An official website of the United States government
Most series published by the Current Employment Statistics (CES) program have a regularly recurring seasonal movement that can be measured from past data. Seasonal adjustment eliminates the part of the change attributable to the normal seasonal variation and makes it possible to observe the cyclical and other nonseasonal movements in CES series. Seasonally adjusted series are published monthly for selected employment, hours, and earnings estimates.
Use the links below to skip to specific topics about the CES seasonal adjustment research, first and second preliminary estimates specification files, and other files used for seasonal adjustment.
More information about seasonal adjustment methodology in the CES program is available in Seasonal adjustment in the Calculations section of the CES Handbook of Methods. Technical information and a detailed description of input files and methodology is available in the CES Seasonal Adjustment Technical Notes.
Technical research related to seasonal adjustment in the CES program is outlined in the papers below:
All seasonal adjustment input files below have been compressed into ZIP files. A ZIP file utility is necessary to extract the files. For more information please visit How to View ZIP Files.
The specification files in this section are equivalent to the files available prior to the 2012 CES benchmark release. The ZIP file containing the prior adjustments file and manual outliers file is now in the Other data used in seasonal adjustment section.
The specification files available in this section are used to produce seasonally adjusted data for first preliminary estimates. These files are used as inputs to X-13ARIMA-SEATS for the CES seasonally adjusted series that aggregate to total nonfarm. Not all specification files in these folders correspond to series that are released with first preliminary estimates. More information about the specification files in these ZIP files is available in the CES Seasonal Adjustment Technical Notes. In addition, the readme text file available within each of the ZIP files provides a brief description of and viewing instructions for the specification files.
The specification files in this section relate to detailed series not published prior to the 2012 CES benchmark release. The ZIP file containing the prior adjustments file and manual outliers file is now in the Other data used in seasonal adjustment section. The prior adjustment file is appropriate for use with these series; however, manual outliers identified for the first preliminary estimates are not applied to any detailed seasonally adjusted series available at the second preliminary estimates release.
The specification files available in this section are used to produce independently seasonally adjusted data for second preliminary estimates. These files are used as inputs to X-13ARIMA-SEATS for the CES independently seasonally adjusted series. More information about the specification files in these ZIP files is available in the CES Seasonal Adjustment Technical Notes. In addition, the readme text file available within each of the ZIP files provides a brief description of and viewing instructions for the specification files.
The other input files in this section are equivalent to the other input files available prior to the 2012 CES benchmark release. The prior adjustments file and manual outliers file are available in the ZIP file below. The prior adjustment file is appropriate for use with all series; however, manual outliers identified for first preliminary estimates are not applied to any detailed, independently seasonally adjusted series available at the second preliminary estimate release.
The other input files available in this section are used as inputs to X-13ARIMA-SEATS for CES seasonal adjustment. This ZIP file includes user-defined regression files, a file of prior adjustments, and a file containing recent outliers. More information about the files in this ZIP file is available in the CES Seasonal Adjustment Technical Notes. In addition, the readme text file available within the ZIP file provides a brief description of the files and instructions.
Annually, BLS updates the specification files and prior adjustment file to reflect the updated series structure for that year. Monthly with each release of CES estimates, BLS updates the prior adjustment file and recent outlier file.
The annual specification files from 2005 forward are available upon request by contacting CES by email or by phone at 202-691-6555.
Model specifications tables provide mode (additive or multiplicative) and adjustment type (4/5 week, 10/11 day, Easter/Labor Day, etc.) information about the model selected for each CES series. The tables listed below include information for CES series that aggregate to total nonfarm. More information about mode and adjustment types in the CES application of seasonal adjustment is available in Seasonal adjustment in the Calculation section of the CES Handbook of Methods.
Tables are available for the following data types:
The seasonal adjustment model specifications tables are updated annually. Historical annual seasonal adjustment model specifications tables for 2003 to 2013 can be found on the Archived CES Benchmark Articles webpage.
The more recent annual seasonal adjustment model specifications tables are available upon request by contacting CES by email or by phone at 202-691-6555.
Use the links below to skip to specific tables.
CES Industry Code | CES Industry Title | Mode | 4/5 Week Adj | Other Adj (1) |
10-113300 |
Logging | ADD | X | |
10-211000 |
Oil and gas extraction | MULT | X | |
10-212000 |
Mining (except oil and gas) | - | X | Indirect |
10-212100 |
Coal mining | ADD | X | |
10-212200 |
Metal ore mining | MULT | X | |
10-212300 |
Nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying | ADD | X | |
10-213000 |
Support activities for mining | MULT | X | |
20-236100 |
Residential building construction | - | X | Indirect |
20-236200 |
Nonresidential building construction | - | X | Indirect |
20-237000 |
Heavy and civil engineering construction | ADD | X | |
20-238000 |
Specialty trade contractors | - | X | Indirect |
20-238001 |
Residential specialty trade contractors | ADD | X | Raked |
20-238002 |
Nonresidential specialty trade contractors | ADD | X | Raked |
31-321000 |
Wood product manufacturing | ADD | X | |
31-327000 |
Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing | ADD | X | |
31-331000 |
Primary metal manufacturing | ADD | X | |
31-332000 |
Fabricated metal product manufacturing | ADD | X | |
31-333000 |
Machinery manufacturing | ADD | X | |
31-334000 |
Computer and electronic product manufacturing | - | X | Indirect |
31-334100 |
Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-334200 |
Communications equipment manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-334400 |
Semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-334500 |
Navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instruments manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-334600 |
Manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media and audio and video equipment manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-335000 |
Electrical equipment, appliance, and component manufacturing | ADD | X | |
31-336000 |
Transportation equipment manufacturing | ADD | ||
31-336001 |
Motor vehicles and parts | ADD | ||
31-337000 |
Furniture and related product manufacturing | ADD | X | |
31-339000 |
Miscellaneous manufacturing | ADD | X | |
32-311000 |
Food manufacturing | ADD | X | |
32-313000 |
Textile mills | ADD | X | |
32-314000 |
Textile product mills | ADD | X | |
32-315000 |
Apparel manufacturing | ADD | X | |
32-322000 |
Paper manufacturing | MULT | X | |
32-323000 |
Printing and related support activities | ADD | X | |
32-324000 |
Petroleum and coal products manufacturing | ADD | X | |
32-325000 |
Chemical manufacturing | MULT | X | |
32-326000 |
Plastics and rubber products manufacturing | ADD | X | |
32-329000 |
Beverage, tobacco, and leather and allied product manufacturing | ADD | X | |
41-423000 |
Merchant wholesalers, durable goods | ADD | X | |
41-424000 |
Merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods | ADD | X | |
41-425000 |
Wholesale trade agents and brokers | ADD | X | |
42-441000 |
Motor vehicle and parts dealers | - | X | Indirect |
42-441100 |
Automobile dealers | ADD | X | |
42-441200 |
Other motor vehicle dealers | ADD | X | |
42-441300 |
Automotive parts, accessories, and tire retailers | ADD | X | |
42-444000 |
Building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers | MULT | X | |
42-445000 |
Food and beverage retailers | ADD | X | |
42-449000 |
Furniture, home furnishings, electronics, and appliance retailers | - | X | Indirect |
42-449100 |
Furniture and home furnishings retailers | ADD | X | |
42-449200 |
Electronics and appliance retailers | ADD | X | |
42-455000 |
General merchandise retailers | - | X | Indirect |
42-455100 |
Department stores | ADD | X | |
42-455200 |
Warehouse clubs, supercenters, and other general merchandise retailers | MULT | X | |
42-456000 |
Health and personal care retailers | ADD | X | |
42-457000 |
Gasoline stations and fuel dealers | ADD | X | |
42-458000 |
Clothing, clothing accessories, shoe, and jewelry retailers | ADD | X | |
42-459000 |
Sporting goods, hobby, musical instrument, book, and miscellaneous retailers | ADD | X | |
43-481000 |
Air transportation | ADD | X | |
43-482000 |
Rail transportation | ADD | X | |
43-483000 |
Water transportation | MULT | X | |
43-484000 |
Truck transportation | ADD | X | |
43-485000 |
Transit and ground passenger transportation | ADD | ||
43-486000 |
Pipeline transportation | MULT | X | |
43-487000 |
Scenic and sightseeing transportation | ADD | X | |
43-488000 |
Support activities for transportation | ADD | X | |
43-492000 |
Couriers and messengers | MULT | X | |
43-493000 |
Warehousing and storage | MULT | X | |
44-220000 |
Utilities | MULT | X | |
50-512000 |
Motion picture and sound recording industries | ADD | X | |
50-513000 |
Publishing industries | MULT | X | |
50-516000 |
Broadcasting and content providers | MULT | X | |
50-517000 |
Telecommunications | MULT | X | |
50-518000 |
Computing infrastructure providers, data processing, web hosting, and related services | MULT | X | |
50-519000 |
Web search portals, libraries, archives, and other information services | MULT | X | |
55-521000 |
Monetary authorities-central bank | MULT | X | |
55-522000 |
Credit intermediation and related activities | - | X | Indirect |
55-522100 |
Depository credit intermediation | MULT | X | |
55-522110 |
Commercial banking | MULT | X | |
55-522200 |
Nondepository credit intermediation | MULT | X | |
55-522300 |
Activities related to credit intermediation | MULT | X | |
55-523000 |
Securities, commodity contracts, funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles, investments, and related activities | MULT | X | |
55-524000 |
Insurance carriers and related activities | MULT | X | |
55-531000 |
Real estate | ADD | X | |
55-532000 |
Rental and leasing services | ADD | X | |
55-533000 |
Lessors of nonfinancial intangible assets (except copyrighted works) | MULT | X | |
60-540000 |
Professional, scientific, and technical services | - | X | Indirect |
60-541100 |
Legal services | ADD | X | |
60-541200 |
Accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, and payroll services | ADD | X | |
60-541300 |
Architectural, engineering, and related services | MULT | X | |
60-541400 |
Specialized design services | ADD | X | |
60-541500 |
Computer systems design and related services | MULT | X | |
60-541600 |
Management, scientific, and technical consulting services | ADD | X | |
60-541700 |
Scientific research and development services | MULT | X | |
60-541800 |
Advertising, public relations, and related services | ADD | X | |
60-541900 |
Other professional, scientific, and technical services | ADD | X | |
60-550000 |
Management of companies and enterprises | MULT | X | |
60-561000 |
Administrative and support services | - | X | Indirect |
60-561100 |
Office administrative services | ADD | X | |
60-561200 |
Facilities support services | ADD | X | |
60-561300 |
Employment services | ADD | X | |
60-561320 |
Temporary help services | ADD | X | |
60-561400 |
Business support services | MULT | X | |
60-561500 |
Travel arrangement and reservation services | ADD | X | |
60-561600 |
Investigation and security services | ADD | X | |
60-561700 |
Services to buildings and dwellings | ADD | X | |
60-561900 |
Other support services | ADD | X | |
60-562000 |
Waste management and remediation services | ADD | X | |
65-610000 |
Private educational services | ADD | X | |
65-621000 |
Ambulatory health care services | - | X | Indirect |
65-621100 |
Offices of physicians | ADD | X | |
65-621200 |
Offices of dentists | ADD | X | |
65-621300 |
Offices of other health practitioners | ADD | X | |
65-621400 |
Outpatient care centers | ADD | X | |
65-621500 |
Medical and diagnostic laboratories | ADD | X | |
65-621600 |
Home health care services | MULT | X | |
65-621900 |
Other ambulatory health care services | ADD | X | |
65-622000 |
Hospitals | MULT | X | |
65-623000 |
Nursing and residential care facilities | - | X | Indirect |
65-623100 |
Skilled nursing care facilities | ADD | X | |
65-623200 |
Residential intellectual and developmental disability, mental health, and substance abuse facilities | MULT | X | |
65-623300 |
Continuing care retirement communities and assisted living facilities for the elderly | MULT | X | |
65-623900 |
Other residential care facilities | MULT | X | |
65-624000 |
Social assistance | - | X | Indirect |
65-624100 |
Individual and family services | ADD | X | |
65-624200 |
Community food and housing, and emergency and other relief services | MULT | X | |
65-624300 |
Vocational rehabilitation services | ADD | X | |
65-624400 |
Child care services | ADD | X | |
70-711000 |
Performing arts, spectator sports, and related industries | ADD | X | |
70-712000 |
Museums, historical sites, and similar institutions | ADD | X | |
70-713000 |
Amusement, gambling, and recreation industries | ADD | X | |
70-721000 |
Accommodation | ADD | X | |
70-722000 |
Food services and drinking places | ADD | X | |
80-811000 |
Repair and maintenance | ADD | X | |
80-812000 |
Personal and laundry services | ADD | X | |
80-813000 |
Religious, grantmaking, civic, professional, and similar organizations | ADD | ||
90-911000 |
Federal, except U.S. Postal Service | MULT | X | |
90-919120 |
U.S. Postal Service | MULT | X | |
90-921611 |
State government education | MULT | X | |
90-922000 |
State government, excluding education | MULT | X | |
90-931611 |
Local government education | ADD | X | |
90-932000 |
Local government, excluding education | MULT | X | Election adjustment |
Footnotes |
CES Industry Code | CES Industry Title | Mode | 4/5 Week Adj | 10/11 Day Adj | Easter/Labor Day Adj |
10-000000 |
Mining and logging | ADD | X | X | |
20-000000 |
Construction | MULT | X | X | |
31-321000 |
Wood product manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
31-327000 |
Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
31-331000 |
Primary metal manufacturing | ADD | X | X | |
31-332000 |
Fabricated metal product manufacturing | ADD | X | X | |
31-333000 |
Machinery manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
31-334000 |
Computer and electronic product manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
31-335000 |
Electrical equipment, appliance, and component manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
31-336000 |
Transportation equipment manufacturing | ADD | X | X | |
31-336001 |
Motor vehicles and parts | ADD | X | X | |
31-337000 |
Furniture and related product manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
31-339000 |
Miscellaneous manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
32-311000 |
Food manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
32-313000 |
Textile mills | ADD | X | X | |
32-314000 |
Textile product mills | ADD | X | X | |
32-315000 |
Apparel manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
32-322000 |
Paper manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
32-323000 |
Printing and related support activities | ADD | X | X | |
32-324000 |
Petroleum and coal products manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
32-325000 |
Chemical manufacturing | MULT | X | ||
32-326000 |
Plastics and rubber products manufacturing | ADD | X | X | |
32-329000 |
Beverage, tobacco, and leather and allied product manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
41-420000 |
Wholesale trade | ADD | X | X | |
42-000000 |
Retail trade | MULT | X | ||
43-000000 |
Transportation and warehousing | MULT | X | X | |
44-220000 |
Utilities | MULT | X | ||
50-000000 |
Information | MULT | X | ||
55-000000 |
Financial activities | MULT | X | ||
60-000000 |
Professional and business services | MULT | X | X | |
65-000000 |
Private education and health services | MULT | X | ||
70-000000 |
Leisure and hospitality | ADD | X | ||
80-000000 |
Other services | MULT | X | X |
CES Industry Code | CES Industry Title | Mode | 4/5 Week Adj | 10/11 Day Adj |
10-000000 |
Mining and logging | MULT | X | |
20-000000 |
Construction | MULT | X | |
31-321000 |
Wood product manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-327000 |
Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-331000 |
Primary metal manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-332000 |
Fabricated metal product manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-333000 |
Machinery manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-334000 |
Computer and electronic product manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-335000 |
Electrical equipment, appliance, and component manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-336000 |
Transportation equipment manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-336001 |
Motor vehicles and parts | MULT | X | |
31-337000 |
Furniture and related product manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-339000 |
Miscellaneous manufacturing | MULT | X | |
32-311000 |
Food manufacturing | MULT | X | |
32-313000 |
Textile mills | MULT | X | |
32-314000 |
Textile product mills | MULT | X | |
32-315000 |
Apparel manufacturing | MULT | X | |
32-322000 |
Paper manufacturing | MULT | X | |
32-323000 |
Printing and related support activities | MULT | X | |
32-324000 |
Petroleum and coal products manufacturing | MULT | X | |
32-325000 |
Chemical manufacturing | MULT | X | |
32-326000 |
Plastics and rubber products manufacturing | MULT | X | |
32-329000 |
Beverage, tobacco, and leather and allied product manufacturing | MULT | X | |
41-420000 |
Wholesale trade | ADD | X | |
42-000000 |
Retail trade | MULT | X | |
43-000000 |
Transportation and warehousing | MULT | X | |
44-220000 |
Utilities | ADD | X | |
50-000000 |
Information | MULT | X | |
55-000000 |
Financial activities | MULT | X | |
60-000000 |
Professional and business services | MULT | X | |
65-000000 |
Private education and health services | MULT | X | |
70-000000 |
Leisure and hospitality | MULT | X | |
80-000000 |
Other services | MULT | X |
CES Industry Code | CES Industry Title | Mode | 4/5 Week Adj | 10/11 Day Adj | Easter/Labor Day Adj |
31-000000 |
Durable goods | ADD | X | X | |
32-000000 |
Nondurable goods | ADD | X | X |
CES Industry Code | CES Industry Title | Mode | 4/5 Week Adj |
10-000000 |
Mining and logging | MULT | X |
20-000000 |
Construction | ADD | X |
31-321000 |
Wood product manufacturing | ADD | X |
31-327000 |
Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing | ADD | X |
31-331000 |
Primary metal manufacturing | ADD | X |
31-332000 |
Fabricated metal product manufacturing | ADD | X |
31-333000 |
Machinery manufacturing | ADD | X |
31-334000 |
Computer and electronic product manufacturing | MULT | X |
31-335000 |
Electrical equipment, appliance, and component manufacturing | ADD | X |
31-336000 |
Transportation equipment manufacturing | ADD | |
31-336001 |
Motor vehicles and parts | ADD | |
31-337000 |
Furniture and related product manufacturing | ADD | X |
31-339000 |
Miscellaneous manufacturing | ADD | X |
32-311000 |
Food manufacturing | ADD | X |
32-313000 |
Textile mills | ADD | X |
32-314000 |
Textile product mills | ADD | X |
32-315000 |
Apparel manufacturing | ADD | X |
32-322000 |
Paper manufacturing | ADD | X |
32-323000 |
Printing and related support activities | ADD | X |
32-324000 |
Petroleum and coal products manufacturing | ADD | X |
32-325000 |
Chemical manufacturing | MULT | X |
32-326000 |
Plastics and rubber products manufacturing | ADD | X |
32-329000 |
Beverage, tobacco, and leather and allied product manufacturing | ADD | X |
41-420000 |
Wholesale trade | ADD | X |
42-000000 |
Retail trade | ADD | X |
43-000000 |
Transportation and warehousing | ADD | X |
44-220000 |
Utilities | MULT | X |
50-000000 |
Information | ADD | X |
55-000000 |
Financial activities | MULT | X |
60-000000 |
Professional and business services | ADD | X |
65-000000 |
Private education and health services | ADD | X |
70-000000 |
Leisure and hospitality | ADD | X |
80-000000 |
Other services | ADD | X |
CES Industry Code | CES Industry Title | Mode | 4/5 Week Adj | 10/11 Day Adj | Easter/Labor Day Adj |
10-000000 |
Mining and logging | ADD | X | X | |
20-000000 |
Construction | ADD | X | X | |
31-321000 |
Wood product manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
31-327000 |
Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
31-331000 |
Primary metal manufacturing | ADD | X | X | |
31-332000 |
Fabricated metal product manufacturing | ADD | X | X | |
31-333000 |
Machinery manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
31-334000 |
Computer and electronic product manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
31-335000 |
Electrical equipment, appliance, and component manufacturing | ADD | X | X | |
31-336000 |
Transportation equipment manufacturing | ADD | X | X | |
31-336001 |
Motor vehicles and parts | ADD | X | X | |
31-337000 |
Furniture and related product manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
31-339000 |
Miscellaneous manufacturing | ADD | X | X | |
32-311000 |
Food manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
32-313000 |
Textile mills | ADD | X | X | |
32-314000 |
Textile product mills | ADD | X | X | |
32-315000 |
Apparel manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
32-322000 |
Paper manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
32-323000 |
Printing and related support activities | ADD | X | X | |
32-324000 |
Petroleum and coal products manufacturing | ADD | X | X | |
32-325000 |
Chemical manufacturing | MULT | X | ||
32-326000 |
Plastics and rubber products manufacturing | ADD | X | X | |
32-329000 |
Beverage, tobacco, and leather and allied product manufacturing | MULT | X | X | |
41-420000 |
Wholesale trade | ADD | X | X | |
42-000000 |
Retail trade | MULT | X | ||
43-000000 |
Transportation and warehousing | MULT | X | X | |
44-220000 |
Utilities | MULT | X | ||
50-000000 |
Information | MULT | X | ||
55-000000 |
Financial activities | MULT | X | ||
60-000000 |
Professional and business services | MULT | X | X | |
65-000000 |
Private education and health services | MULT | X | ||
70-000000 |
Leisure and hospitality | ADD | X | ||
80-000000 |
Other services | MULT | X | X |
CES Industry Code | CES Industry Title | Mode | 4/5 Week Adj | 10/11 Day Adj |
10-000000 |
Mining and logging | MULT | X | |
20-000000 |
Construction | ADD | X | |
31-321000 |
Wood product manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-327000 |
Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-331000 |
Primary metal manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-332000 |
Fabricated metal product manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-333000 |
Machinery manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-334000 |
Computer and electronic product manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-335000 |
Electrical equipment, appliance, and component manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-336000 |
Transportation equipment manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-336001 |
Motor vehicles and parts | MULT | X | |
31-337000 |
Furniture and related product manufacturing | MULT | X | |
31-339000 |
Miscellaneous manufacturing | MULT | X | |
32-311000 |
Food manufacturing | MULT | X | |
32-313000 |
Textile mills | MULT | X | |
32-314000 |
Textile product mills | MULT | X | |
32-315000 |
Apparel manufacturing | MULT | X | |
32-322000 |
Paper manufacturing | MULT | X | |
32-323000 |
Printing and related support activities | MULT | X | |
32-324000 |
Petroleum and coal products manufacturing | ADD | X | |
32-325000 |
Chemical manufacturing | MULT | X | |
32-326000 |
Plastics and rubber products manufacturing | MULT | X | |
32-329000 |
Beverage, tobacco, and leather and allied product manufacturing | MULT | X | |
41-420000 |
Wholesale trade | ADD | X | |
42-000000 |
Retail trade | MULT | X | |
43-000000 |
Transportation and warehousing | MULT | X | |
44-220000 |
Utilities | MULT | X | |
50-000000 |
Information | MULT | X | |
55-000000 |
Financial activities | ADD | X | |
60-000000 |
Professional and business services | MULT | X | |
65-000000 |
Private education and health services | MULT | X | |
70-000000 |
Leisure and hospitality | MULT | X | |
80-000000 |
Other services | MULT | X |
CES Industry Code | CES Industry Title | Mode | 4/5 Week Adj | 10/11 Day Adj | Easter/Labor Day Adj |
31-000000 |
Durable goods | ADD | X | X | |
32-000000 |
Nondurable goods | ADD | X | X |
CES Industry Code | CES Industry Title | Mode | 4/5 Week Adj | Other Adj (1) |
10-000000 |
Mining and logging | ADD | X | |
20-000000 |
Construction | ADD | X | |
31-000000 |
Durable goods | ADD | X | |
32-000000 |
Nondurable goods | ADD | X | |
41-420000 |
Wholesale trade | ADD | X | |
42-000000 |
Retail trade | ADD | X | |
43-000000 |
Transportation and warehousing | ADD | X | |
44-220000 |
Utilities | MULT | X | |
50-000000 |
Information | ADD | X | |
55-520000 |
Finance and insurance | MULT | X | |
55-530000 |
Real estate and rental and leasing | ADD | X | |
60-540000 |
Professional, scientific, and technical services | ADD | X | |
60-550000 |
Management of companies and enterprises | MULT | X | |
60-560000 |
Administrative and support and waste management and remediation services | ADD | X | |
65-610000 |
Private educational services | ADD | X | |
65-620000 |
Health care and social assistance | ADD | X | |
70-710000 |
Arts, entertainment, and recreation | ADD | X | |
70-720000 |
Accommodation and food services | ADD | X | |
80-000000 |
Other services | ADD | X | |
90-910000 |
Federal | MULT | X | |
90-920000 |
State government | MULT | X | |
90-930000 |
Local government | ADD | X | Election adjustment |
Footnotes |
Last Modified Date: February 7, 2025