiency at which capital input is used to produce output of goods and services.
- Capital rental price
The price paid to rent capital used in the production of goods and services. Since capital is actually owned (rather than rented), this price is estimated.
- Capital share
The proportion of current-dollar output production attributed to the use of capital input.
- Combined inputs
The aggregate of measured inputs that are used to produce goods and services. These can include capital, labor, energy, raw materials, and purchased services.
- Combined inputs costs
The payments and implicit compensation to utilize all inputs to produce goods and services.
- Combined inputs price deflator
The relative change over time in the value of money spent to use all inputs for production. This information helps make combined input utilization in different time periods comparable.
- Compound annual rate
A single growth rate which, if applied every year over a span of multiple years, would make a beginning value grow to a target value at the end.
- Constant dollar
Dollar values that have been adjusted to remove the effects of price-level changes over time, allowing for meaningful comparison of real values from different time periods.
- Consumer price deflator
An index that measures changes in the level of consumer prices.
- Contribution of all other capital input intensity to labor productivity
The portion of labor productivity change attributed to the change in the use of equipment, structures, residential structures, inventories, and land capital inputs relative to hours worked.
- Contribution of all other intellectual property products intensity
The portion of labor productivity change attributed to the change in the use of unclassified intellectual property products relative to hours worked.
- Contribution of capital input excluding ipp and ipe intensity to labor productivity
The portion of labor productivity change attributed to the change in the use of capital input, excluding intellectual property products and information processing equipment, relative to hours worked.
- Contribution of capital intensity to labor productivity
The portion of labor productivity change attributed to the change in the use of capital relative to hours worked.
- Contribution of energy intensity to labor productivity
The portion of labor productivity change attributed to the change in the use of energy relative to hours worked.
- Contribution of information capital intensity to labor productivity
The portion of labor productivity change attributed to the change in the use of information capital inputs relative to hours worked.
- Contribution of information processing equipment (ipe) intensity to labor productivity
The portion of labor productivity change attributed to the change in the use of information processing equipment capital inputs relative to hours worked. Information processing equipment capital includes asset types such as computers and communications equipment.
- Contribution of intellectual property products excluding r&d intensity to labor productivity
The portion of labor productivity change attributed to the change in the use of intellectual property products capital inputs, excluding R&D, relative to hours worked. Intellectual property products capital consists of software, research and development (R&D) and artistic original assets.
- Contribution of intellectual property products intensity to labor productivity
The portion of labor productivity change attributed to the change in the use of intellectual property products capital inputs relative to hours worked. Intellectual property products capital consists of software, research and development (R&D), and artistic original assets.
- Contribution of intermediate inputs intensity to labor productivity
The portion of labor productivity change attributed to the change in the use of energy, materials, and services relative to hours worked.
- Contribution of labor composition to labor productivity
The portion of labor productivity change attributed to the change in the composition of the labor force.
- Contribution of materials intensity to labor productivity
The portion labor productivity change attributed to the change in the use of materials relative to hours worked.
- Contribution of other capital input intensity to labor productivity
The portion of labor productivity change attributed to the change in the use of equipment, structures, residential structures, inventories, and land capital inputs relative to hours worked.
- Contribution of research and development intensity to labor productivity
The portion of labor productivity change attributed to the change in the use of research and development relative to hours worked.
- Contribution of services intensity to labor productivity
The portion of labor productivity change attributed to the change in the use of services relative to hours worked.
- Current dollar
Current dollar values are measured in dollars paid at that time and have not been adjusted to remove the effects of monetary price changes (i.e. inflation) over time. Thus, current dollar values from different time periods are not necessarily comparable.