Employment Research and Program Development
All Publications, by Author
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Aughinbaugh, Alison
- Aughinbaugh, Alison. “Employment, telework, and child remote schooling from February to May 2021: evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997” (with Jeffrey A. Groen, Mark A. Loewenstein, Donna S. Rothstein, and Hugette Sun). Monthly Labor Review, March 2023.
- ___.“How did employment change during the COVID-19 pandemic? Evidence from a new BLS survey supplement” (with Donna S. Rothstein) Beyond the Numbers: Employment & Unemployment, January 2022.
- ___. "Patterns of caregiving and work: evidence from two surveys"(with Rose A. Woods). Monthly Labor Review, March 2021.
- ___.“Attrition and its implications in The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979.” (with Charles R. Pierret and Donna S. Rothstein) JSM Proceedings 2017, Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association: pp.1297-1311.
- ___."Fertility of women in the NLSY79" (with Hugette S. Sun). Monthly Labor Review, April 2016.
- ___."The National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth: research highlights" (with Charles R. Pierret and Donna S. Rothstein). Monthly Labor Review, September 2015.
- ___."Do Cognitive Skills Moderate the Influence of Neighborhood Disadvantage on Subsequent Educational Attainment?" (with Donna Rothstein). February 2015. Economics of Education Review, 44: pp. 83-99.
- ___. "Marriage and Divorce: Patterns by Gender, Race, and Educational Attainment"(with Omar Robles and Hugette Sun). Monthly Labor Review, October 2013.
- ___. "The Effects of High School Math Curriculum on College Attendance: Evidence from the NLSY97." Economics of Education Review, December 2012, V. 31 (6):861-870
- ___. "The Effect of Remarriage on Women's Labor Supply", Journal of Population Economics, 23(4), 2010.
- ___. "Who Goes to College? Evidence from the First Eight Waves of the NLSY97" Monthly Labor Review, 131(8), August 2008 pp. 33-43.
- ___. "The Impact of Family Structure Transitions on Youth Achievement: Evidence from the Children of the NLSY79" (with Donna S. Rothstein and Charles R. Pierret). Demography, August 2005.
- ___. "Maternal Employment and Adolescent Risky Behavior" (with Maury Gittleman). Journal of Health Economics, July 2004, pp.815-838.
- ___. "The Impact of Attrition on the Children of the NLSY79." Journal of Human Resources, Spring 2004.
- ___. "Does Money Matter? A Comparison of the Effect of Income on Child Development in the United States and Great Britain" (with Maury Gittleman). Journal of Human Resources, Spring 2003, pp.416-440.
- ___. "Does Head Start Yield Long-term Benefits?" Journal of Human Resources, Fall 2001, pp. 639-665.
- ___. "Signals of Child Achievement as Determinants of Child Support." The American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 2001, pp. 140-144.
- ___. "Replication and Extension: Intergenerational Mobility in the United States." Labour Economics, November 2000, pp. 785-796.
- Working Papers by Alison Aughinbaugh
Dalton, Michael
- Dalton, Michael.“Telework during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Estimates using the 2021 Business Response Survey” (with Jeffrey Groen). Monthly Labor Review, March 2022.
- ___. “The K-Shaped Recovery: Examining the Diverging Fortunes of Workers in the Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Business and Household Survey Microdata” (with Jeffrey A. Groen, Mark Loewenstein, David S. Piccone, and Anne E. Polivka), Journal of Economic Inequality, 19(3), September 2021, pp. 527-550.
- ___.“Employment changes by employer size during the COVID-19 pandemic: a look at the Current Employment Statistics survey microdata” (with Elizabeth Weber Handwerker and Mark A. Loewenstein), Monthly Labor Review, October 2020.
- Working Papers by Michael Dalton
Dey, Matthew S.
- Dey, Matthew S. “Some facts about concentrated labor markets in the United States,” (with Elizabeth Handwerker). Industrial Relations, July 2023, pp. 1-20.
- Data for “Some Facts about Concentrated Labor Markets in the United States”: HHI Measures
- ___.“Were wages converging during the 2010s expansion?" (with Elizabeth Weber Handwerker and David S. Piccone Jr), Monthly Labor Review, June 2022.
- ___.“Teleworking and lost work during the pandemic: new evidence from the CPS” (with Harley Frazis, Mark A. Loewenstein, and David S. Piccone Jr), Monthly Labor Review, July 2021.
- ___.“A look at the new job-task information in the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth” (with Mark A. Loewenstein and Hugette Sun), Monthly Labor Review, May 2021.
- ___.“Ability to work from home: evidence from two surveys and implications for the labor market in the COVID-19 pandemic” (with Mark A. Loewenstein, Harley Frazis, and Hugette Sun), Monthly Labor Review, June 2020.
- ___.“Demographics, earnings, and family characteristics of workers in sectors initially affected by COVID-19 shutdowns” (with Mark A. Loewenstein, David Piccone, and Anne Polivka), Monthly Labor Review, June 2020.
- ___."How many workers are employed in sectors directly affected by COVID-19 shutdowns, where do they work, and how much do they earn?" (with Mark A. Loewenstein), Monthly Labor Review, April 2020.
- ___."Model-based estimates for the Occupational Employment Statistics program", (with Stephen M. Miller and David Piccone), Monthly Labor Review, August 2019.
- ___."A quarterly benchmarking procedure for the Current Employment Statistics program", (with Mark A. Loewenstein), Monthly Labor Review, November 2017.
- ___."Longitudinal data from the Occupational Employment Statistics survey", Monthly Labor Review, October 2016.
- ___."Manufacturers' Outsourcing to Staffing Services". (with Susan Houseman and Anne Polivka). Industrial and Labor Relations Review (ILRReview) vol 65, No. 3 (July) 2012 pp. 533-559.
- ___. "What Do We Know about Contracting Out in the United States?" (with Susan Houseman and Anne Polivka). In Labor in the New Economy, edited by Katharine Abraham, James Spletzer, and Mike Harper. NBER Studies in Income and Wealth, University of Chicago Press. 2010.
- ___. "Household Search and Health Insurance Coverage." (with Chris Flinn). Journal of Econometrics, July 2008, pp. 43-63.
- ___. "An Equilibrium Model of Health Insurance Provision and Wage Determination" (with Chris Flinn). Econometrica 73. March 2005, pp.571-627.
- ___. "Racial Differences in National Basketball Association Players' Salaries: A New Look," The American Economist, Fall 1997, 41(1), pp. 84-90.
- Working Papers by Matthew S. Dey
Frazis, Harley
- Frazis, Harley. “The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on inequality” (with Peter B. Meyer, Joe Piacentini, Michael Schultz, and Leo Sveikauskas). Review of Income and Wealth.
- ___.“Sources of Increases in Time Alone during the COVID Pandemic: Evidence from the American Time Use Survey”. Review of Economics of the Household 22 (September 2023), 965–997.
- ___.“Is Telecommuting Family-Friendly? Evidence from the American Time Use Survey”. Journal of Time Use Research 17:2 (2022).
- ___.“Teleworking and lost work during the pandemic: new evidence from the CPS” (with Matthew Dey, Mark A. Loewenstein, and David S. Piccone Jr), Monthly Labor Review, July 2021.
- ___.“Ability to work from home: evidence from two surveys and implications for the labor market in the COVID-19 pandemic” (with Matthew Dey, Mark A. Loewenstein, and Hugette Sun), Monthly Labor Review, June 2020.
- ___."Employed workers leaving the labor force: an analysis of recent trends" Monthly Labor Review (May 2017).
- ___."Is the Workweek Really Overestimated?" (with Jay Stewart). Monthly Labor Review (June 2014).
- ___. "How Responsive are Quits to Benefits?" (with Mark Loewenstein), Journal of Human Resources, 48:4 (Fall 2013), 969-997.
- ___. "How to Think About Time-Use Data: What Inferences Can We Make About Long- and Short-Run Time Use from Time Diaries?" (with Jay Stewart). Annals of Economics and Statistics Number 105/106 (January-June 2012), 231-246.
- ___. "How Does Household Production Affect Measured Income Inequality?" (with Jay Stewart). Journal of Population Economics.24:1 (January 2011), 3-22.
- ___. "Labor Force Flows in the Most Recent Recession" Issues in Labor Statistics, Summary 10-08 (July 2010).
- ___."Why Do BLS Hours Series Tell Different Stories About Trends in Hours Worked?" (with Jay Stewart). In Labor in the New Economy, Katharine G. Abraham, James R. Spletzer, and Michael Harper, eds. NBER Studies in Income and Wealth, University of Chicago Press. (2010) pp. 343-372.
- ___. "Comparing Hours Worked Per Job in the Current Population Survey and the American Time Use Survey" (with Jay Stewart), Social Indicators Research 93:1 (August 2009), 191-195.
- ___."Trends in Labor Force Flows During Recent Recessions" (with Randy Ilg). Monthly Labor Review 132(4), April 2009, pp. 3-18.
- ___. "On-the-Job Training" (with Mark Loewenstein). Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics 2(5) 2007, pp. 363-440.
- ___. "Where Does the Time Go? Concepts and Measurement in the American Time Use Survey" (with Jay Stewart). Hard to Measure Goods and Services: Essays in Memory of Zvi Griliches, Ernst Berndt and Charles Hulten, eds., NBER Studies in Income and Wealth, University of Chicago Press, (Spring 2007), pp. 73-97.
- ___. "Data Watch-The American Time Use Survey" (with Daniel S. Hamermesh and Jay Stewart), Journal of Economic Perspectives 19(1), Winter 2005, pp. 221-32.
- ___."Estimating gross flows consistent with stocks in the CPS" (with Martha Duff, Thomas Evans, and Ed Robison). Monthly Labor Review 128(9), September 2005, pp. 3-9.
- ___. "Reexamining the Returns to Training: Functional Form, Magnitude, and Interpretation" (with Mark Loewenstein). Journal of Human Resources 40:2 (Spring 2005) pp. 453-476.
- ___."Worker Training: What We've Learned from the NLSY79" (with James R. Spletzer). Monthly Labor Review, 128(2) February 2005, pp. 48-58.
- ___."What Can Time-Use Data Tell Us About Hours of Work?" (with Jay Stewart). Monthly Labor Review, 127(12) December 2004, pp. 3-9.
- ___. "Estimating Linear Regressions with Mismeasured, Possibly Endogenous, Binary Explanatory Variables" (with Mark Loewenstein). Journal of Econometrics 117(2), November 2003, pp. 151-178.
- ___. "Human Capital, Signaling, and the Pattern of Returns to Education." Oxford Economic Papers, 54(2), April 2002, pp. 298-320.
- ___."Measuring Intrahousehold Allocation of Time: Response to Anne E. Winkler" (with Lisa K. Schwartz and Diane Herz). Monthly Labor Review, 125(2) February 2002, pp. 53-59.
- ___. "Correlates Of Training: An Analysis Using Both Employer And Employee Characteristics" (with Maury Gittleman and Mary Joyce). Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 53(3) April 2000, pp. 443-62.
- ___. "Tracking the Returns to Education in the Nineties: Bridging the Gap Between the New and Old CPS Education Items" (with Jay Stewart). Journal of Human Resources 34(3) Summer 1999, pp. 629-41.
- ___. "Keying Errors Caused by Unusual Keypunch Codes: Evidence from a Current Population Survey Test" (with Jay Stewart). American Statistical Association Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods, 1998, pp. 131-34.
- ___."Results from the 1995 Survey of Employer-Provided Training" (with Maury Gittleman, Michael Horrigan, and Mary Joyce). Monthly Labor Review, 121(6), June 1998, pp. 3-13.
- ___. "Formal and Informal Training: Evidence from a Matched Employee-Employer Survey" (with Maury Gittleman, Michael Horrigan, and Mary Joyce). Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth v. 9, edited by Gary Libecap, (Greenwich, Ct.: JAI Press, 1997), pp. 47-82.
- ___. "Comparing Measures of Educational Attainment in the CPS" (with Michelle Harrison Ports and Jay Stewart). Monthly Labor Review, 118(9), September 1995, pp. 40-44.
- ___. "Employer-provided Training: Results from a New Survey" (with Diane Herz and Michael Horrigan). Monthly Labor Review, 118(5), May 1995, pp. 3-17.
- ___. "Selection Bias and the Degree Effect." Journal of Human Resources 28(3), Summer 1993, pp. 538-554.
- Working Papers by Harley Frazis
Groen, Jeffrey A.
- Groen, Jeffrey A. “Employment, telework, and child remote schooling from February to May 2021: evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997” (with Alison Aughinbaugh, Mark A. Loewenstein, Donna S. Rothstein, and Hugette Sun). Monthly Labor Review, March 2023.
- ___. “Telework during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Estimates using the 2021 Business Response Survey” (with Michael Dalton). Monthly Labor Review, March 2022.
- ___. “Applying for and Receiving Unemployment Insurance Benefits during the Coronavirus Pandemic” (with Patrick Carey, Bradley Jensen, Thomas Krolik, and Anne Polivka). Monthly Labor Review, September 2021.
- ___. “The K-Shaped Recovery: Examining the Diverging Fortunes of Workers in the Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Business and Household Survey Microdata” (with Michael Dalton, Mark Loewenstein, David S. Piccone, and Anne E. Polivka), Journal of Economic Inequality, 19(3), September 2021, pp. 527-550.
- ___.“How Do Jobseekers Search for Jobs? New Data on Applications, Interviews, and Job Offers” (with Michael Dalton). Beyond the Numbers: Employment & Unemployment, vol. 9, no. 14, November 2020.
- ___. "Storms and Jobs: The Effect of Hurricanes on Individuals' Employment and Earnings over the Long Term" (with Mark Kutzbach and Anne Polivka). Journal of Labor Economics, 38(3), July 2020, pp. 653-685. [Summary of paper, Monthly Labor Review, September 2020.]
- ___. "Snooze or Lose: High School Start Times and Academic Achievement" (with Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia). Economics of Education Review, 72, October 2019, pp. 204-218. [Summary of paper, Monthly Labor Review, January 2020.]
- ___. "The Impact of Labor Demand on Time to the Doctorate," Education Finance and Policy, 11(1), 2016, pp. 43-69. [Summary of paper, Monthly Labor Review, January 2016.]
- ___. "Choosing Size Classes for Industry Employment Estimates by Firm-Size Class" (with Lowell Mason). In JSM Proceedings, Section on Government Statistics (American Statistical Association: Alexandria, VA), 2012, pp. 1927-1941.
- ___. "Sources of Error in Survey and Administrative Data: The Importance of Reporting Procedures," Journal of Official Statistics, 28(2), June 2012, pp. 173-198.
- ___. "Do Merit-Aid Programs Help States Build Skilled Workforces?" Change, 43(6), November/December 2011, pp. 33-37.
- ___. "Building Knowledge Stocks Locally: Consequences of Geographic Mobility for the Effectiveness of State Higher Education Policies." Economic Development Quarterly, 25(4), November 2011, pp. 316-329.
- ___. "Going Home after Hurricane Katrina: Determinants of Return Migration and Changes in Affected Areas" (with Anne Polivka). Demography, 47(4), November 2010, pp. 821-844.
- ___. Educating Scholars: Doctoral Education in the Humanities (with Ronald Ehrenberg, Harriet Zuckerman, and Sharon Brucker). Princeton University Press, 2009.
- ___. "Reconciling Employment Differences between Administrative and Survey Data" (with Margaret Applebaum, Kristin Fairman, and Polly Phipps). In JSM Proceedings, Survey Methods Research Section (American Statistical Association: Alexandria, VA), 2008, pp. 913-920.
- ___. "The Effect of Hurricane Katrina on the Labor Market Outcomes of Evacuees" (with Anne Polivka). American Economic Review, 98(2), May 2008, pp. 43-48.
- ___. "Hurricane Katrina Evacuees: Who They Are, Where They Are, and How They Are Faring" (with Anne Polivka). Monthly Labor Review, 131(3), March 2008, pp. 32-51.
- ___. "Program Design and Student Outcomes in Graduate Education" (with George Jakubson, Ronald Ehrenberg, Scott Condie, and Albert Liu). Economics of Education Review, 27(2), April 2008, pp. 111-124.
- ___. "Changing the Education of Scholars: An Introduction to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation's Graduate Education Initiative" (with Ronald Ehrenberg, Harriet Zuckerman, and Sharon Brucker). In Doctoral Education and the Faculty of the Future, edited by Ronald Ehrenberg and Charlotte Kuh, Cornell University Press, 2008, pp. 15-34.
- ___. "Inside the Black Box of Doctoral Education: What Program Characteristics Influence Doctoral Students' Attrition and Graduation Probabilities?" (with Ronald Ehrenberg, George Jakubson, Eric So, and Joseph Price). Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 29 (2), June 2007, pp. 134-150.
- ___. "The Changing Composition of U.S.-Citizen PhDs" (with Michael Rizzo). In Science and the University, edited by Ronald Ehrenberg and Paula Stephan, University of Wisconsin Press, 2007, pp. 177-196.
- ___. "PhD Attainment of Graduates of Selective Private Academic Institutions" (with Matthew Nagowski and Ronald Ehrenberg). Education Finance and Policy, 2 (1), Winter 2007, pp. 100-110.
- ___. "Occupation-Specific Human Capital and Local Labor Markets." Oxford Economic Papers, 58 (4), October 2006, pp. 722-741.
- ___. "In-State versus Out-of-State Students: The Divergence of Interest between Public Universities and State Governments" (with Michelle White). Journal of Public Economics, 88 (9-10), August 2004, pp. 1793-1814.
- ___. "The Effect of College Location on Migration of College-Educated Labor." Journal of Econometrics, 121 (1-2), July-August 2004, pp. 125-142.
- ___. "Trade in University Training: Cross-State Variation in the Production and Stock of College-Educated Labor" (with John Bound, Gabor Kezdi, and Sarah Turner). Journal of Econometrics, 121 (1-2), July-August 2004, pp. 143-173.
- ___. "Can Permanent-Income Theory Explain Cross-Sectional Consumption Patterns?" (with John Sabelhaus). Review of Economics and Statistics, 82 (3), August 2000, pp. 431-438.
- Working Papers by Jeffrey A. Groen
Loewenstein, Mark A.
- Loewenstein, Mark A. “Employment, telework, and child remote schooling from February to May 2021: evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997” (with Alison Aughinbaugh, Jeffrey A. Groen, Donna S. Rothstein, and Hugette Sun). Monthly Labor Review, March 2023.
- __.“The K-Shaped Recovery: Examining the Diverging Fortunes of Workers in the Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Business and Household Survey Microdata” (with Michael Dalton, Jeffrey A. Groen, David S. Piccone, and Anne E. Polivka), Journal of Economic Inequality, 19(3), September 2021, pp. 527-550.
- __.“Teleworking and lost work during the pandemic: new evidence from the CPS” (with Matthew Dey, Harley Frazis, and David S. Piccone Jr), Monthly Labor Review, July 2021.
- __.“A look at the new job-task information in the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth” (with Matthew Dey and Hugette Sun), Monthly Labor Review, May 2021.
- __.“Employment changes by employer size during the COVID-19 pandemic: a look at the Current Employment Statistics survey microdata” (with Michael Dalton and Elizabeth Weber Handwerker), Monthly Labor Review, October 2020.
- __.“Ability to work from home: evidence from two surveys and implications for the labor market in the COVID-19 pandemic” (with Matthew Dey, Harley Frazis, and Hugette Sun), Monthly Labor Review, June 2020.
- __.“Demographics, earnings, and family characteristics of workers in sectors initially affected by COVID-19 shutdowns” (with Matthew Dey, David Piccone, and Anne Polivka), Monthly Labor Review, June 2020.
- __."How many workers are employed in sectors directly affected by COVID-19 shutdowns, where do they work, and how much do they earn?" (with Matthew Dey), Monthly Labor Review, April 2020.
- __.“A quarterly benchmarking procedure for the Current Employment Statistics program” (with Matthew Dey), Monthly Labor Review, November 2017.
- __. "How Responsive are Quits to Benefits?" (with Harley Frazis), Journal of Human Resources, 48:4 (Fall 2013), 969-997.
- __. "On-the-Job Training" (with Harley Frazis), Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics, January 2007.
- __. "Reexamining the Returns to Training: Functional Form, Magnitude, and Interpretation" (with Harley Frazis), Journal of Human Resources, Spring 2005
- __. "Measurement Error in Mixed Continuous-Discrete Variables: Bounding the Estimated Return to Training" (with Harley Frazis), Journal of Econometrics, November 2003.
- __. "Search, Bargaining, and the Business Cycle," In C. Davidson and S. Woodbury (eds.), Search Theory and Unemployment. Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers 45-68, 2003.
- __. "Is the ECI sensitive to the Method of Aggregation? An Update," (with Michael K. Lettau and Steve P. Paben), Monthly Labor Review, December 2002.
- __. "Optimal Weighting of Index Components: An Application to the Employment Cost Index" (with Michael K. Lettau), Journal of Official Statistics, March 2000.
- __. "General and Specific Training: Evidence and Implications" (with James R. Spletzer), Journal of Human Resources, Fall 1999, pp. 710-733.
- __. "Formal and Informal Training: Evidence from the NLSY" (with James R. Spletzer), Research in Labor Economics, 1999.
- __. "The Division of the Costs and Returns to General Training" (with James R. Spletzer), Journal of Labor Economics, January 1998, pp. 142-171.
- __. "Dismissals and Match Specific Rents" (with Dan A. Black), Labour Economics, January 1998.
- __. "Delayed Formal On the Job Training," (with James R. Spletzer), Industrial Labor Relations Review, October 1997, pp. 82-99.
- __."Is the ECI sensitive to the Method of Aggregation?"(with Michael K. Lettau and Aaron Cushner), Monthly Labor Review, June 1997.
- __."Explaining the Differential Growth Rates of the ECI and the ECEC," (with Michael K. Lettau and Aaron Cushner), Compensation and Working Conditions, June 1997.
- __. "Auctions with Costly Acquisition of Information" (with Dan A. Black), Advances in Applied Micro-economics, 1996, pp. 41-62.
- __. "Textbook Treatments of the Financial Market in the IS-LM Model" (with John Barron), Journal of Economic Education, Spring 1996, pp. 156-169.
- __. "Optimal Bidding Contracts When Monitoring is Costly" (with Stephanie West), Rand Journal of Economics, Winter 1995.
- __."Alternative Approaches to Classifying Occupations," Proceedings of the International Occupational Classification Conference, BLS Report 833, Sept. 1993 (with Marilyn E. Manser).
- __. "Gender Differences in On-the-Job Training and Wages," Journal of Human Resources, Spring 1993 (with John M. Barron and Dan A. Black).
- __. "Strategic Cost Increases in Oligopolies", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 1991 (with Scott M. Fuess, Jr.).
- __. "Self-Enforcing Contracts with Costly Mobility (the Subgame Perfect Solution to the Chairman's Problem)," Research in Labor Economics, 1991 (with Dan A. Black).
- __. "Further Analysis of the Theory of Economic Regulation: The Case of the Underground Coal Industry" Economic Inquiry, April 1990, 355-389 (with Scott M. Fuess, Jr.).
- __. "Job Matching and On the Job Training," Journal of Labor Economics, January, 1989, 1-19 (with John Barron and Dan Black). Reprinted in The Economics of Training (Orley Ashenfelter and Robert J. LaLonde, editors) Edward Elgar Publishing, LTD, 1996.
- __. Macroeconomics, Addison Wesley, 1988 (with John M. Barron and Gerald Lynch).
- __. "Taxes and Financial Leasing," Quarterly Review of Economics and Business, vol 28, no.1, 1988, pp. 21-38 (with James E. McClure).
- __. "Further Analysis of the Effects of Unions on Training," Journal of Political Economy, vol 95, no. 3, 1987, pp. 632-640 (with John M. Barron and Scott M. Fuess).
- __. "Employer Size: The Implications for Search, Training, Capital Investment, and Wages," Journal of Labor Economics, vol 5, no. 1, 1987, pp. 76-89 (with John M. Barron and Dan A.Black).
- __. "Managing the Lease-Sell Decision to Reduce Agency Costs," Sloan Journal of Management, Spring 1986, 77-82 (with James E. McClure).
- __. "On Imperfect Evaluation and Earning Differentials", Economic Inquiry, vol. 24, 1986, 595-614 (with John M. Barron).
- __. "Predatory Pricing: The Case of the Retail Gasoline Market" Contemporary Policy Issues, vol 3, no. 3, 1985, pp. 131-139 (with John M. Barron and John R. Umbeck).
- __. "On Employer-Specific Information and Internal Labor Markets," Southern Economic Journal, vol. 52, 1985, pp. 431-444 (with John M. Barron).
- __. "On Recalls, Layoffs, Variable Hours, and Labor Adjustment Costs," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 8, 1984, pp. 265-275 (with John M. Barron and Dan A. Black).
- __. "Adjustment Costs and Aggregate Demand Theory: A Note," Economica, vol. 50, 1983, pp. 361-364 (with John M. Barron and Dan A. Black), August, 1983, 361-364.
- __. "Worker Heterogeneity, Hours Restrictions, and Temporary Layoffs," Econometrica, vol. 51, no. 1, 1983, pp. 69-78.
- Working Papers by Mark A. Loewenstein
Mason, Lowell G.
- Mason, Lowell G. "A Comparison of Record Linkage Techniques", was published in the JSM proceedings in 2018.
- ____."What happens to the Employers involved in Mass Layoffs?" (with Elizabeth Weber Handwerker), was published in the Southern Economic Journal in 2018.
- ____."Assessing the Usefulness of Census Bureau Multi-Establishment Data to Facilitate Linking Firms with Establishments in BLS Microdata". In JSM Proceedings, Section on Government Statistics (American Statistical Association: Alexandria, VA), 2014, pp. 4384-4391.
- ____"Linking firms with establishments in BLS microdata" (with Elizabeth Weber Handwerker), Monthly Labor Review, 136(6), June 2013, pp. 14-22.
- ____."Choosing Size Classes for Industry Employment Estimates by Firm-Size Class" (with Jeffrey Groen). In JSM Proceedings, Section on Government Statistics (American Statistical Association: Alexandria, VA), 2012, pp. 1927-1941.
- ____."Which Layoffs?and Which Laid-off Workers?are in the Mass Layoff Statistics?" (with Elizabeth Weber Handwerker), Monthly Labor Review, 135(10), October 2012, pp. 17-27.
- ____."Domestic employment in U.S.-based multinational companies (with Elizabeth Weber Handwerker, and Mina M. Kim). Monthly Labor Review 134(10), October 2011, pp. 3-15.
- Working Papers by Lowell G. Mason
Piccone Jr., David.
- Piccone Jr., David. “Were wages converging during the 2010s expansion?" (with Matthew Dey and Elizabeth Weber Handwerker), Monthly Labor Review, June 2022.
- ____.“The K-Shaped Recovery: Examining the Diverging Fortunes of Workers in the Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Business and Household Survey Microdata” (with Michael Dalton, Jeffrey A. Groen, Mark Loewenstein, and Anne E. Polivka), Journal of Economic Inequality, 19(3), September 2021, pp. 527-550.
- ____."The Life Cycle of Businesses and Their Internal Organization" (with Elizabeth Weber Handwerker and Sara Moreira), AEA Papers and Proceedings 2021, 111: 587–592
- ____.“Teleworking and lost work during the pandemic: new evidence from the CPS” (with Matthew Dey, Harley Frazis, and Mark A. Loewenstein), Monthly Labor Review, July 2021.
- ____.“Demographics, earnings, and family characteristics of workers in sectors initially affected by COVID-19 shutdowns” (with Matthew Dey, Mark A. Loewenstein, and Anne Polivka), Monthly Labor Review, June 2020.
- ____."Occupational employment and wage differences across cohorts of establishments" (with Elizabeth Weber Handwerker and Beth Cross), January 2020.
- ____."Model-based estimates for the Occupational Employment Statistics program", (with Matthew Dey and Stephen M. Miller), Monthly Labor Review, August 2019.
Polivka, Anne
- Polivka, Anne. “Applying for and Receiving Unemployment Insurance Benefits during the Coronavirus Pandemic” (with Patrick Carey, Jeffrey Groen, Bradley Jensen, and Thomas Krolik). Monthly Labor Review, September 2021.
- ___. “The K-Shaped Recovery: Examining the Diverging Fortunes of Workers in the Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Business and Household Survey Microdata” (with Michael Dalton, Jeffrey A. Groen, Mark Loewenstein, and David S. Piccone), Journal of Economic Inequality, 19(3), September 2021, pp. 527-550.
- ___. "Storms and Jobs: The Effect of Hurricanes on Individuals' Employment and Earnings over the Long Term" (with Jeffrey Groen and Mark Kutzbach). Journal of Labor Economics, 38(3), July 2020, pp. 653-685. [Summary of paper, Monthly Labor Review, September 2020.]
- ___.“How Did the 2005 Hurricanes Affect Individuals’ Long-Term Earnings?” (with Jeffrey Groen and Mark J. Kutzbach). Monthly Labor Review, September 2020.
- ___.“Demographics, earnings, and family characteristics of workers in sectors initially affected by COVID-19 shutdowns” (with Matthew Dey, Mark A. Loewenstein, and David Piccone), Monthly Labor Review, June 2020.
- ___. "Manufacturers' Outsourcing to Staffing Services". (with Susan Houseman and Matthew Dey). Industrial and Labor Relations Review (ILRReview) vol 65, No. 3 (July) 2012 pp. 533-559.
- ___. "What Do We Know about Contracting Out in the United States?" (with Matthew Dey and Susan Houseman). In Labor in the New Economy, edited by Katharine Abraham, James Spletzer, and Mike Harper. NBER studies in Income and Wealth, University of Chicago Press. 2010.
- ___. "Going Home after Hurricane Katrina: Determinants of Return Migration and Changes in Affected Areas" (with Jeffrey Groen). Demography, 47(4), November 2010, pp. 821-844.
- ___. "Day, Evening and Night Workers: A Comparison of What They Do in Their Nonwork Hours and with Whom They Interact." In How Do We Spend Our Time? Evidence from the American Time Use Survey, Jean Kimmel, editor. Upjohn Institute, 2008 pp. 141-176.
- ___. "The Effect of Hurricane Katrina on the Labor Market Outcomes of Evacuees" (with Jeffrey A. Groen). American Economic Review, 98(2), May 2008, pp. 43-48.
- ___. "Hurricane Katrina Evacuees: Who They Are, Where They Are, and How They Are Faring" (with Jeffrey A. Groen). Monthly Labor Review, 131(3), March 2008, pp. 32-51.
- ___. "The Implications of Flexible Staffing Arrangements for Job Stability" (with Susan Houseman). In On the Job: Is Long-term Employment a Thing of the Past, edited by David Neumark, Russell Sage Foundations, 2000.
- ___. "Definition, Composition, and Economic Consequences of the Nonstandard Work Force" (with Sharon R. Cohany, and Steven Hipple). In Nonstandard Work: The Nature and Challenges of Changing Employment Arrangements, edited by Francoise Carre, Marianne Ferber, Lonnie Golden and Stephen Herzenberg, Industrial Relations Research Association Series, 2000.
- ___. "Revisions to the Current Population Survey Effective in January 2003" (with Mary Bowler, Randy Ilg, Stephen Miller, Ed Robison). Employment and Earnings, February 2003.
- ___. "Using Earnings Data from the Monthly Current Population Survey." Revised version presented at Southern Economics Meetings, 2000, Original Version presented at American Economics Association Meeting 2000.
- ___. "Are Temporary Help Agency Workers Substitutes for Direct Hire Temps? Searching for an Alternative Explanation of Growth in the Temporary Help Industry." Presented at the Society of Labor Economist Meetings.
- ___. "The CPS after the Redesign: Refocusing the Economic Lens," (with Stephen M. Miller). Labor Statistics Measurement Issues; Studies in Income and Wealth Volume 60, Edited by John Haltiwanger, Marilyn E. Manser and Robert Topel, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1998.
- ___. "Counting the Workers: Results of a First Survey" (with Sharon R. Cohany, Steven F. Hipple, Thomas J. Nardone, and Jay C. Stewart). In Contingent Work: American Employment Relations in Transition, edited by Kathleen Barker and Kathleen Christensen, 1998.
- ___."Contingent and alternative work arrangements, defined" Monthly Labor Review, 119(10), October 1996, pp.3-9.
- ___."A profile of contingent workers" Monthly Labor Review, 119(10), October 1996, pp.10-21.
- ___."Into contingent and alternative employment: by choice" Monthly Labor Review, 119(10), October, 1996, pp 55-74.
- ___. "Data Watch: The Redesigned Current Population Survey." Journal of Economic Perspectives, Volume 10, Number 3, Summer 1996.
- ___. "Diagnostics for Redesigning Questionnaires" (with Elizabeth Martin). Public Opinion Quarterly, 59(4), Winter 1995.
- ___."Overhauling the Current Population Survey: Redesigning the questionnaire" (with Jennifer Rothgeb). Monthly Labor Review, 116(9), September, 1993, pp. 10-28.
- ___."On the Definition of 'contingent work'" (with Thomas Nardone). Monthly Labor Review, December, 112(12), 1989, pp. 9-14.
- Working Papers by Anne Polivka
Rothstein, Donna S.
- Rothstein, Donna S. “Employment, telework, and child remote schooling from February to May 2021: evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997” (with Alison Aughinbaugh, Jeffrey A. Groen, Mark A. Loewenstein, and Hugette Sun). Monthly Labor Review, March 2023.
- ___.“Noncompete agreements, bargaining, and wages: evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997” (with Evan Starr). Monthly Labor Review, June 2022.
- ___.“How did employment change during the COVID-19 pandemic? Evidence from a new BLS survey supplement” (with Alison Aughinbaugh) Beyond the Numbers: Employment & Unemployment, January 2022.
- ___."Male prime-age nonworkers: evidence from the NLSY97" Monthly Labor Review, December 2020.
- ___.“Men who do not work during their prime years: What do the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth data reveal?” Beyond the Numbers: Employment & Unemployment, August 2019.
- ___."Leaving a job during the Great Recession: evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979" Monthly Labor Review, December 2018.
- ___."Cohort Profile: The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79)" (with Deborah Carr and Elizabeth Cooksey). July 2018. International Journal of Epidemiology: pp. 1-6.
- ___. "Attrition and Its Implications in The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979" (with Alison Aughinbaugh and Charles R. Pierret). 2017. JSM Proceedings, Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association: pp.1297-1311.
- ___."An analysis of long-term unemployment." Monthly Labor Review, July 2016.
- ___. "Do Cognitive Skills Moderate the Influence of Neighborhood Disadvantage on Subsequent Educational Attainment?" (with Alison Aughinbaugh). 2015. Economics of Education Review, 44: pp. 83-99.
- ___."The National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth: research highlights" (with Alison Aughinbaugh and Charles R. Pierret). Monthly Labor Review, September 2015.
- ___. "Breastfeeding and Children's Early Cognitive Outcomes." 2013. Review of Economics and Statistics, 95(3): pp. 919-31.
- ___. "Can't Get There from Here: The Decision to Apply to a Selective College" (with Amanda L. Griffith). 2009. Economics of Education Review, 28(5): pp. 620-28.
- ___. "High School Employment and Youths' Academic Achievement." 2007. Journal of Human Resources, 42(1): pp. 194-213.
- ___. "Do School-to-Work Programs Help the "Forgotten Half?" (with David Neumark). 2007. in Improving School-to-Work Transitions, ed. David Neumark. Russell Sage Foundation. Also NBER Working Paper #11636.
- ___. "School-to-Career Programs and Transitions to Employment and Higher Education." (with David Neumark). 2006. Economics of Education Review, 25: pp. 374-93. Also NBER Working Paper #10060.
- ___. "The Impact of Family Structure Transitions on Youth Achievement: Evidence from the Children of the NLSY79" (with Alison Aughinbaugh and Charles R. Pierret). August 2005. Demography, 42(3): pp. 447-68.
- ___. "The Impact of Worker and Establishment-level Characteristics on Male-Female Wage Differentials: Evidence from Danish Matched Employee-Employer Data." (with Nabanita Datta Gupta). 2005. Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 19(1): pp. 1-34.
- ___."Youth Employment during School: Results from Two Longitudinal Surveys." Monthly Labor Review, 124(8), August 2001, pp. 25-37.
- ___."Youth Employment in the United States." Monthly Labor Review, 124(8), August 2001, pp. 6-17.
- ___. "Data Watch: The National Longitudinal Surveys" (with Michael R. Pergamit, Charles R. Pierret, and Jonathan R. Veum). Spring 2001. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 15(2): pp. 239-53.
- ___. "Supervisory Status and Upper-Level Supervisory Responsibilities: Evidence from the NLSY79." 2001. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 54(3): pp. 663-80.
- ___. "The Newest National Longitudinal Survey: The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1997" (with Julie A. Yates). 1999. Industrial Relations, 38(4): pp. 604-10.
- ___. "Do Historically Black Colleges and Universities Enhance the College Attendance of African American Youths?" (with Ronald G. Ehrenberg and Robert B. Olsen). 1999. In A Nation Divided: Diversity, Inequality, and Community in American Society, ed. Phyllis Moen, Donna Dempster-McClain, and Henry A. Walker, Cornell University Press.
- ___. "Early Career Supervisor Gender and the Labor Market Outcomes of Young Workers." 1997. In Gender and Family Issues in the Workplace, ed. Francine D. Blau and Ronald G. Ehrenberg, Russell Sage Foundation.
- ___."Entry Into and Consequences of Nonstandard Work Arrangements." Monthly Labor Review, 119(10), October 1996, pp. 75-82.
- ___. "Do Female Faculty Influence Female Students' Educational and Labor Market Attainments?" 1995. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 48(3): pp. 515-30.
- ___. "Do Historically Black Institutions of Higher Education Confer Unique Advantages on Black Students: An Initial Analysis" (with Ronald G. Ehrenberg). 1994. In Choices and Consequences: Contemporary Policy Issues in Education, ed. Ronald G. Ehrenberg, ILR Press. Also NBER Working Paper no. 4356.
- Working Papers by Donna S. Rothstein
Sun, Hugette S.
- Sun, Hugette S. “Employment, telework, and child remote schooling from February to May 2021: evidence from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997” (with Alison Aughinbaugh, Jeffrey A. Groen, Mark A. Loewenstein, and Donna S. Rothstein). Monthly Labor Review, March 2023.
- ___.“Can Economic Incentives for Joint Custody Harm Children of Divorced Parents? Evidence from State Variation in Child Support Laws” (with Daniel Fernández Kranz and Jennifer Roff) 2021. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 189: 1-27.
- ___.“A look at the new job-task information in the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth” (with Matthew Dey and Mark A. Loewenstein), Monthly Labor Review, May 2021.
- ___.“Ability to work from home: evidence from two surveys and implications for the labor market in the COVID-19 pandemic” (with Matthew Dey, Harley Frazis, and Mark A. Loewenstein), Monthly Labor Review, June 2020.
- ___."Fertility of women in the NLSY79" (with Alison Aughinbaugh). Monthly Labor Review, April 2016.
- ___."Marriage and Divorce: Patterns by Gender, Race, and Educational Attainment (with Alison Aughinbaugh and Omar Robles). Monthly Labor Review, October 2013.
- Working Papers by Hugette S. Sun
Yates, Julie A.
Last Modified Date: November 26, 2024