Pay and Benefits
Clicking on a 'More' button below will show you the most frequently used links for topical geographic data.
Employer Costs for Employee Compensation
Data on labor dollar costs by various benefit types at a given point in time.
Employer Costs for Employee Compensation ()
Employer Costs for Employee Compensation
Data on labor dollar costs by various benefit types at a given point in time.
Employer Costs for Employee Compensation ()
ECEC Selected Metropolitan Areas ()
International Labor Comparisons
The International Labor Comparisons program publishes comparative statistical information on labor conditions and developments abroad. Comparisons are provided for productivity, gross domestic product, hourly compensation, consumer prices, labor force and unemployment.
Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages
Comprehensive employment and wage data by industry and geographic area for workers covered by State Unemployment Insurance laws.
Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages
Comprehensive employment and wage data by industry and geographic area for workers covered by State Unemployment Insurance laws.
Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages
Comprehensive employment and wage data by industry and geographic area for workers covered by State Unemployment Insurance laws.
Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages
Comprehensive employment and wage data by industry and geographic area for workers covered by State Unemployment Insurance laws.
Occupational Employment Statistics
Data on employment and wages for over 800 occupations and for about 400 nonfarm industries for the nation, plus occupational data for States and metropolitan areas.
Occupational Employment Statistics
Data on employment and wages for over 800 occupations and for about 400 nonfarm industries for the nation, plus occupational data for States and metropolitan areas.
Occupational Employment Statistics
Data on employment and wages for over 800 occupations and for about 400 nonfarm industries for the nation, plus occupational data for States and metropolitan areas.
Nonfarm Payroll Statistics from the Current Employment Statistics (National)
Monthly national data by detailed industry on employment, hours, and earnings of workers on the payrolls of nonfarm establishments.
National Compensation Survey
Designed to integrate data from separate BLS compensation surveys.
Employee Benefits: Participation and Selected Costs
Comprehensive data on incidence and provisions of selected employee benefit plans.
Employee Benefits in the United States () and Health and Retirement Plan Provisions ()
Employment Cost Index
Quarterly indexes measuring change over time in labor costs.
Employment Cost Index ()
ECI Selected Metropolitan Areas (News Release ) or (Historical Listing )
Employment Cost Index
Quarterly indexes measuring change over time in labor costs.
Employment Cost Index ()
State and Area Employment and Earnings
Monthly data on employment, hours, and earnings by industry and geographic area.
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
Median weekly and hourly earnings by demographic characteristics.
Data search tool
Work Stoppages
Provides monthly and annual data and analysis of major work stoppages involving 1,000 workers or more workers lasting one full shift or longer.
Data search tools
Modeled Wage Estimates
Annual estimates of average hourly wages for occupations by selected job characteristics and work levels.