Current Employment Statistics - CES (National)
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Analytical Tables
Analytical tables present several different views of National CES estimates.
- Table 1. Employment: normal seasonal movements, over-the-month changes, and tests of significance (in thousands) (XLSX)
- Table 2. Detailed industry employment ranked by over-the-month changes, tests of significance, and prior 3-month average changes, seasonally adjusted (in thousands) (XLSX)
- Table 3A. Employment changes and tests of significance, seasonally adjusted (in thousands) (XLSX)
- Table 3B. Over-the-month employment changes compared with recent averages, seasonally adjusted (in thousands) (XLSX)
- Table 4. Over-the-year employment changes and tests of significance, seasonally adjusted(in thousands) (XLSX)
- Table 5. Average weekly hours and average hourly earnings of all employees: normal seasonal movements, over-the-month changes, and tests of significance (XLSX)
- Table 6. Over-the-month and over-the-year changes in aggregate weekly hours and payrolls of all employees, seasonally adjusted (in thousands) (XLSX)
- Table 7. Most recent industry-specific employment peak and trough, and changes from peak and trough to current employment, seasonally adjusted (in thousands) (XLSX)
- Tables A-C2: 90 percent confidence intervals for employment, hours, overtime hours, and earnings (XLSX)
Last Modified Date: May 21, 2020