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Proposals Due: August 2, 2021
The BLS will host a free one-day virtual symposium on consumption measurement on September 22nd and 23rd, 2021. BLS is in the early stages of developing a consumer unit (CU) level consumption measure, and is hosting this symposium to gather researchers to discuss possible approaches that it can use. The CE will serve as the basis of this measure, contributing primarily data on expenditures and rental equivalence from owner occupied housing. However, these data alone are not adequate to measure all consumption. Symposium topics are expected to include:
We invite interested presenters to submit a presentation proposal; see below for details. Work in progress and finished research are welcome. While all topics will be considered, preference will be given to work on measurement approaches that the BLS could use to develop an official consumption measure.
If you have a colleague who might be interested in presenting, we would appreciate your forwarding this invitation.
Questions? Contact us at
Please submit an extended abstract of around 600 words or a completed paper to by August 2, 2021. In the proposal, also include the following:
*choosing to "opt out" will not affect consideration of your proposal.
Notifications of acceptance will be sent by August 9, 2021. For further information about the symposium see the Consumption Symposium Homepage.
Last Modified Date: July 8, 2021