An official website of the United States government
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KCode Census Job Title Industries Affected K418 F.B.I. special agent 92 A185 Fabric designer All Industries H889 Fabric lay-out worker 22 F717 Fabric machine operator Mattress 25 E547 Fabric man 372,376 F777 Fabric normalizer 302-306 E547 Fabric worker All Industries D363 Fabric-and accessories estimator 225,231-238 E535 Fabrication technician All Industries F785 Fabricator, assembling All Industries E596 Fabricator, duct All Industries E653 Fabricator, exc. duct All Industries E613 Face boss 10-14 F777 Face burler 221-224,228 F783 Face hardener 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 E616 Face man 10-14 F744 Facer 225,231-238 F795 Facer, jewelry 39(exc.394),pt509,531,5944,763,764, 7692,7699 A217 Facilities planner All Industries A226 Facilities-flight-check pilot 45,96,97 E529 Facility examiner All Industries D376 Facility man 481 F744 Facing baster 231-238 F704 Facing machine operator All Industries D353 Facsimile machine operator All Industries A228 Facsimile operator 483,484 B025 Factorer 603,606 A057 Factory expert 371 H889 Factory laborer 20-39 C259 Factory representative 20-39 B022 Factory superintendent 20-39 H889 Factory worker, exc. machine All Industries F777 Factory worker, machine 20-39 F724 Fagot heater 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) H889 Fagot maker 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F744 Fagoter 231-238 F744 Fair stitcher 231-238 E653 Fairing man 372,376 A177 Faith doctor All Industries A177 Faith healer All Industries F745 Faker 313,314 H496 Faller 241 K468 Family day care provider 835 A084 Family practitioner All Industries K465 Family service aide 821,832,835,836,839,861,862,864,865,869 E534 Fan installer All Industries E696 Fan runner 10-14 D326 Fan-mail editor 483,484 F744 Fancy needleworker 22,23,315-319 F745 Fancy needleworker 313,314 E666 Fancy needleworker Exc. 22,23,313-319 I488 Fancy packer 514,542-544,549 F745 Fancy stitcher 313,314 E647 Fancy wire drawer Jewelry 39(exc.394) C276 Fare collector All Industries A159 Farm adviser 829 A159 Farm agent 829 I477 Farm boss 01,02,071,072,075,076 E613 Farm boss 13 A159 Farm consultant 822,829 A159 Farm demonstrator 829 H495 Farm hand 08 K459 Farm hand Dude ranch 702-704 I479 Farm hand GOV or PR 01,02,071,072,075,076 I475 Farm hand OBI 01,02,071,072,075,076 I473 Farm hand OBNI 01,02,071,072,075,076 I477 Farm labor contractor 071,072,075,076 I479 Farm laborer, exc. fish 01,02,071,072,075,076 H483 Farm laborer, fish 02 H495 Farm laborer, forestry 08 I479 Farm machine tender 01,02,071,072,075,076 A159 Farm management adviser All Industries I475 Farm operator GOV,OBI or PR 01,02,071,072,075,076 I473 Farm operator OBNI 01,02,071,072,075,076 A079 Farm planner Soil Conservation Service 95 I479 Farm rancher GOV or PR 01,02,071,072,075,076 I475 Farm rancher OBI 01,02,071,072,075,076 I473 Farm rancher OBNI 01,02,071,072,075,076 D389 Farm reporter A.S.C.S. 96 I473 Farm tenant OBNI 01 G804 Farm truck driver 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Farm wife, n.s. or any specified activity GOV or PR 01,02 I475 Farm wife, n.s. or any specified activity OBI 01,02 I473 Farm wife, n.s. or any specified activity OBNI 01,02 I479 Farm, any type crop GOV or PR 01,02 I479 Farm-equipment operator 01,02,071,072,075,076 B025 Farm-loan representative All Industries E517 Farm-machinery erector 508,5191 E517 Farm-machinery set-up man 508,5191 B025 Farm-mortgage agent All Industries B028 Farm-products shipper 515 A159 Farm-service adviser 491 A159 Farm-service consultant 491 I479 Farm-tractor operator 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Farmer, any type crop, grain or livestock GOV or PR 01,02,071,072,075,076 I475 Farmer, any type crop, grain or livestock OBI 01,02,071,072,075,076 I473 Farmer, any type crop, grain or livestock OBNI 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Farmer, dairy GOV or PR 02 I475 Farmer, dairy OBI 02 I473 Farmer, dairy OBNI 02 I479 Farmer, dryland GOV or PR 01 I475 Farmer, dryland OBI 01 I473 Farmer, dryland OBNI 01 H498 Farmer, fish, frog or oyster 09 I479 Farmer, fish, frog or oyster GOV or PR 02 I475 Farmer, fish, frog or oyster OBI 02 I473 Farmer, fish, frog or oyster OBNI 02 I479 Farmer, general or n. s. GOV or PR 01,02,071,072,075,076 I475 Farmer, general or n. s. OBI 01,02,071,072,075,076 I473 Farmer, general or n. s. OBNI 01,02,071,072,075,076 I476 Farmer, horticultural GOV,OBI or PR 01 H485 Farmer, horticultural GOV,OBI or PR 078 I474 Farmer, horticultural OBNI 01 H486 Farmer, horticultural OBNI 078 I476 Farmer, landscape GOV,OBI or PR 01 H486 Farmer, landscape OBNI 078 I476 Farmer, sod GOV,OBI or PR 01 I474 Farmer, sod OBNI 01 H486 Farmer, sod OBNI 078 I479 Farmer, tree-fruit & nut crops GOV or PR 01 I475 Farmer, tree-fruit & nut crops OBI 01 I473 Farmer, tree-fruit & nut crops OBNI 01 I479 Farmer, tung nut or oil GOV or PR 01 I475 Farmer, tung nut or oil OBI 01 I473 Farmer, tung nut or oil OBNI 01 I479 Farmer, vine-fruit crops GOV or PR 01 I475 Farmer, vine-fruit crops OBI 01 I473 Farmer, vine-fruit crops OBNI 01 I479 Farmer, specified type not listed above GOV or PR 01,02,071,072,075,076 I475 Farmer, specified type not listed above OBI 01,02,071,072,075,076 I473 Farmer, specified type not listed above OBNI 01,02,071,072,075,076 H495 Farmer, n. s. 08 H498 Farmer, n. s. 09 I479 Farmer, n. s. GOV or PR 01,02,071,072,075,076 I475 Farmer, n. s. OBI 01,02,071,072,075,076 I473 Farmer, n. s. OBNI 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Farming 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Farming GOV or PR 01,02,071,072,075,076 I475 Farming OBI 01,02,071,072,075,076 I473 Farming OBNI 01,02,071,072,075,076 H484 Farmworker, bulb 01,071,072,075,076 I479 Farmworker, crop, grain or livestock 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Farmworker, dairy 02,071,072,075,076 I479 Farmworker, fruit or nut 01,071,072,075,076 I479 Farmworker, general or n. s. 01,02,071,072,075,076 H484 Farmworker, horticultural 01 H486 Farmworker, horticultural 078 I479 Farmworker, poultry 02 I479 Farmworker, n. s. 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Farmworker, n. s. GOV or PR 01,02,071,072,075,076 I475 Farmworker, n. s. OBI 01,02,071,072,075,076 I473 Farmworker, n. s. OBNI 01,02,071,072,075,076 H487 Farrier 763,764,7692,7699 A185 Fashion adviser All Industries A188 Fashion artist All Industries A185 Fashion consultant, exc. selling All Industries C277 Fashion consultant, sales 5963 C264 Fashion consultant, selling 52-58,591-594,5961,5962,598,599 B013 Fashion coordinator All Industries A185 Fashion designer All Industries C277 Fashion director, party-plan sales 5963 A185 Fashion director, n. s. 531,541,56 A188 Fashion illustrator All Industries C283 Fashion model All Industries C277 Fashion stylist 5963 B013 Fashion stylist Exc. 5963 C277 Fashion-show director 5963 F729 Fastener 20-30,311,315-319,32-39 F745 Fastener 313,314 F744 Fastener-sewing machine operator All Industries F757 Fat purification worker 207,209 E686 Fatter 201 F709 Faucet polisher 341,343,345-347,349 F785 Favor maker 20-39(exc.241) D353 Fax machine operator All Industries F745 Feather edger 313,314 F777 Feather maker 39(exc.394) F756 Feather mixer 239 F757 Feather separator All Industries F777 Feather washer All Industries H878 Feather-curling-machine operator 239 H878 Feather-cutting-machine feeder 239 H878 Feather-drying machine operator 239 F745 Featherer 313,314 A195 Feature writer 27 D344 Fee clerk 60,61 A159 Feed adviser 5191 F756 Feed blender All Industries F768 Feed crusher 204 F768 Feed crusher operator 5191 I479 Feed grinder 01,071,072,075,076 F768 Feed grinder 204,515,5191,539 H883 Feed handler All Industries H496 Feed mixer 241 F756 Feed mixer Exc. 241 H878 Feed-in worker 204 F768 Feed-mill operator 204 F768 Feed-mill tender 204 H496 Feeder 241-243 F766 Feeder 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F748 Feeder 721 H498 Feeder Fish hatchery 09 F777 Feeder Mfg. not listed above H878 Feeder-catcher, tobacco 21 E695 Feeder-switchboard operator 493 E593 Feeder-worker power-unit operator 265 G804 Feedmobile driver All Industries E686 Fell cutter 201 F744 Felled seam operator 231-238 F786 Feller 225,231-238 F744 Feller hand 231-238 F744 Feller seam operator All Industries H496 Feller timber All Industries F744 Feller-machine operator 231-238 F744 Felling-machine operator 231-238 F777 Felt carbonizer All Industries E518 Felt checker 261-263 F743 Felt cutter All Industries F743 Felt cutting machine operator 221-224,228,229,239 H878 Felt hanger 324,327 F777 Felt hooker 229 F777 Felt strip finisher All Industries F777 Felt washing machine tender All Industries H878 Felt-tipping machine tender 39(exc.394) F777 Felting machine operator 22 F777 Feltmaker 22 E518 Feltman 261-263 I479 Fence builder 01,02,071,072,075,076 E599 Fence builder Exc. 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Fence erector 01,02,071,072,075,076 E599 Fence erector Exc. 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Fence installer 01,02,071,072,075,076 E599 Fence installer Exc. 01,02,071,072,075,076 F717 Fence maker 341,343,345-347,349 F717 Fence making machine operator All Industries I479 Fence rider 01,02,071,072,075,076 F717 Fence-machine operator 341,343,345-347,349 I479 Fence-post driver 01,02,071,072,075,076 H869 Fence-post driver Exc. 01,02,071,072,075,076 F709 Fender finisher 371 E514 Fender man 371,527,55,752-754 E514 Fender-and-bodyman 371,527,55,752-754 F757 Fermentation operator 208 F757 Fermenter 207-209,21 A223 Fermentologist 208 H495 Fern cutter 08 H495 Fern gatherer 08 H495 Fern picker 08 K459 Ferris-wheel attendant 791,794,799 K459 Ferris-wheel operator 791,794,799 G828 Ferry pilot 44 G828 Ferry terminal agent 44 G828 Ferryboat captain 44 G828 Ferryboat operator 44 G828 Ferryboat pilot 44 G829 Ferryman 44 G804 Fertilizer applicator All Industries H883 Fertilizer loader Fertilizer 526 F756 Fertilizer mixer All Industries G804 Fertilizing-machine operator 01,071,072,075,076,078 F795 Fettler 325,326 F766 Fettler 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 A224 Fiber analyst 261-263 F777 Fiber drier operator 22 A223 Fiber technologist All Industries F777 Fiber worker 20-39 F755 Fiberglass dowel drawing operator All Industries F755 Fiberglass luggage molder All Industries F777 Fiberglass-bonding machine tender All Industries E593 Fiberglass-insulation installer 15-17 A183 Fiction writer All Industries B005 Field administrator 832,836,839 B021 Field administrator 861,862,864,865,869 A175 Field advisor Girl or Boy Scouts 861,862,864,865,869 B005 Field advisor Unemployment Compensation 94 I479 Field aide 01,02,071,072,075,076 B023 Field auditor All Industries I479 Field broomer 01,02,071,072,075,076 D303 Field cashier 15-17 D368 Field checker 01 D379 Field clerk 15-17 D389 Field clerk 45 D337 Field clerk 491 A165 Field collector 84 B022 Field director 20-39,40-47,833,836,861,862,864,865,869 B021 Field director 832,839(exc.Red Cross) A174 Field director Red Cross 832,839 D316 Field enumerator All Industries B036 Field examiner Veterans Administration 94 E699 Field gager 13,291,46,492,493,496 I479 Field hand 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Field handyman 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Field hauler 01,02,071,072,075,076 B036 Field investigator Veterans Administration 94 A078 Field naturalist All Industries A225 Field observer 13 B021 Field organizer Labor Union 861,862,864,865,869 D365 Field recorder 491 B021 Field reporter AAA 861,862,864,865,869 B028 Field representative 201-203,207,209,514,515 C257 Field representative 40-47 C259 Field representative 49 B013 Field representative 50,511-513,516-519,73,75,76 C277 Field representative 5963 D378 Field representative 603,606,61 C253 Field representative 63,64 B022 Field representative 832,839 A174 Field representative 836 B021 Field representative 863 A175 Field representative Recreation 791,794,799 D376 Field representative Any not listed above D316 Field reviewer All Industries B033 Field scout 46,492,493,496 A175 Field scout Girl or Boy Scouts 861,862,864,865,869 H489 Field service technician, poultry 20 A228 Field technician 483,484 I479 Field worker 01,02,071,072,075,076 A177 Field worker Church 866 A174 Field worker Red Cross 832,839 A177 Field worker Salvation Army 832,839 D368 Field-cane scaler 01 D368 Field-cane-scale clerk 01 B028 Field-contact man 202 A224 Field-laboratory operator 10 A063 Field-map editor All Industries A218 Field-map technician 871 E539 Field-mechanical-meter tester 291,491,492,496 F777 Fifth hand 261-263 I479 Fig caprifier 01,071,072,075,076 D337 Figure clerk All Industries F777 Figurine maker 326 F769 Filament cutter 361,362,364,367,369 F785 Filament maker 36 F785 Filament shaper 36 F797 Filament tester 36 F783 Filament welder All Industries D335 File clerk All Industries F705 File cutter 342 D335 File keeper All Industries F709 File-machine operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 A065 File-system installer All Industries E644 Filer, finish All Industries F709 Filer, n. s. 242-249,25,261-263,33,341-347,349,35-37, 39(exc.394),763,764,7692,7699 D335 Filer, n. s. Any not listed above D315 Filing and typing All Industries D329 Filing books 823 F709 Filing-machine operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F759 Filler 25,394 F754 Filler 281,282,284,286-289 E579 Filler 374,40,41(exc.412),47 H885 Filler 554 F795 Filler Smoking pipes 39(exc.394) H878 Filler feeder 21 H889 Filler man 21 F754 Filler operator All Industries F769 Filler shredder 21 H889 Filler spreader 21 F759 Filler-in 321-323,326 F754 Filler-machine operator All Industries H889 Filler-room attendant 21 E686 Filleter 201,207,209,514,541-544,549 F777 Filling and stapling machine operator Broom 39(exc.394) G859 Filling carrier 22 G859 Filling hand 22 G859 Filling hauler 22 F777 Filling-layer-up 22 F777 Filling-machine operator 20-39 F754 Filling-room operator 201-203,206-209 C243 Filling-station attendant OWN 554 H885 Filling-station attendant PR 554 H885 Filling-station laborer 554 B034 Film booker 781-783,792 F717 Film casting operator All Industries F774 Film cleaner 27,386,722,729,732,733,735,7383-7389, 781-783,792 F759 Film coater 386 F774 Film cutter 781-783,792 F774 Film developer All Industries A195 Film editor All Industries F774 Film examiner 781-783,792 A164 Film librarian All Industries H889 Film loader 781-783,792 F774 Film mounter 732,733,735,7383-7389 F774 Film numberer All Industries F774 Film printer All Industries F774 Film processor All Industries D389 Film reader Microfilm service 732,733,735,7383-7389 A235 Film recordist 781-783,792 F774 Film reproducer All Industries F774 Film splicer All Industries F777 Film spooler 386 F736 Film stripper, printing All Industries F774 Film technician All Industries F774 Film washer All Industries F774 Film waxer 781-783,792 A216 Film-color tester 386 F774 Film-drying machine operator All Industries D329 Film-library clerk All Industries F773 Film-projector operator All Industries D327 Film-rental clerk 52-59,732,733,735,7383-7389 D327 Film-replacement orderer 781-783,792 A228 Film-sound coordinator 781-783,792 H887 Filter changer 282 H887 Filter cleaner 282,386 F757 Filter operator All Industries F757 Filter tank operator All Industries F757 Filter tank tender All Industries E696 Filter tender 494,497 F764 Filter washer 208 H887 Filter washer 281,286,289 F757 Filter-machine operator 261-263 F757 Filter-plant operator All Industries F757 Filter-press man 20-39 F757 Filter-press operator 20-39 H887 Filter-screen cleaner 208 F757 Filteration operator 281,282,284,286-289 F757 Filterer 20-39 E696 Filterer 494,497 F757 Filterman 10 F777 Filterman 291 E696 Filtration man 494,497 E696 Filtration operator 494,497 E696 Filtration-plant operator 494,497 F785 Final assemblyman 20-39 E689 Final tester 36 F797 Final-armature tester 36 F785 Final-assembly worker 20-39 F785 Final-assembly-lineman 20-39 D376 Finance adjuster 60,61 D389 Finance clerk All Industries B023 Financial accountant All Industries B025 Financial adviser 60,821 C255 Financial adviser 62,67 C253 Financial adviser 63,64 C254 Financial adviser 65 B023 Financial adviser 872 B025 Financial agent All Industries B025 Financial aid counselor 822 B014 Financial aids officer All Industries B023 Financial analyst All Industries C255 Financial consultant 62,67 B025 Financial consultant Exc. 62,67 B005 Financial director 91-97 B007 Financial director Exc. 91-97 A166 Financial economist All Industries B005 Financial examiner 91-97 B025 Financial officer All Industries D376 Financial reporter Credit rating service 732,733,735, 7383-7389 A195 Financial writer All Industries C243 Financier 62,67 F786 Fine hairer 311 F786 Fine unhairer 311 F785 Finer 387 F744 Finger closer 20-30,311,315-319,32-39 E547 Finger cobbler All Industries F768 Finger-grip machine operator All Industries G856 Finger-lift operator All Industries F744 Fingerer 225 F744 Fingering-machine operator 225 K458 Fingernail former 722,729 K458 Fingernail sculpturer 722,729 A235 Fingerprint classifier All Industries D389 Fingerprint clerk 91-97 A235 Fingerprint expert All Industries D389 Fingerprint man All Industries D389 Fingerprinter All Industries E567 Finish carpenter All Industries F709 Finish grinder 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F709 Finish opener 39 E547 Finish patcher 25 F709 Finish-filer 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F785 Finish-off operator 25 F707 Finish-rolls operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F727 Finish-saw operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F738 Finisher card tender All Industries F757 Finisher operator 203 F795 Finisher, brush All Industries E666 Finisher, hand All Industries F744 Finisher, n. s. 225,231-238 E658 Finisher, n. s. 25 F774 Finisher, n. s. 27,386,722,729,732,733,735,7383-7389, 781-783,792 H889 Finisher, n. s. 282 F707 Finisher, n. s. 331,332,341-347,349 F709 Finisher, n. s. 333-339 E666 Finisher, n. s. 56(exc.566) F748 Finisher, n. s. 721 E679 Finisher, n. s. Bookbinding 272-279 F795 Finisher, n. s. Mannequin 39(exc.394) F777 Finisher, n. s. Mfg. not listed above F789 Finisher, n. s. Wooden boxes 244,249 F756 Finishing area operator 282 F745 Finishing area operator 313,314 F777 Finishing machine operator 22,231-238 H878 Finishing machine operator 261-263 F777 Finishing machine tender 22,231-238 H889 Finishing machine tender 261-263 F768 Finishing machine tender 328,329 F745 Finishing trimmer 313,314 F777 Finishing-frame runner 22 F777 Finishing-room operator 221-224,228 D375 Fire adjuster 63,64 D376 Fire adjuster Exc. 63,64 K417 Fire aide 08 B036 Fire boss 10-14 K413 Fire captain, marine 92 K413 Fire captain, n.s. All Industries K413 Fire chief 08 B005 Fire chief 92,97 K417 Fire chief's aide All Industries B005 Fire chief's deputy 92 K417 Fire crew worker All Industries K417 Fire fighter All Industries K416 Fire guard All Industries F777 Fire hose curer 302-306 K416 Fire investigation lieutenant All Industries K413 Fire lieutenant, marine 92 K413 Fire lieutenant, n. s. 92 K416 Fire look-out 08 K413 Fire marshall All Industries K416 Fire marshall, investigating All Industries K413 Fire marshall, supervising All Industries K416 Fire observer 08 K417 Fire patrol 08 K416 Fire patrol 20-39 K416 Fire ranger 08 F766 Fire regulator 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) E694 Fire tender Incinerator plant 495 B036 Fire viewer 10-14 K416 Fire warden 08 K413 Fire warden 241 K416 Fire watcher, look-out tower 08 B036 Fire watchman 10-14 K416 Fire watchman 20-39 E575 Fire-alarm installer All Industries K417 Fire-alarm operator 92 D359 Fire-alarm operator Exc. 92 K416 Fire-control aide 08 K416 Fire-control officer 08 E585 Fire-control system installer 15-17 E547 Fire-control technician All Industries E547 Fire-extinguisher charger 509(exc.5093) E547 Fire-extinguisher installer 509(exc.5093) F797 Fire-extinguisher tester 39(exc.394) E547 Fire-fighting-equipment specialist All Industries H869 Fire-pot operator 15-17 K416 Fire-tower keeper 08 I479 Firebreak cutter 01,02,071,072,075,076 E563 Firebrick layer All Industries K417 Fireman, fighting fires 08,373,45,92,97 K417 Fireman, n. s. 08,373,45,92,97 B036 Fireman, n. s. 10-14 G824 Fireman, n. s. 40 K416 Fireman, n. s. 63,64 F766 Fireman, n. s. or other specified Any not listed above F785 Fireproof-door maker All Industries E699 Firer, high pressure All Industries G824 Firer, locomotive All Industries F766 Firer, n. s. 326,361,362,364,367,369,39(exc.394) E615 Firer, n. s. Exc. 326,361,362,364,367,369,391-393, 395-399 F777 Firesetter 361,362,364,367,369 H889 Firewood cutter All Industries F785 Fireworks maker 281,286,289 F769 First beaterman 261-263 F756 First dyer 22 F707 First leveler 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339 H497 First mate 09 G828 First mate 15-17,44 H497 First officer 09 G828 First officer 44 A226 First officer 45 K447 First-aid attendant All Industries B015 First-aid director Red Cross 832,839 K447 First-aid man All Industries K447 First-aid nurse All Industries H878 First-breaker feeder 229 F759 First-calender man 301-306 F768 First-crusher man 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) B023 Fiscal accountant All Industries B025 Fiscal agent All Industries B005 Fiscal analyst 91-97 B025 Fiscal analyst Exc. 91-97 D386 Fiscal clerk All Industries A166 Fiscal economist All Industries B005 Fiscal officer 91-97 B025 Fiscal officer Exc. 91-97 D337 Fiscal-accounting clerk All Industries B033 Fish agent OWN 514 K423 Fish and game warden 08,09,919,95 F786 Fish butcher All Industries H889 Fish chopper, gang knife 207,209 F786 Fish cleaner, hand 201 E686 Fish cleaner, machine 20 F769 Fish cleaner, machine Exc. 20 F769 Fish cleaner, n. s. All Industries A079 Fish conservationist 09 A079 Fish culturist 09 E686 Fish cutter 201,207,209,514,541-544,549 H889 Fish drier 207,209 I475 Fish farmer GOV,OBI or PR 02 I473 Fish farmer OBNI 02 E686 Fish filleter 201,207,209,514,541-544,549 E686 Fish flipper 207,209,514,541-544,549 H483 Fish hatchery, laborer or worker 09 E686 Fish header 207,209 F799 Fish liver sorter 207,209 H888 Fish packer All Industries C277 Fish peddler 5963 H498 Fish pitcher 09 D364 Fish receiver 207,209 F777 Fish salter 207,209 H498 Fish seiner 09 F777 Fish smoker 207,209 H878 Fish straightener 207,209 A079 Fish technologist 09 H498 Fish tender Fish hatchery 09 H498 Fish trapper 09 K423 Fish warden 08,09,919,95 H889 Fish-bin tender 207,209 H878 Fish-boning-machine feeder 207,209 E686 Fish-cutting-machine operator 207,209 H878 Fish-dressing-machine feeder 201,207,209 H888 Fish-egg packer 207,209 H878 Fish-machine feeder 207,209 F777 Fish-net maker 229 F795 Fish-net stringer All Industries F777 Fish-rod maker 394 H878 Fish-skinning-machine feeder 207,209 H498 Fisher, diving 09 H498 Fisher, line 09 H498 Fisher, net All Industries H498 Fisher, pot 09 H498 Fisher, spear 09 H498 Fisher, terrapin 09 H498 Fisher, weir 09 H498 Fisherman 09 E614 Fisherman 13 H498 Fisherman Sport fishing boat 791,794,799 A077 Fishery biologist All Industries H497 Fishing boat captain 09,791,794,799 K461 Fishing guide Fishing camp 702-704 F738 Fishing line winding machine operator 229 F795 Fishing rod marker 394 E614 Fishing-tool operator 13 E614 Fishing-tool technician, oil well 13 E585 Fitter, gas 15-17 E637 Fitter, machine All Industries E666 Fitter, seamstress 531,56(exc.566),5949 E597 Fitter, structural steel All Industries E667 Fitter, tailor 531,56(exc.566),5949 F777 Fitter, n. s. 231-238 H496 Fitter, n. s. 241 F745 Fitter, n. s. 313,314 E597 Fitter, n. s. 344(exc.boiler mfg.) E637 Fitter, n. s. 351,353-356,358,359 E517 Fitter, n. s. 352 E646 Fitter, n. s. 373 E597 Fitter, n. s. 374 E585 Fitter, n. s. 492,496 C265 Fitter, n. s. 566 E666 Fitter, n. s. 7219 E585 Fitter, n. s. Automatic sprinkler systems 355,356,358, 359 E643 Fitter, n. s. Boiler 344 F785 Fitter, n. s. Mfg. not listed above E585 Fitter, n. s. Pipeline 15-17 E666 Fitter, n. s. (female) 531,56(exc.566),721 E667 Fitter, n. s. (male) 531,56(exc.566),721 E667 Fitter, n. s. (sex not shown) 531,56(exc.566),721 E518 Fitter-up 311 E643 Fitter-up 344 E646 Fitter-up 373 K426 Fitting room checker 531,56(exc.566) F704 Fittings finisher 341,343,347,349 D337 Fixed-capital clerk 491,493 F777 Fixer, exc. machine 22(exc.225),282 E518 Fixer, machine 22 E518 Fixer, n. s. 225 E634 Fixture maker 33,34(exc.348),36(exc.lighting fixtures) ,37,40,763,764,7692,7699 F717 Fixture maker Light fixtures 361,362,364,367,369 K453 Fixture relamper All Industries
Last modified: October 16, 2001