An official website of the United States government
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KCode Census Job Title Industries Affected H889 B and B gang worker 40 F719 Babbitt spinner All Industries F719 Babbitter All Industries A223 Babcock tester 02,202,514,545 K468 Baby attendant 836 C274 Baby counselor 721 K447 Baby nurse 806 K467 Baby sitter 835 K468 Baby sitter 835 L406 Baby sitter 88 K468 Baby sitter OWN K468 Baby sitter Any not listed above C259 Baby-food-detail man 20 K446 Baby-formula mixer 806 K446 Baby-formula worker 806 F777 Back boy 22 F745 Back closer 313,314 F744 Back facer 225 F704 Back facer Machine shop 355,356,358,359 H878 Back feeder, plywood layup line 242,243 H889 Back hand 10,12,14 F785 Back hanger 371 F777 Back joiner 301-306 F745 Back stayer 313,314 F745 Back strip machine operator 313,314 H878 Back tender 22 F766 Back tender 26 F777 Back tender Mfg.(exc.22,26) F777 Back washer 22 F745 Back wedger 313,314 G853 Back-digger operator All Industries G853 Back-filler operator All Industries G853 Back-hoe operator All Industries G853 Back-hoe-machine operator All Industries D327 Back-order clerk All Industries E669 Back-shoe cutter 313,314 D363 Back-shoe worker 313,314 E614 Back-up man 13 F777 Back-up-machine operator 272-279 F766 Backbreaker 333-339 F777 Backer 272-279 F738 Backwinder 22 E686 Bacon de-rinder 201 E686 Bacon skinner 201 E686 Bacon slicer 201 H889 Bacon stringer 201 A083 Bacteriologist All Industries A223 Bacteriology technician All Industries F796 Bad-cloth man 22 D378 Bad-credit collector 732,733,735,7383-7389 H883 Bad-work gatherer 21 A225 Badger-distiller operator 291 F785 Baffle installer 365,366 F785 Baffle mounter 365,366 E518 Bag adjuster 267 F758 Bag bailer All Industries F764 Bag bleacher 20-39 H877 Bag boy 541 F758 Bag builder 371 F754 Bag bundler All Industries F769 Bag cutter All Industries H888 Bag filler All Industries F799 Bag grader 20-39 F748 Bag hanger 721 H889 Bag liner 239,267,315-319 H888 Bag loader 348 F744 Bag maker 22 F777 Bag maker 261-263 F744 Bag mender All Industries F777 Bag presser 265 F777 Bag pressman 265 F734 Bag pressman 272-279 F777 Bag printer 207,209 F734 Bag printer 225,272-279 H888 Bag sealer All Industries H878 Bag sewer exc. textile Exc. 221-225,228,229 F744 Bag sewer, textile 221-225,228,229 F777 Bag shop worker 207,209 F799 Bag sorter All Industries F797 Bag tester 302-306 H889 Bag turner All Industries F765 Bag valver All Industries I479 Bag washer 01,02,071,072,075,076 F748 Bag washer Exc. 01,02,071,072,075,076 F754 Bag-loader-machine operator 20-39 E518 Bag-machine adjuster 267 F777 Bag-machine operator 265,267 F777 Bag-machine tender 265 D364 Baggage agent, exc. supervisor 40-47 D307 Baggage agent, supervisor 40-47 K464 Baggage checker, exc. security All Industries K426 Baggage checker, security All Industries D364 Baggage clerk All Industries K464 Baggage handler All Industries K464 Baggage porter, exc. head All Industries K456 Baggage porter, head All Industries K464 Baggage smasher All Industries D307 Baggage-and-mail agent 40 K464 Baggageman 40,41(exc.412),45,47,701 G804 Baggageman 421,423 G845 Baggageman 44 D307 Baggagemaster 40-47 E617 Bagger 10-14 H888 Bagger 231-238,721 H877 Bagger Exc. 10-14,231-238,721 H889 Bagging salvager 22 F754 Bagging-machine operator 20-39 C274 Bail bondsman 732,733,735,7383-7389 F758 Bailer 50,51 K423 Bailiff All Industries F758 Bailing-machine operator 20-39 I479 Bait digger 01,071,072,075,076 F785 Bait maker Artificial bait 394 H498 Bait man 09 F777 Bake-room worker Aluminum 3334,334,3353-3355, 3363,3365 F777 Bakelite molder 20-39 F766 Baker 325 K436 Baker 58,701,821,822 E687 Baker Exc. 325,58,701,821,822 C274 Bakery clerk 541,546 G806 Bakery deliveryman 205 F777 Bakery girl 205 H878 Bakery worker All Industries D337 Balance clerk All Industries F777 Balance man 20-39 F704 Balance recesser 387 F797 Balance truer 387 D368 Balance weigher 283 F704 Balance-wheel facer 387 F717 Balancer 20-39 F717 Balancing-machine operator 20-39 H889 Balcony worker 321-323 H889 Bale opener All Industries H883 Bale piler 22 I479 Bale sewer 01,071,072,075,076 H883 Bale stacker All Industries F717 Bale-tie machine operator All Industries I479 Baler 01,071,072,075,076 F758 Baler Exc. 01,071,072,075,076 F758 Baler operator 20-39 F758 Baling-machine operator 20-39 F785 Ball boy 321-323 K459 Ball boy 791,794,799 F777 Ball fringe machine operator All Industries F785 Ball holder 321-323 F757 Ball mill operator 281,286,289 A199 Ball player 791,794,799 K459 Ball racker 793 K459 Ball shagger 791,794,799 F777 Ball sorter 35 F738 Ball winder 22 H878 Ball-machine operator 206 F768 Ball-truing machine operator All Industries F738 Ball-warper tender 22 G826 Ballast regulator operator 40 G826 Ballast-cleaning operator 40 I479 Baller 01,071,072,075,076 F777 Baller 22 A193 Ballet dancer 781-783,792 F738 Balling-head tender 22 A235 Ballistic expert All Industries A235 Ballistic technician All Industries A235 Ballistician All Industries F717 Ballistics laboratory gunsmith 348 F766 Ballman 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336, 339,34(exc.348) F789 Balloon dipper All Industries F769 Balloon maker All Industries F777 Balloon sander 25 C277 Balloon seller Balloons 5963 A226 Balloonist All Industries E689 Ballpoint pen cartridge tester All Industries H876 Banana carrier 44 F796 Banana dispatcher 514 I488 Banana expert 514 I488 Banana grader 514 H876 Banana handler 44 H876 Banana loader 44 F796 Banana messenger 514 F756 Banbury operator 20-39 F756 Banbury-machine operator 20-39 F756 Banbury-mill operator 20-39 F756 Banbury-mixer operator 20-39 F743 Band and cuff cutter All Industries F785 Band attacher 387 F777 Band boy 22 F753 Band builder All Industries F769 Band cutter 301 A137 Band director 822 A156 Band director Elementary school 821 A186 Band director Exc. 821,822 A157 Band director Secondary school 821 F753 Band edger Furniture 25 A186 Band leader 781-783,792 F777 Band machine operator 20-39 F744 Band maker 225,231-238 A186 Band master 781-783,792 F729 Band nailer 20-39 F709 Band reamer machine operator All Industries F727 Band sawyer 242-249,25 H888 Band shover Cotton compress 071,072,075,076 F777 Band splicer 301 F777 Band tier All Industries F785 Band top maker 25 F777 Band tumbler 301 F777 Band-aid-machine operator All Industries F709 Band-saw filer All Industries F743 Band-saw operator 221-224,228,229 F727 Band-saw operator 242-249,25 F769 Band-saw operator Any not listed above F727 Band-saw runner All Industries F727 Band-scroll saw operator All Industries K447 Bandage maker 806 F738 Bandage-winding-machine operator All Industries F754 Bandage-wrapping-machine operator All Industries F706 Bander operator 25,348 F777 Bander operator Exc. 25,348 H888 Bander, hand 21 F789 Bander, hand 267 F754 Bander, n. s. 21 F744 Bander, n. s. 231-238 F729 Bander, n. s. Wood box 244,249 F706 Banding-machine operator 25,348 F777 Banding-machine operator Exc. 25,348 H888 Bandoleer packer 348,376 H889 Bandoleer straightener-stamper 348,376 B023 Bank accountant 60(exc.603,606) B022 Bank advisor 60(exc.603,606) C254 Bank appraiser 60(exc.603,606) E613 Bank boss 10-14 E558 Bank boss 15-17 B007 Bank cashier 60(exc.603,606) D344 Bank clerk, check totaler All Industries D389 Bank clerk, n. s. All Industries B007 Bank consultant All Industries B022 Bank director 60(exc.603,606) B023 Bank examiner Exc. FGOV,SGOV 93 B036 Bank examiner FGOV,SGOV 93 K426 Bank guard All Industries D357 Bank messenger 60(exc.603,606) B022 Bank president 60(exc.603,606) D337 Bank reconciliator 60(exc.603,606) D357 Bank runner 60(exc.603,606) D383 Bank teller 60,61 A185 Bank-note designer 272-279 B007 Banker 60 E693 Banking pin adjuster 387 F736 Bankman 27 H889 Bankman 325 F789 Banner painter 732,733,735,7383-7389 K433 Banquet captain 58,701 B017 Banquet director 58,701 K443 Banquet set-up person All Industries K435 Banquet waitress 58,701 K434 Bar attendant 58 K443 Bar boy 58,701 H878 Bar catcher 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) A178 Bar examiner 81 K433 Bar hostess 58 F704 Bar pointer 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F707 Bar roller 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692, 7699 F744 Bar tacker, sewing machine All Industries F704 Bar turner 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) K435 Bar waiter 58 K435 Bar waitress 58 F783 Bar welder All Industries K436 Barbecue cook 58 F717 Barbed-wire-machine operator 341,343,345-347,349 K457 Barber 724 A194 Bareback rider 791,794,799 C274 Bargain-table girl 531,56(exc.566) G828 Barge captain 44 G829 Barge hand 44 G859 Barge loader 44 G828 Barge master 44 G828 Barge mate 44 G828 Barge pilot 44 G829 Bargeman 44 H496 Bark fitter 241 F768 Bark grinder 281,282,284,286-289,311 H496 Bark peeler 241 F758 Bark press operator 267 H496 Bark scaler 241 H889 Bark skinner 261-263 H496 Bark spudder 20-39 F777 Bark tanner 311 K434 Barkeeper 58 H496 Barker 241 H889 Barker 242,243,245 K469 Barker 41(exc.412) K459 Barker 791,794,799 F726 Barker operator 242-249,25 H878 Barking-machine feeder 242-249,25 F757 Barley steeper All Industries K435 Barmaid 58 I477 Barn boss 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Barn hand 02,071,072,075,076 I479 Barn worker 02,071,072,075,076 I479 Barnman 02,071,072,075,076 F756 Barratte operator 282 F795 Barrel bander 244,249 F777 Barrel builder 244,249 F709 Barrel centerer 341,343,347,349 F777 Barrel charrer All Industries H889 Barrel cleaner 348 H887 Barrel cleaner Exc. 348 F789 Barrel coater 244,249 E547 Barrel cooper All Industries H889 Barrel drainer 244,249 F708 Barrel driller 341,343,347,349 F754 Barrel filler 201-207,209,21-39 H888 Barrel filler 208 H883 Barrel handler All Industries F777 Barrel header All Industries F726 Barrel lathe operator 242,243 H883 Barrel loader All Industries F777 Barrel maker 244,249 F717 Barrel maker 341,343,347,349 H889 Barrel marker 244,249 F709 Barrel polisher All Industries F785 Barrel raiser 244,249 F705 Barrel rib matting machine operator All Industries F705 Barrel rifler 341,343,347,349 F785 Barrel straightener 341,343,347,349 F797 Barrel tester 20-39 F704 Barrel turner 341,343,347,349 H887 Barrel washer All Industries F785 Barrel-cap setter 387 E689 Barrel-endshaker adjuster 321-323 F707 Barrel-roller operator 348 F745 Barrer 313,314 A178 Barrister All Industries H889 Barrow man All Industries K434 Bartender 58 F768 Barytes grinder 285 F785 Base brander 36 F766 Base draw operator 348,376 F754 Base filler 36 F777 Base loader 361,362,364,367,369 F795 Base ply hand 301 H878 Base remover 36 A199 Baseball coach Exc. secondary school 821 A157 Baseball coach Secondary school 821 A199 Baseball player 791,794,799 A199 Baseball scout 791,794,799 E666 Baseball sewer, hand All Industries A199 Baseball umpire 791,794,799 E534 Baseboard-heating installer 15-17 F785 Baser 361,362,364,367,369 H877 Basin cleaner Sewer 495 E696 Basin tender 494,497 F728 Basket braider, exc. hand 244,249 F795 Basket braider, hand 244,249 H889 Basket filler 203 F728 Basket maker, exc. hand 244,249 F795 Basket maker, hand 244,249 G804 Basket man 202,541 F795 Basket patcher 244,249 K459 Basket person Swimming pool 791,794,799 F799 Basket sorter All Industries F728 Basket weaver, exc. hand 244,249 F795 Basket weaver, hand 244,249 A156 Basketball coach Elementary school 821 A199 Basketball coach Exc. 821 A157 Basketball coach Secondary school 821 A199 Basketball player 791,794,799 F744 Baster All Industries F786 Basting cleaner All Industries F786 Basting puller All Industries F744 Basting-machine operator 20-39 K459 Bat boy 791,794,799 E699 Batch & furnace operator 321-323 F756 Batch blender 20-39 H869 Batch dumper 15-17 F777 Batch freezer 20-39 F756 Batch maker All Industries H878 Batch mixer 324,325,327 F756 Batch mixer Exc. 324,325,327 F757 Batch still operator All Industries F797 Batch tester 301 H878 Batch trucker 301 F798 Batch weigher 28 G804 Batch-mixing-truck driver All Industries E699 Batch-plant operator 15-17 F777 Batcher 225 E699 Batcher operator 15-17 E699 Batchman 15-17 F777 Bater 311 K469 Bath attendant All Industries K469 Bath girl All Industries K469 Bath man 722,729 F757 Bath mix operator 20-39 F756 Bath mixer 20-39 K469 Bath steward 722,729 K469 Bath stewardess 722,729 F797 Bath tester 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) K469 Bathhouse attendant All Industries K469 Bathhouse keeper All Industries F744 Bathing-suit maker 20-39 A194 Baton twirler 781-783,792 F777 Batt machine operator 20-39 H888 Batt packer 20-39 K413 Battalion chief All Industries F756 Batter mixer 202,205,546 F777 Batter scaler 205 F787 Batter-out 326 F777 Battery boy 22 F785 Battery builder 361,362,364,367,369 E617 Battery charger 10,12,14 H885 Battery charger 527,55,752-754 H889 Battery charger Any not listed above F797 Battery charger tester 361,362,364,367,369 F796 Battery checker 361,362,364,367,369 F797 Battery container tester 361,362,364,367,369 F777 Battery filler 22 F777 Battery hand 22 F777 Battery loader 22 E547 Battery maintainer, large emergency storage All Industries E689 Battery recharger 361,362,364,367,369 H883 Battery stacker 361,362,364,367,369 H889 Battery starter 10,12,14 F797 Battery tester All Industries F777 Batteryman 27 K459 Beach attendant 791,794,799 K459 Beach boy 791,794,799 H498 Beachman 09 F785 Bead builder 301 F727 Bead cutter 242,243,245 E647 Bead maker Jewelry 39(exc.394) H878 Bead picker 302-306 F753 Bead preparer All Industries F785 Bead stringer All Industries F769 Bead trimmer 301 F744 Bead worker, sewing 20-39 F785 Bead wrapper 301 F777 Bead-forming machine operator All Industries F777 Bead-machine operator All Industries F777 Bead-wire insulator 301 F777 Bead-wire man 301 F777 Bead-wire taper 301 F785 Beader All Industries F785 Beading installer 371 F727 Beading sawyer All Industries F717 Beading-machine operator All Industries E567 Beam builder 242,243,245,344 H878 Beam carrier, hauler, man, pusher 22 F756 Beam dyer 22 E653 Beam man 372,376 F777 Beam sealer 361,362,364,367,369 F738 Beam warper 22 F769 Beam-press operator 20-39 H878 Beam-racker 22 F738 Beamer 22 F738 Beamer hand 22 F738 Beamer operator 22,282 F738 Beaming-machine operator 22,282 F777 Beamster 311 I479 Bean picker 01,071,072,075,076 F777 Bean snapper 203 F777 Bean snipper 203 F799 Bean sorter 203 F777 Bean viner 203 D368 Bean weigher All Industries F709 Bearing grinder 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764, 7692,7699 F777 Bearing maker 244,249,308,355,356,358,359,371 F777 Bearing-machine operator Ball bearing 355,356,358,359 F709 Bearingnizer All Industries H878 Beater and pulper feeder All Industries E628 Beater boss 261-263 F769 Beater dumper 261-263 F769 Beater man 261-263 F769 Beater operator 20-39 F769 Beater tender 261-263 F769 Beater-machine operator 20-39 F777 Beater-out 20-39 C274 Beautician 591 K458 Beautician Exc. 591 C274 Beauty consultant 531,533,539,591,593,5948,5993-5, 5999 C277 Beauty consultant 5963 C274 Beauty counselor 531,533,539,591,593,5948,5993-5, 5999 C277 Beauty counselor 5963 K458 Beauty operator 723 F745 Bed laster 313,314 K449 Bed maker 241 F785 Bed maker 25 K449 Bed maker 702-704,726,805,806,835 F707 Bed operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692, 7699 F768 Bed rubber 15-17 F795 Bed setter 328,329 F745 Bed-machine operator 313,314 F785 Bed-spring maker 25 H889 Bedder Tannery 311 F769 Bedspread cutter 20-39 I473 Bee breeder OBNI 02 I479 Bee man Exc. OWN 02 I475 Bee man OBI 02 I473 Bee man OBNI 02 I473 Bee raiser OBNI 02 I479 Bee robber 02 I479 Bee tender 02 E686 Beef boner All Industries E686 Beef breaker 201 F786 Beef killer 201 H883 Beef lugger 201 H883 Beef pusher 201 H889 Beef selector 541 E686 Beef skinner 201 E686 Beef splitter 201 D363 Beef tagger 201 I479 Beekeeper Exc. OWN 02 I475 Beekeeper OBI 02 I473 Beekeeper OBNI 02 F757 Beer cooler 208 F757 Beer maker 208 F757 Beer runner 208 H887 Beer-coil cleaner All Industries F777 Beet flumer 206 I475 Beet raiser GOV,OBI or PR 01 I473 Beet raiser OBNI 01 I479 Beet topper 01,071,072,075,076 H889 Beet topper 206 I479 Beet worker 01,071,072,075,076 F777 Beet worker 203 A169 Behavioral scientist All Industries K456 Bell captain 701-704 H887 Bell cleaner 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) K456 Bell clerk 701-704 A186 Bell ringer All Industries F704 Bell spinner All Industries H869 Beller 15-17 K464 Bellhop 701-704,791,794,799,806,861,862, 864,865,869 K456 Bellhop captain 701-704 E646 Bellmaker All Industries H869 Bellman 15-17 H889 Bellman 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) K464 Bellman 701-704,791,794,799,806,822,861, 862,864,865,869 F797 Bellows tester All Industries E684 Bellyman 39(exc.394) F785 Belt builder 301 E617 Belt cleaner 12 H887 Belt cleaner 351 F769 Belt cutter All Industries E519 Belt dresser All Industries E519 Belt fixer All Industries E519 Belt lacer All Industries F744 Belt maker 231-238 F785 Belt molder 371 I488 Belt operator 01,071,072,075,076,514,515,5191 E617 Belt operator 10-14 F777 Belt operator 20-39 F799 Belt operator Any not listed above F709 Belt polisher All Industries F758 Belt press operator 301 H878 Belt sander, stoneworking All Industries F777 Belt sander, woodworking All Industries F744 Belt sewer 231-238 F786 Belt splicer All Industries I488 Belt tender 01,071,072,075,076,514,515,5191 H889 Belt tender 20-39 F799 Belt tender Any not listed above H889 Belt turner 20-39 F739 Belt weaver 22 F754 Belt worker 203 F785 Belt-buckle maker 20-39 H878 Belt-knife feeder 311 H878 Belt-line feeder 20-39 F744 Belt-loop-machine operator 20-39 F785 Belt-machine operator 301 H869 Belter 15-17 F777 Belter Exc. 15-17 G859 Beltman 10-14 H869 Beltman 15-17 E547 Beltman Any not listed above F774 Ben-day artist 27 E657 Bench carpenter, woodworking All Industries A224 Bench chemist All Industries F774 Bench examiner 386 F709 Bench grinder All Industries F787 Bench hand 205 E684 Bench hand 25 E677 Bench hand 3827,384-386 F795 Bench hand 387 E669 Bench hand 725 E647 Bench hand Jewelry 39(exc.394) E637 Bench hand Machine shop 355,356,358,359 F777 Bench hand Mfg. not listed above E647 Bench molder, jewelry 39(exc.394) F719 Bench molder, n. s. 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F777 Bench mover 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F777 Bench-machine operator 20-39 H889 Bend-up 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F728 Bender machine operator 244-249,25 F765 Bender machine operator 26 E675 Bender machine operator 321-323 F706 Bender machine operator 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F717 Bender machine operator Any not listed above F787 Bender, hand 20-39 F728 Bending-frame operator 25 F717 Bending-roll hand All Industries F717 Bending-roll operator All Industries F777 Bending-shed worker 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) D375 Benefit authorizer 63,64,732,733,735,7383-7389 F748 Benzene man 721 F748 Benzene washer 721 F764 Benzene washer Exc. 721 F764 Benzol operator All Industries F764 Benzol still man All Industries I479 Berry picker 01,071,072,075,076 I479 Berry planter 01,071,072,075,076 F766 Bessemer regulator 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F766 Bessemer-converter blower 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F766 Bessemer-converter man 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) D383 Bet taker 791,794,799 E677 Bevel polisher 38(exc.387),508,593,5948,5993-5, 5999,8042 F709 Bevel polisher 387 F704 Bevel-mill operator 372,376 F768 Beveler 321-323,328,329 E567 Beveler 373 E677 Beveler 38(exc.387),508,593,pt594,pt599, 8042-3,8049 F706 Beveler Clock and watch 387 F768 Beveling and edging machine operator All Industries H878 Beveling-machine operator 225,23,267,39 K444 Beverage man 58
Last modified: October 16, 2001