An official website of the United States government
The Employment Projections (EP) program publishes 10-year projections of national employment by industry and occupation based on analysis of historical and current economic data for the labor market, the macroeconomy, and industrial activity.
This page describes historical releases. The latest projections can be found at:
Changes to classifications can make it difficult to compare industries or occupations over time. Classifications need to be updated periodically so they can accurately describe the economy, and these changes can result in comparability issues which are not always obvious.
Changes to methods can mean that certain estimates do not describe the same concepts or populations over time.
Projections are influenced by history up to the point the projections are published and incorporate then-current expectations about the future. Future events which stray from those expectations may invalidate assumptions made in published projections.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics periodically publishes evaluations of its projections.
The 2019-2029 projections set was the first set of projections published annually. Prior to this, projections were released on a biennial schedule. The downloadable files below are compressed files (.ZIP) that contain available materials from historical projections releases.
Last Modified Date: August 29, 2024