Consumer Expenditure Surveys

Monthly Labor Review Articles by CE Staff and Others Using CE Data
- SNAP participation and food-at-home expenditures through the Great Recession: United States and the New York Area (HTML) (PDF)
- by Donka Mirtcheva Brodersen, Lisa Boily, Geoffrey Paulin, and Cynthia Gillham
- January 2022
- Assessing Consumer Expenditure Surveys data quality through the lens of data use (HTML) (PDF)
- by Adam Safir and Daniel Dorfman
- November 2021
- Consumer Expenditure Survey Methods Symposium and Microdata Users’ Workshop, July 21–24, 2020 (HTML) (PDF)
- by Geoffrey Paulin and Parvati Krishnamurty
- June 2021
- A framework for the evaluation and use of alternative data in the Consumer Expenditure Surveys (HTML) (PDF)
- by Laura Erhard, Brett McBride, and Adam Safir
- February 2021
- Changes in consumer behaviors and financial well-being during the coronavirus pandemic: results from the U.S. Household Pulse Survey (HTML) (PDF)
- by Thesia I. Garner, Adam Safir, and Jake Schild
- December 2020
- Comparing characteristics and selected expenditures of dual- and single-income households with children (HTML) (PDF)
- by Julie Sullivan
- September 2020
- Consumer Expenditure Survey Methods Symposium and Microdata Users' Workshop, July 16-19, 2019 (HTML) (PDF)
- by Geoffrey Paulin and Parvati Krishnamurty
- April 2020
- Not fun for young and old alike: how the youngest and oldest consumers have fared in recession and recovery (HTML) (PDF)
- by Geoffrey Paulin
- June 2019
- Consumer Expenditure Survey Methods Symposium and Microdata Users' Workshop, July 17-20, 2018 (HTML) (PDF)
- by Geoffrey Paulin and Parvati Krishnamurty
- May 2019
- Consumer Expenditure Survey Methods Symposium and Microdata Users' Workshop, July 18-21, 2017 (HTML) (PDF)
- by Geoffrey Paulin and Parvati Krishnamurty
- June 2018
- Fun facts about Millennials: comparing expenditure patterns from the latest through the Greatest generation (HTML) (PDF)
- by Geoffrey Paulin
- March 2018
- Program participation and spending patterns of families receiving government means-tested assistance (HTML) (PDF)
- by Ann Foster and Arcenis Rojas
- January 2018
- Consumer Expenditure Surveys Methods Symposium and Microdata Users’ Workshop, July 12-15, 2016 (HTML) (PDF)
- by Geoffrey Paulin and Nhien To
- May 2017
- Consumer Expenditure Survey Methods Symposium and Microdata Users’ Workshop, 2015 (HTML) (PDF)
- by Geoffrey Paulin and Nhien To
- June 2016
- The Consumer Expenditure Survey redesign initiative (HTML) (PDF)
- by Adam Safir, Jay Ryan, Laura Erhard, Lindsay Jilk, and Lucilla Tan
- April 2016
- Consumer spending in World War II: the forgotten consumer expenditure surveys (HTML) (PDF)
- by Steven W. Henderson
- August 2015
- Consumer Expenditure Survey Microdata Users’ Workshop and Survey Methods Symposium, 2014 (HTML) (PDF)
- by Geoffrey Paulin and Ian Elkin
- July 2015
- Improving data quality in Consumer Expenditure Survey with TAXSIM (HTML) (PDF)
- by Geoffrey Paulin and William Hawk
- March 2015
- Travel expenditures, 2005-2013: domestic and international patterns in recession and recovery (HTML) (PDF)
- by Geoffrey Paulin
- March 2015
- Imputing income in the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey (HTML) (PDF)
- by Jonathan Fisher, David Johnson, and Timothy Smeeding
- November 2014
- Consumption patterns and economic status of older households in the United States (HTML) (PDF)
- by Seonglim Lee, Sang-Hee Sohn, Eunyoung Rhee, Yoon G. Lee and Hua Zan
- September 2014
- Consumer Expenditure Survey Microdata Users’ Workshop and Survey Methods Symposium, 2013 (HTML) (PDF)
- by Geoffrey D. Paulin and Ian Elkin
- April 2014
- Investment in higher education by race and ethnicity (HTML) (PDF)
- by Tian Luo and Richard J. Holden
- March 2014
- Research highlights of the Consumer Expenditure Survey redesign (HTML) (PDF)
- by Jennifer Edgar, Adam Safir and Brett McBride
- September 2013
- Recent trends in spending patterns of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program participants and other low-income Americans (HTML) (PDF)
- by James Mabli and Rosalie Malsberger
- September 2013
- Consumer Expenditure Survey Microdata Users' Workshop, July 2012 (PDF)
- by Geoffrey D. Paulin and Ian J. Elkin
- April 2013
- Wife's employment and allocation of resources in families with children (PDF)
- by Ann C. Foster and Craig J. Kreisler
- September 2012
- Measuring annual change in household wealth with the Consumer Expenditure Survey (PDF)
- by Jeffrey D. Lundy
- May 2012
- No longer tax exempt: income tax calculation in the Consumer Expenditure Survey (PDF)
- Consumer Expenditure Survey Microdata Users' Workshop, July 2011 (PDF)
- by Geoffrey Paulin
- April 2012
- Consumer Expenditure Survey Microdata Users’ Workshop, July 2010 (PDF)
- by Geoffrey Paulin
- April 2011
- Household expenditures on children, 2007–08 (PDF)
- by Megumi Omori
- September 2010
- Consumer Expenditure Survey Microdata Users’ Workshop, July 2009 (PDF)
- by Geoffrey D. Paulin
- April 2010
- Out-of-pocket health care expenditures: a comparison (PDF)
- by Ann C. Foster
- February 2010
- New expenditure data in the PSID: comparisons with the CE (PDF)
- by Geng Li, Robert F. Schoeni, Sheldon Danziger, and Kerwin Kofi Charles
- February 2010
- Household liability data in the Consumer Expenditure Survey (PDF)
- by Kathleen W. Johnson and Geng Li
- December 2009
- The impact of income imputation in the Consumer Expenditure Survey (PDF)
- by Bill Passero
- August 2009
- Expenditure patterns of young single adults: two recent generations compared (PDF)
- by Geoffrey Paulin
- December 2008
- Household food expenditure patterns: a cluster analysis (PDF)
- by Jessie X. Fan, Barbara B. Brown, Lori Kowaleski-Jones, Ken R. Smith, and Cathleen D. Zick
- April 2007
- Price and expenditure measures of petroleum products: a comparison (PDF)
- by Abby L. Duly, Jeffrey A. Harris, Ara M. Khatchadourian, Rozi T. Ulics, and Melissa C. Wolter
- December 2006
- The CE and the PCE: a comparison (PDF)
- by Thesia I. Garner, George Janini, William Passero, Laura Paszkiewicz, and Mark Vendemia
- September 2006
- Food-at-home expenditures of Asian households (PDF)
- by Shiao-Lin Shirley Tsai and Lucilla Tan
- June 2006
- Economic inequality through the prisms of income and consumption (PDF)
- by David S. Johnson, Timothy M. Smeeding, and Barbara Boyle Torrey
- April 2005
- A changing market: expenditures by Hispanic consumers, revisited (PDF)
(Additional Tables PDF) - by Geoffrey D. Paulin
- August 2003
- Retirement expenditures for Whites, Blacks, and persons of Hispanic origin (PDF)
- by Pierre Bahizi
- June 2003
- Consumer expenditures for selected items, 1999 and 2000 (PDF)
- by Abby Duly, George Janini, Eric J. Keil, Laura Paszkiewicz, Geoffrey D. Paulin, and Neil Tseng
- May 2003
- Health care and prescription drug spending by seniors (PDF)
- by Jessie X. Fan, Deanna L. Sharpe, and Goog-Soog Hong
- March 2003
- Experimental poverty measures: accounting for medical expenditures (PDF)
- by Kathleen Short and Thesia I. Garner
- August 2002
- Expenditures of single parents: how does gender figure in? (PDF)
(Additional Tables PDF) - by Geoffrey D. Paulin and Yoon G. Lee
- July 2002
- Planning ahead: consumer expenditure patterns in retirement (PDF)
(Additional Tables PDF) - by Geoffrey D. Paulin and Abby L. Duly
- July 2002
- Expenditures of college-age students and nonstudents (Research summary)
- by Geoffrey D. Paulin
- July 2001
- A century of family budgets in the United States (PDF)
- by David S. Johnson, John M. Rogers, and Lucilla Tan
- May 2001
- Teenagers: employment and contributions to family spending (PDF)
- by David S. Johnson and Mark Lino
- September 2000
- Expenditure patterns of older Americans, 1984-97 (PDF)
- by Geoffrey D. Paulin
- May 2000
- Spending patterns of public-assisted families (PDF)
- Let's do lunch: expenditures on meals away from home (PDF)
- by Geoffrey D. Paulin
- May 2000
- The changing food-at-home budget: 1980 and 1992 compared (PDF)
- by Geoffrey D. Paulin
- December 1998
- Experimental poverty measurement for the 1990s (PDF)
- by Thesia I. Garner, Kathleen Short,Stephanie Shipp, Charles Nelson, and Geoffrey D. Paulin
- March 1998
- Making it on their own: the baby-boom meets generation X (PDF)
- by Geoffrey D. Paulin and Brian Riordan
- February 1998
- Spending patterns of families receiving public assistance (PDF)
- by William D. Passero
- April 1996
- Health insurance coverage for families with children (PDF)
- by Geoffrey D. Paulin and Elizabeth M. Dietz
- August 1995
- The effects of health insurance on consumer spending (PDF 1,339K)
- by Geoffrey D. Paulin and Wolf D. Weber
- March 1995
- Imputing income in the Consumer Expenditure Survey (PDF)
- by Geoffrey D. Paulin and David L. Ferraro
- December 1994
- CE data: quintiles of income versus quintiles of outlays (PDF)
- by John M. Rogers and Maureen B. Gray
- December 1994
- Seasonal adjustment of quarterly consumer expenditure series (PDF)
- by Thomas G. Moehrle
- December 1994
- The Consumer Expenditure Survey: a comparative analysis (PDF)
- by E. Raphael Branch
- December 1994
- How does rental assistance influence spending behavior? (PDF)
- Spending by older consumers: 1980 and 1990 compared (PDF)
- by Pamela B. Hitschler
- May 1993
- Consumer spending on durables and services in the 1980's (PDF)
- by Maureen Boyle Gray
- May 1992
- Consumer expenditures in travel, 1980-87 (Research summary)
- by Geoffrey D. Paulin
- June 1990
- Spending patterns of elderly workers and nonworkers (PDF)
- by Thomas Moehrle
- May 1990
- How family spending has changed in the U.S. (PDF)
- by Eva Jacobs and Stephanie Shipp
- March 1990
- Spending differences across occupational fields (PDF)
- by Robert Cage
- December 1989
- Consumer expenditures in different-size cities (PDF)
- by Susan M. Banta
- December 1989
- Families of working wives spending more on services, nondurables (PDF)
- by Eva Jacobs, Stephanie Shipp and Gregory Brown
- February 1989
Last Modified Date: January 28, 2022