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Archived articles from The Economics Daily— Occupational Safety and Health
- 4,679 fatal work injuries in 2014 (09/23/2015)
- Fatal falls in the private construction industry, 2003–2013 (05/15/2015)
- Fatal injuries in U.S. workplaces fall over the last two decades (04/28/2015)
- Injuries and illness among state and local government bus drivers (02/26/2015)
- Work-related injuries involving days away from work in 2013 (12/31/2014)
- Nonfatal workplace injury and illness rates down over the past decade (12/10/2014)
- Fatal occupational injuries by day of week and month, 1992–2011 (12/01/2014)
- Highest fatal injury rate (22.2 per 100,000) in agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, 2013 (09/15/2014)
- Trends in fatal injuries in the workplace, 1992–2011 (04/28/2014)
- 962 occupational road construction site deaths, 2003–2010 (01/03/2014)
- Older workers less likely to have severe work injuries, but they miss more work days to recover (12/30/2013)
- Fatal occupational injuries at road construction sites, 2003–2010 (12/04/2013)
- Rate of severe occupational injuries and illnesses declines in 2012 (12/02/2013)
- Workplace injuries trend downward over last decade (11/14/2013)
- Fatal work injuries by event or exposure in 2012 (08/28/2013)
- Workplace fatalities in construction increase for the first time since 2006 (08/27/2013)
- Fatal work injuries in mining in 2010 (01/29/2013)
- Work injuries and illnesses of local government firefighters in 2009 (12/07/2012)
- State nonfatal occupational injury and illness incidence rates, private industry, 2011 (12/05/2012)
- Work injuries and illnesses requiring days away from work in 2011 (11/14/2012)
- Private industry workplace injury and illness rate unchanged in 2011 (10/31/2012)
- Fatal work injuries decrease in construction, increase in transportation and warehousing in 2011 (09/26/2012)
- Fatal injuries among fishing workers, 2003–2009 (08/23/2012)
- Workplace safety for security guards (03/09/2012)
- Homicides in retail trade, 2003–2008 (01/04/2012)
- Fatal occupational injuries in retail trade, 2003–2008 (12/13/2011)
- Nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses requiring days away from work in 2010 (11/17/2011)
- Private industry workplace injuries and illnesses decline in 2010 (10/26/2011)
- Fatal occupational injuries by incident in 2010 (08/30/2011)
- Fatal occupational injuries in 2010 (08/29/2011)
- Workplace fatalities in mining, 2004–2008 (08/01/2011)
- Number and incidence rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses by occupation, 2009 (07/13/2011)
- Nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses among food and beverage servers in 2008 (04/01/2011)
- Nonfatal injuries and illnesses in State and local government industries, 2008 (03/03/2011)
- Workplace injuries involving the eyes, 2008 (03/02/2011)
- Fatal occupational injuries among volunteer workers, 2003–07 (12/30/2010)
- Fatal occupational injuries at road construction sites, 1995–2007 (12/08/2010)
- Nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses requiring days away from work decrease in 2009 (11/18/2010)
- Private industry workplace injuries and illnesses decline in 2009 (10/28/2010)
- Fatal occupational injuries in 2009 (08/24/2010)
- Nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses requiring days away from work for State government and local government workers, 2008 (03/04/2010)
- Injuries and illnesses resulting in days away from work by age in 2008 (12/02/2009)
- Illnesses and injuries among State and local government workers in 2008 (11/04/2009)
- Declines in occupational illnesses and injuries in 2008 (11/03/2009)
- Types of fatal occupational injuries in 2008 (08/27/2009)
- Fatal work injuries in 2008 (08/24/2009)
- Occupational injuries and illnesses, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands (12/29/2008)
- Musculoskeletal disorders and days away from work in 2007 (12/02/2008)
- Jobs with most injuries and illnesses resulting in days away from work (12/01/2008)
- Injuries and illnesses resulting in days away from work by age in 2007 (11/21/2008)
- Workplace injury and illness rates by industry in 2007 (10/27/2008)
- Injury and illness rate down again in 2007 (10/24/2008)
- On-the-job fatalities due to falls in 2007 (08/28/2008)
- Workplace homicides in 2007 (08/26/2008)
- Fatal work injuries in 2007 (08/21/2008)
- Coal mining fatalities (07/03/2008)
- Distribution of days away from work due to workplace injuries and illnesses, 2006 (11/27/2007)
- Injuries and illness resulting in days away from work by age in 2006 (11/09/2007)
- Occupational injuries and illnesses and establishment size (10/26/2007)
- Decline in injuries and illnesses rates continued in 2006 (10/17/2007)
- Railroad-related work fatalities (09/13/2007)
- Fatal on-the-job highway incidents in 2006 (09/06/2007)
- Age and fatal work injuries in 2006 (08/20/2007)
- Workplace homicides declined in 2006 (08/14/2007)
- Fatal work injuries in 2006 (08/10/2007)
- Workplace injuries and illnesses among mechanics (05/30/2007)
- Sprains and strains again most common workplace injury (11/20/2006)
- Workplace violence prevention programs and policies (10/31/2006)
- Workplace violence in 2005 (10/30/2006)
- Incidence rates of nonfatal occupational illnesses by industry, 2005 (10/25/2006)
- Injuries and illnesses rates down again in 2005 (10/20/2006)
- Hurricanes and workplace fatalities, 2005 (08/15/2006)
- Fatal work injuries in 2005 (08/11/2006)
- Workplace injuries and illnesses among nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides (07/03/2006)
- Distribution of days away from work due to workplace injuries and illnesses, 2004 (12/20/2005)
- Age and injuries and illnesses resulting in days away from work, 2004 (12/14/2005)
- Workplace fatalities among Asian workers (12/01/2005)
- Injury and illness rate up in the utilities industry (11/28/2005)
- Injury and illness rates down in 2004 (11/22/2005)
- Age, on-the-job injuries and illnesses, and days away from work (11/15/2005)
- Fatal on-the-job highway incidents in 2004 (09/20/2005)
- Fatal work injuries by occupation in 2004 (09/13/2005)
- Workplace homicides declined in 2004 (09/01/2005)
- Age and fatal work injuries in 2004 (08/30/2005)
- Fatal work injuries in 2004 (08/26/2005)
- Fatal on-the-job injuries by age in 2003 (08/25/2005)
- Length of work absences due to injuries and illnesses, 2003 (04/07/2005)
- Sprains and strains most common workplace injury (04/01/2005)
- Injuries and illnesses resulting in days away from work, 2003 (03/31/2005)
- Comparing old and new statistics on workplace injuries and illnesses (01/25/2005)
- On-the-job fatalities at road construction sites (01/04/2005)
- Days away from work, job transfer, or restriction due to injuries and illnesses, 2003 (01/03/2005)
- Occupational injuries and illnesses by industry, 2003 (12/15/2004)
- Multiple-fatality rate highest in government (12/14/2004)
- Lost-worktime injuries and illnesses by day of week, 2002 (12/03/2004)
- Work-related multiple-fatality incidents, 1995-99 (11/24/2004)
- Fatal work injuries from accidental gunshot wounds (10/28/2004)
- Fatal work injuries by occupation, 2003 (10/08/2004)
- Fatal occupational injuries by industry, 2003 (09/30/2004)
- Fatal work injuries in 2003 (09/23/2004)
- Fatalities among professional athletes (08/17/2004)
- Foreign-born workers and on-the-job fatalities by industry (06/30/2004)
- Occupational fatalities: self-employed workers and wage and salary workers (04/12/2004)
- Occupations with most lost-time injuries and illnesses (03/31/2004)
- Repetitive motion results in longest work absences (03/30/2004)
- Events causing occupational injuries (03/26/2004)
- Days away from work, job transfer, or restriction due to injuries and illnesses, 2002 (01/02/2004)
- Workplace injuries by industry, 2002 (12/22/2003)
- Most cases of repeated-trauma disorder are in manufacturing (12/18/2003)
- Fatal occupational injuries by industry, 2002 (10/02/2003)
- Most frequent types of work-related fatalities in 2002 (09/24/2003)
- Fatal work injuries count lower in 2002 (09/22/2003)
- Longest work absences result from repetitive motion (04/04/2003)
- Sources of lost-worktime injuries and illnesses in 2001 (04/02/2003)
- Lost-worktime injuries by age (03/31/2003)
- Jobs with the most lost-time injuries (03/28/2003)
- Incidence of injuries with days away from work down again in 2001 (01/03/2003)
- Injuries and illnesses in goods-producing and service-producing industries in 2001 (12/23/2002)
- On-the-job injuries and illnesses rate at new low (12/20/2002)
- Fatal on-the-job highway incidents rise in 2001 (10/10/2002)
- Work-related fatalities up in construction industry (10/03/2002)
- September 11 raises fatal work injury toll in 2001 (09/26/2002)
- Worker fatalities in eating and drinking places (06/18/2002)
- On-the-job injuries in eating and drinking places (06/17/2002)
- Repetitive motion leads to longest work absences (05/01/2002)
- Truck drivers again have the most lost-time injuries (04/24/2002)
- Injuries and illnesses that resulted in time away from work in 2000 (04/11/2002)
- About 1 in 5 toxicology reports positive in occupational fatalities (04/02/2002)
- Use of respirators in the workplace (03/21/2002)
- Two-thirds of occupational illnesses are repeated trauma cases (01/10/2002)
- Consumer health care spending increases faster (01/03/2002)
- Incidence of injuries with days away from work edged down in 2000 (01/02/2002)
- Injuries and illnesses in goods producing and service producing industries in 2000 (12/26/2001)
- Rate of on-the-job injuries and illnesses at record low (12/19/2001)
- Increase in job-related homicides in 2000 (08/28/2001)
- Work-related fatalities decrease in construction industry (08/24/2001)
- Decline in fatal on-the-job highway incidents (08/21/2001)
- Fatal work injuries in 2000 (08/15/2001)
- Sources of lost-worktime injuries and illnesses (04/04/2001)
- Days away from work highest for carpal tunnel syndrome (04/02/2001)
- Truck drivers have the most lost-time injuries (03/29/2001)
- Insect bites, stings cause thousands of workplace injuries (02/06/2001)
- Animal attacks and on-the-job fatalities (01/25/2001)
- Another decrease in days away from work due to workplace injuries and illnesses (12/26/2000)
- Injuries and illnesses in goods-producing and service-producing industries in 1999 (12/21/2000)
- Decline in on-the-job injuries and illnesses continues (12/19/2000)
- Job-related homicides continue to decline (08/25/2000)
- On-the-job deaths due to falls in 1999 (08/22/2000)
- Fatal work injuries in 1999 (08/18/2000)
- Risk of lost worktime injuries for youth (07/27/2000)
- Sprains, strains by far the most common injuries resulting in time away from work (05/04/2000)
- National Security largest component of work-related aircraft fatalities (05/03/2000)
- Fatal and nonfatal falls in the workplace (05/01/2000)
- Taxicabs have by far the greatest work-related homicide risk (04/27/2000)
- Lost-worktime injuries and illnesses (04/24/2000)
- Decline in work-related homicides (04/19/2000)
- Highest risk of falls in construction (04/18/2000)
- Robbery by far the most common motive for work-related homicides (04/12/2000)
- Work-related homicide rates highest among cabbies, cops (04/05/2000)
- Largest number of truckdriver highway fatalities occurred in Texas in 1998 (02/24/2000)
- Collisions are the most common cause of truckdriver fatalities (02/11/2000)
- Truckdriver highway fatalities most common in summer (02/04/2000)
- Eighth consecutive drop in incidence of days away from work due to workplace injuries and illnesses (12/28/1999)
- Injuries and illnesses in goods-producing and service-producing sectors (12/21/1999)
- Rate of on-the-job injuries and illnesses continues to decline (12/17/1999)
- Industries with the most cases of occupational stress (10/27/1999)
- Toxicology reports and workplace deaths (10/26/1999)
- Rate of occupational injuries and illnesses in construction drops by 38 percent in 1976-97 (10/21/1999)
- Occupational stress and time away from work (10/20/1999)
- Working in manufacturing safer over the past two decades (10/18/1999)
- White-collar workers account for most cases of occupational stress (10/14/1999)
- Decline in cases of occupational stress (10/13/1999)
- Hospitals have highest number of occupational injuries (08/18/1999)
- Rate of fatal work injuries rises with age (08/17/1999)
- Most reported occupational illnesses are repeated-trauma disorders (08/13/1999)
- Fatal work injuries at seven-year low (08/11/1999)
- Meat packing plants have the highest rate of repeated-trauma disorders (08/05/1999)
- Nonfatal injuries to young workers (08/04/1999)
- Hazards of refuse collection (07/28/1999)
- Workdays lost to injury in manufacturing (07/27/1999)
- Youths and on-the-job danger (07/15/1999)
- Fatalities among firefighters (07/09/1999)
- Blue-collar workers earn more of compensation in benefits than other workers (07/06/1999)
- How risky is police work? (07/02/1999)
- Five days away from work is median for injury or illness (05/04/1999)
- Lost-worktime injuries decline from 1993 to 1997 (04/26/1999)
- Manufacturing leads industries in nonfatal injuries and illnesses (04/16/1999)
- Sprains, strains, and tears most frequent time-lost work injury (04/12/1999)
- More fatalities from being caught in machinery in 1997 (01/12/1999)
- Most dangerous occupation of 1997? Timber cutting (01/04/1999)
- Injuries and illnesses with lost workdays declining (12/28/1998)
- Injury and illness incidence rate lowest on record (12/18/1998)
- Highway fatalities on-the-job reach all-time high in 1997 (10/09/1998)
- Job-related deaths are less likely for women (09/30/1998)