An official website of the United States government
In 2022, 10.1 percent of workers in the United States belonged to a union. This Spotlight on Statistics focuses on union membership, strike activity, and compensation in 2022. read more »
In March 2022, 15 percent of private industry workers had access to defined benefit retirement plans, and 11 percent participated in these plans. Among private industry workers participating in defined benefit plans, 37 percent participated in plans that were open to new employees. read more »
The National Compensation Survey (NCS) produces two annual publications that provide a rich amount of information on retirement plans. How retirement plans differ between private industry workers and state and local government workers is a major point of interest. What type of plans are offered to workers? Are plan characteristics different or basically the same? read more »
Using data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) National Compensation Survey and two BLS supplemental surveys, this article examines changes to sick leave provisions and use before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. read more »