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National Compensation Survey - Wages

C‐Ce (Census Occs beginning with) ‐ Occupational Classification System Manual

Major Occupational Groups: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | K
About the Occupational Classification System Manual
Code  Census Job Title                           Industries Affected
F756  C D-mixer                                  302-306
F757  C D-reactor operator                       28
F757  C D-still operator                         28
F757  C D-stripper                               28
K447  C N A (certified nursing assistant)        805-809
D385  C R T clerk                                All Industries
D385  C R T operator (cathode ray tube)          All Industries
G823  C T C operator                             40
K418  C.I.A. agent                               All Industries
A208  C.M.T. (certified medical technician)      All Industries
E529  C.O. Man (central office)                  481
D339  C.O.D. clerk                               All Industries
B023  C.P.A.                                     All Industries
A228  C.W. operator                              482,489
A206  CAT scanner operator                       All Industries
K464  Cab boy                                    701
G809  Cab driver                                 412
D359  Cab starter                                412
D359  Cab-station attendant                      412
K469  Cabana attendant                           791,794,799
K469  Cabana boy                                 All Industries
D318  Cabin agent                                40-47
G829  Cabin boy                                  44
K449  Cabin cleaner                              701-704
H887  Cabin cleaner, aircraft                    All Industries
F799  Cabin man                                  22
E567  Cabinet installer                          15-17
F785  Cabinet mounter                            365,366
E657  Cabinet worker                             242-249,25
E567  Cabinetmaker                               15-17
E657  Cabinetmaker                               242-249,25,571,593,5948,5993-5,5999,763,
F785  Cabinetmaker                               Any not listed above
F777  Cable braider                              331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339
F777  Cable coverer                              331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339
E614  Cable driller                              13
F777  Cable former                               All Industries
H496  Cable hooker                               241
F777  Cable lacer                                20-39
E577  Cable layer                                All Industries
E539  Cable maintainer                           491
F785  Cable maker                                20-39
G848  Cable operator                             15-17
D315  Cable operator                             482,489
H496  Cable puller                               241
H889  Cable puller                               Exc. 241
F777  Cable reeler                               All Industries
F777  Cable respooler                            All Industries
E577  Cable splicer                              41(exc.412),491,493
E527  Cable splicer                              481,482,489
F717  Cable strander                             331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339
F717  Cable stretcher and tester                 All Industries
F717  Cable swager                               372,376
H496  Cable tender                               241
E523  Cable tester                               481,482,489
E577  Cable tester                               491
F717  Cable weaver                               331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339
F777  Cable-armorer operator                     331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339
F717  Cable-machine operator                     All Industries
E523  Cable-television-installer                 All Industries
E614  Cable-tool driller                         13
E614  Cable-tool operator                        13
G848  Cable-way operator                         All Industries
E577  Cableman                                   41(exc.412),491
E527  Cableman                                   481,482,489
H877  Caddy                                      541
K459  Caddy                                      791,794,799
H877  Caddy boy                                  541
H888  Caddy packer                               20-39
K456  Caddymaster                                791,794,799
G829  Cadet                                      44
K418  Cadet                                      92
B017  Cafe operator                              58,701
K444  Cafe worker                                All Industries
K444  Cafeteria aide                             All Industries
K443  Cafeteria attendant                        58
C276  Cafeteria clerk                            58
K436  Cafeteria cook                             All Industries
B017  Cafeteria director                         All Industries
B017  Cafeteria operator                         All Industries
K444  Cafeteria worker                           58
H883  Cage loader                                331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339,
F713  Cage maker, exc. machine                   324,327
F717  Cage maker, machine                        All Industries
G848  Cage operator                              All Industries
G848  Cage tender                                10-14
H883  Cage unloader                              331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339,
H883  Cager                                      10,12,14
G859  Cager operator                             203
H869  Caisson worker                             15-17
G859  Cake boy                                   282
E688  Cake decorator                             All Industries
F755  Cake former                                207,209
E687  Cake froster                               205
E687  Cake icer                                  205
H888  Cake icer and packer                       Bakery 205
H878  Cake knocker                               207,209
E688  Cake maker                                 207,209
E687  Cake maker                                 Exc. 207,209
E687  Cake mixer                                 205,546
F719  Cake press operator                        313,314
H878  Cake puller                                207,209
H878  Cake puncher                               207,209
F777  Cake stripper                              207,209
E689  Cake tester                                204
H889  Cake wrapper                               282
H888  Cake wrapper                               Exc. 282
F777  Cake wringer                               282
E579  Calciminer                                 15-17
H878  Calcine furnace loader                     285
F768  Calciner                                   324,327
D344  Calculating-machine operator               All Industries
D344  Calculator                                 All Industries
D344  Calculator operator                        All Industries
D379  Calendar-control clerk, blood bank         80
H878  Calender feeder                            302-306
F777  Calender machine operator                  22
F777  Calender machine operator                  Exc. 22
F777  Calender man                               20,21,23-39
F777  Calender man                               22
F777  Calender operator                          20,21,23-39
F777  Calender operator                          22
F706  Calender roll press operator               All Industries
F777  Calender runner                            20,21,23-39
F777  Calender runner                            22
F777  Calender tender                            20,21,23-39
F777  Calender tender                            22
F738  Calender wind up tender                    All Industries
E686  Calf skinner                               201
F796  Calibration checker                        381,382(exc.3827)
F797  Calibration tester                         36(exc.363)
A213  Calibration-laboratory technician          All Industries
E693  Calibrator, exc. repairing                 All Industries
E535  Calibrator, repairing                      All Industries
F777  Calico printer                             22
E579  Calker                                     15-17,373
F777  Calker                                     Exc. 15-17,373
D348  Call girl                                  412
D357  Call girl or boy                           40,483,484,781-783,792,823
K464  Call girl or boy                           701
K469  Call girl or boy                           722,729
K417  Call man                                   Fire department 92
E529  Call-box wireman                           481
E529  Call-circuit man                           481
D357  Caller                                     40,41,44,45
K459  Caller                                     701,791,794,799
A194  Calligrapher                               All Industries
A186  Calliope player                            791,794,799
E634  Cam maker                                  20-39
F777  Cambering-machine operator                 All Industries
A189  Camera girl                                All Industries
E535  Camera machinist                           All Industries
A189  Camera operator                            483,484,781-783,792
A189  Camera operator, exc. microfilm or 
        microfiche                               All Industries
D347  Camera operator, microfilm or microfiche   All Industries
D365  Camera storage clerk                       781-783,792
A189  Cameraman                                  483,484,781-783,792
A213  Cameraman                                  Exc. 483,484,781-783,792
A213  Cameraman, repair                          All Industries
A235  Camouflage specialist                      Army 97
A175  Camp advisor                               All Industries
K449  Camp attendant                             241
H494  Camp boss                                  241
K436  Camp cook                                  01,02,071,072,075,076,241
K459  Camp counselor, 14-17 yrs. old             All Industries
A175  Camp counselor, 18 yrs. old & over         All Industries
B017  Camp director                              15-17,241,702-704
B021  Camp director                              832,839
K426  Camp guard                                 All Industries
I477  Camp tender                                01,02,071,072,075,076
K449  Camp tender                                Exc. 01,02,071,072,075,076
B013  Campaign director                          506,507,52-59
B034  Campaign director                          Exc. 506,507,52-59
B037  Campaign worker                            All Industries
B037  Campaigner                                 All Industries
F785  Camper                                     375,379
K426  Campus police                              822
H878  Can boy                                    22
F754  Can capper                                 All Industries
H878  Can carrier                                All Industries
H887  Can cleaner                                All Industries
F777  Can conveyor feeder                        All Industries
F754  Can coverer                                All Industries
F765  Can crimper                                All Industries
F769  Can cutter                                 All Industries
H878  Can doffer                                 22
H878  Can dragger                                22
F777  Can dryer                                  22
H878  Can feeder                                 20-39
F754  Can filler                                 All Industries
H883  Can handler                                203
F754  Can labeler                                All Industries
F785  Can maker                                  All Industries
F777  Can marker                                 203
F777  Can operator                               22
H883  Can piler                                  201
H878  Can pusher                                 22
F777  Can runner                                 22
F754  Can sealer                                 All Industries
F777  Can slider                                 22
F784  Can solderer                               All Industries
F799  Can sorter                                 20-39
F777  Can sterilizer                             All Industries
F777  Can striper                                203
F777  Can tender                                 226
H888  Can top setter                             20
H887  Can washer                                 All Industries
F754  Can-closing-machine operator               All Industries
F754  Can-line operator                          All Industries
G828  Canal driver                               44
B022  Canal superintendent                       49
G859  Canal tender                               494,497
G828  Canal-boat captain                         44
G828  Canal-boat operator                        44
I475  Canary breeder                             GOV,OBI,or PR 02
I473  Canary breeder                             OBNI 02
I475  Canary raiser                              GOV,OBI or PR 02
I473  Canary raiser                              OBNI 02
D346  Canceling-machine operator                 All Industries
D336  Cancellation clerk                         63,64
H889  Candle cutter                              39(exc.394)
F789  Candle dipper, hand                        All Industries
F777  Candle maker                               39(exc.394)
F787  Candle molder, hand                        All Industries
F755  Candle molder, machine                     39(exc.394)
F777  Candle wicker                              All Industries
C277  Candy butcher                              5963
H889  Candy cutter, hand                         206
F789  Candy decorator                            206
F789  Candy dipper                               206
C274  Candy girl                                 58,781-783,792
E688  Candy maker                                206
H888  Candy packer                               206
F759  Candy polisher                             All Industries
F756  Candy puller                               All Industries
F787  Candy roller                               206
H889  Candy spreader                             206
C277  Candy vendor                               5963
C274  Candy-bar attendant                        542,543,544,549
C274  Candy-counter clerk                        542,543,544,549
E688  Candy-forming-machine operator             206
F754  Candy-wrapping-machine operator            206
I479  Cane burner                                01,071,072,075,076
I479  Cane cutter                                01,071,072,075,076
H878  Cane feeder                                206
I479  Cane loader                                01,071,072,075,076
I488  Cane packer                                01,071,072,075,076,514,515,5191
I479  Cane piler                                 01,071,072,075,076
I479  Cane pusher                                01,071,072,075,076
F785  Cane splicer                               All Industries
I479  Cane stripper                              01,071,072,075,076
D368  Cane weigher                               208
I479  Cane-flume chuteman                        01,071,072,075,076
I479  Cane-flume watchman                        01,071,072,075,076
I477  Cane-flume-chute-crew chief                01,071,072,075,076
I477  Cane-flume-feeder-crew chief               01,071,072,075,076
I479  Cane-flume-feeding-machine operator        01,071,072,075,076
F785  Caner                                      All Industries
F738  Canman                                     22
F754  Canner                                     203
F754  Cannery worker                             203
F754  Canning-machine operator                   All Industries
E567  Canoe builder                              373
H496  Cant-hook man                              241
K438  Canteen operator                           All Industries
H496  Canter                                     241
G849  Cantilever-crane operator                  373
A186  Cantor                                     866
F744  Canvas baster                              All Industries
F769  Canvas cutter                              All Industries
E666  Canvas maker                               All Industries
H889  Canvas shrinker                            All Industries
E684  Canvas worker                              All Industries
D316  Canvasser                                  20-39,874
C277  Canvasser                                  5963
F769  Cap cutter                                 All Industries
F744  Cap maker                                  225,231-238
F744  Cap sewer                                  225,231-238
I479  Caponizer                                  02,071,072,075,076
F754  Capper                                     All Industries
F754  Capper-machine operator                    All Industries
F754  Capping-machine operator                   All Industries
F754  Capsule filler                             283
F754  Capsule filling machine operator           283
F754  Capsule maker                              283
F754  Capsule-machine operator                   283
K415  Captain of guards                          All Industries
G829  Captain's boy                              44
K433  Captain, dining room                       701
G828  Captain, exc. fishing vessel               791,794,799
K413  Captain, fire-prevention bureau            92
H497  Captain, fishing vessel                    791,794,799
K456  Captain, head bellman                      701-704
H497  Captain, n. s.                             09,791,794,799 fishing vessel
G828  Captain, n. s.                             15-17,44,791,794,
                                                   799(exc. fishing vessel)
A226  Captain, n. s.                             45
K433  Captain, n. s.                             58
A174  Captain, n. s.                             832,833,839
K413  Captain, n. s.                             Fire department 92
K414  Captain, n. s.                             Police department 92
E617  Car blocker                                10-14
H883  Car blocker                                20-39(exc.241)
H877  Car boy                                    541
H883  Car bracer                                 All Industries
E516  Car builder                                12,374,40,41(exc.412),47
H887  Car carder                                 731
G823  Car chaser                                 208
G813  Car chaser                                 527,55,752-754
D368  Car checker, clerical                      All Industries
E514  Car checker, mechanical, auto body         All Industries
E505  Car checker, mechanical, exc. auto body    All Industries
H887  Car cleaner, exterior                      40
K453  Car cleaner, interior                      40
H889  Car cleaner, n. s.                         10-14
H887  Car cleaner, n. s.                         Exc. 10-14
D363  Car clerk, pullman                         40
H887  Car conditioner                            527,551,552,555-559
H887  Car cooper                                 All Industries
G825  Car coupler                                10-14,40
C263  Car dealer                                 551,552
H887  Car detailer                               371,551,552,carwash 752-754
G823  Car dispatcher                             10-14
D359  Car dispatcher                             Exc. 10-14
G823  Car distributor                            10-14
D374  Car distributor                            40
G859  Car dropper                                10-14
H887  Car dryer                                  527,55,752-754
G859  Car dumper                                 12
G804  Car escort                                 All Industries
F797  Car examiner                               41(exc.412)
G804  Car ferrier                                All Industries
H889  Car filler                                 12
E567  Car framer                                 374,40,41(exc.412),47
H885  Car greaser                                527,55,752-754
E519  Car greaser                                Exc. 527,55,752-754
G813  Car hiker                                  527,55,752-754
H883  Car hop                                    202,514,545
G813  Car hop                                    527,55,752-754
H877  Car hop                                    541
K438  Car hop                                    58,701
G825  Car hopper                                 40
G813  Car hopper                                 527,55,752-754
K438  Car hostess                                58
G813  Car hostler                                527,55,752-754
H889  Car icer                                   40
G813  Car jockey                                 501,527,55,752-754
H883  Car knocker                                All Industries
H883  Car loader                                 All Industries
E519  Car lubricator                             40
H885  Car lubricator                             527,55,752-754
G824  Car mover                                  40
H889  Car mover                                  Exc. 40
E519  Car oiler                                  All Industries
H883  Car packer                                 40
F759  Car painter                                All Industries
G813  Car parker                                 All Industries
G804  Car pilot                                  All Industries
G859  Car pincher                                10-14
H883  Car pincher                                Coke 331
K463  Car porter                                 40
H889  Car pre-cooler                             40
H889  Car pusher                                 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339,
D339  Car recorder                               40
F759  Car refinisher                             371,527,55,752-754
D378  Car repossessor                            All Industries
G825  Car rider                                  12,40
G855  Car runner                                 10-14
G825  Car runner                                 40
G859  Car runner                                 Exc. 10-14,40,parking lot 752,7542
G813  Car runner                                 Parking lot 752,7542
H865  Car sander                                 371,527,55,752-754
H887  Car scrubber                               374
D389  Car sealer                                 40
H885  Car servicer                               All Industries
G813  Car shagger                                527,55,752-754
G859  Car shifter                                331
G825  Car shifter                                40
G825  Car shunter                                40
G823  Car spotter                                208
D359  Car starter                                41(exc.412)
H883  Car storer                                 All Industries
H883  Car stower                                 All Industries
D374  Car supplier                               40
K453  Car sweeper                                40
E689  Car tester                                 371
D374  Car tracer                                 40
G859  Car trimmer                                40
H883  Car unloader                               All Industries
K459  Car usher                                  Drive-in theater 781-783,792
H887  Car washer                                 All Industries
H887  Car wiper                                  527,55,752-754
E547  Car wrecker                                5093
G859  Car-dumper operator                        331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339,
F785  Car-head-liner installer                   All Industries
G804  Car-pick-up man                            527,55,752-754
D339  Car-record clerk                           40
C275  Car-rental agent                           All Industries
G826  Car-retarder operator                      40
F785  Car-seat coverer                           371,527,55,752-754
E668  Car-seat maker                             371
E668  Car-seat upholsterer                       371,527,55,752-754
F757  Caramel coloring operator                  All Industries
E688  Caramel maker                              206
E684  Carbide operator                           35
F756  Carbide powder processor                   All Industries
E634  Carbide-tool maker                         387
I479  Carbider                                   01,02,071,072,075,076
F777  Carbon cleaner                             361,362,364,367,369
F759  Carbon coating machine operator            All Industries
F769  Carbon cutter                              All Industries
F768  Carbon grinder                             All Industries
F723  Carbon paper coating machine setter        All Industries
F777  Carbon paper interleafer                   All Industries
F795  Carbon printer                             272-279
F758  Carbon-dioxide operator                    281,286,289
F777  Carbon-paper-machine operator              All Industries
H878  Carbon-rod inserter                        36
F757  Carbonation equipment operator             Sugar 206
F757  Carbonation equipment tender               All Industries
F757  Carbonator                                 All Industries
F777  Carbonizer                                 22
F724  Carbonizer                                 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699
F757  Carbonizer                                 39(exc.394)
F797  Carbonizer tester                          208
H889  Carboy filler                              281,282,284,286-289
E505  Carburetor expert                          371,527,55,752-754
E515  Carburetor expert                          372
E505  Carburetor man                             371,527,55,752-754
E515  Carburetor man                             45
E505  Carburetor rebuilder                       753,7549
E505  Carburetor specialist                      371,527,55,752-754
F724  Carburizing-furnace operator               All Industries
F786  Carcass splitter                           20
H889  Carcass washer                             201
H888  Card boxer                                 272-279
H878  Card boy                                   22
F777  Card brusher                               22
E518  Card changer, jacquard loom                All Industries
K459  Card checker, amusement or recreation      All Industries
F796  Card checker, exc. amusement or 
        recreation                               All Industries
F777  Card cleaner                               22
F777  Card clothier                              22
F769  Card cutter                                All Industries
K459  Card dealer                                791,794,799
F753  Card decorator                             272-279
F777  Card feeder                                22
D335  Card filer                                 All Industries
F777  Card fixer                                 22
F765  Card folder                                265
F777  Card girl                                  22
K459  Card grader                                All Industries
F777  Card grinder                               22
E644  Card grinder                               Exc. 22
F777  Card hand                                  22
F777  Card lacer                                 22
F777  Card maker                                 All Industries
F777  Card mounter                               All Industries
A194  Card painter                               272-279
F777  Card placer                                731
K459  Card player                                791,794,799
D385  Card puncher                               All Industries
F777  Card runner                                22
F777  Card scraper                               22
K459  Card seller                                701,791,794,799
F777  Card setter                                22
D309  Card sorter                                All Industries
F777  Card stripper                              22
K459  Card table attendant                       701,791,794,799
F777  Card tender                                22
K459  Card-game operator                         791,794,799
D385  Card-punching-machine operator             All Industries
D309  Card-tape-converter operator               All Industries
H889  Cardboard inserter                         225,23
F754  Carder                                     20,21,23-39
F777  Carding-machine operator                   22
A208  Cardiograph operator                       807-809
A208  Cardiographer                              807-809
A084  Cardiologist                               801,803
A208  Cardiopulmonary technician                 All Industries
A084  Cardiovascular surgeon                     801,803
A208  Cardiovascular technologist                All Industries
A084  Cardiovascular-disease specialist          801,803
K459  Cardroom attendant                         All Industries
F777  Cardroom hand                              22
F777  Cardroom worker                            22
F777  Cardroom-drawing runner                    22
D379  Career-guidance technician                 82
H486  Caretaker, grounds                         All Industries
H486  Caretaker, lawn                            All Industries
K459  Caretaker, renting boats                   All Industries
K453  Caretaker-janitor                          All Industries
K449  Caretaker, n. s.                           701
H487  Caretaker, n. s.                           Animal shelter 861,862,864,865,869
H486  Caretaker, n. s.                           Athletic field
I479  Caretaker, n. s.                           Bird haven 078
H486  Caretaker, n. s.                           Cemetery 65 or 94
K449  Caretaker, n. s.                           Funeral home 726
H487  Caretaker, n. s.                           Game preserve 09
E547  Caretaker, n. s.                           National Guard Armory 97
I479  Caretaker, n. s.                           PR 01(exc. greenhouse),02,071,072,075,
H484  Caretaker, n. s.                           PR Greenhouse 01,078
H486  Caretaker, n. s.                           Park
H486  Caretaker, n. s.                           Private estate 88
H486  Caretaker, n. s.                           Private home 88
H486  Caretaker, n. s.                           Racetrack 791,794,799
H487  Caretaker, n. s.                           Zoo 84
K453  Caretaker, n. s.                           Any not listed above
D364  Cargo agent                                40-47
H876  Cargo bracer                               44
D368  Cargo checker                              44
H876  Cargo handler                              44
H883  Cargo handler                              Exc. 44
H883  Cargo head                                 45
H876  Cargo man                                  44
H883  Cargo man                                  45
D364  Cargo router                               All Industries
H876  Cargo trimmer                              44
H876  Cargo-station man                          44
G859  Carman                                     10-14
E516  Carman                                     Exc. 10-14
K459  Carney                                     791,794,799
E567  Carpenter's mate                           44
E567  Carpenter, n. s. or any specified type     All Industries
F777  Carpet binder                              52-59
F748  Carpet cleaner                             227,721
F777  Carpet cleaner                             Exc. 227,721
F743  Carpet cutter                              221-224,227,228
F786  Carpet cutter                              571
E566  Carpet installer                           All Industries
E566  Carpet layer                               All Industries
K453  Carpet man                                 701
F748  Carpet renovator                           721
F744  Carpet sewer                               52-59
F739  Carpet weaver                              227
E566  Carpet-tile layer                          All Industries
H496  Carriage dogger                            242,243
H496  Carriage man                               242,243
H496  Carriage operator                          242,243
H496  Carriage rider                             242,243
H496  Carriage setter                            242,243
G859  Carrier                                    15-17,20-39(exc.241,271)
H496  Carrier                                    241
C278  Carrier                                    271,5963
D355  Carrier                                    43
G859  Carrier boy                                15-17,20-39(exc.241,271)
C278  Carrier boy                                271,5963
H496  Carrier driver                             242,243
D355  Carrier driver                             43
G856  Carrier operator                           20-39
I488  Carrot buncher                             01,071,072,075,076,514,515,5191
F799  Carrot buncher                             Any not listed above
I479  Carrot harvester                           01,071,072,075,076
I488  Carrot tier                                01,071,072,075,076,514,515,5191
F799  Carrot tier                                Any not listed above
F777  Carroter                                   231-238
F777  Carroting machine operator                 231-238
H878  Carroting-machine offbearer                231-238
G859  Carry boy                                  15-17,20-39(exc.241)
G856  Carry-all driver                           20-39
H878  Carry-in boy                               321-323
H877  Carry-out boy                              541
H877  Carry-out boy and shelf stocker            52-59
K438  Carry-out-clerk                            58
H889  Cart attendant, bringing in carts for
        groceries, etc                           All Industries
H877  Cart boy                                   541
G859  Cart driver                                All Industries
K447  Cart girl                                  805-809
A218  Cartographer                               732,733,735,7383-7389
A218  Cartographic aide                          All Industries
A218  Cartographic draftsman                     All Industries
A218  Cartographic technician                    All Industries
A218  Cartographic-survey aide                   All Industries
F765  Carton folder                              20-39
F765  Carton forming machine operator            All Industries
F777  Carton liner                               20-39
F754  Carton machine operator                    20-39
F777  Carton maker                               20-39
F765  Carton making machine operator             All Industries
F754  Carton packaging machine operator          All Industries
F764  Carton stamper                             20-39
H888  Carton wrapper                             All Industries
H878  Carton-counter feeder                      21
F754  Carton-filling-machine operator            All Industries
E684  Cartoon designer                           All Industries
A188  Cartoonist                                 899
F754  Cartridge filler                           20-39
F796  Cartridge gager                            All Industries
F785  Cartridge maker                            All Industries
E684  Carver, hand                               244,249,25
F769  Carver, leather                            315-317,319
E686  Carver, meat                               201,203,58
E675  Carver, stone                              328,329
E684  Carver, wood                               All Industries
F769  Carver, n. s.                              Any not listed above
F777  Cascade operator                           261-263,28
K465  Case aide                                  All Industries
A178  Case briefer                               81
D368  Case checker                               20-39
A174  Case consultant                            All Industries
H888  Case filler                                All Industries
F785  Case fitter                                25
H888  Case folder                                203
F724  Case hardener                              33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699
A174  Case investigator                          832,836,839
H888  Case liner                                 All Industries
F754  Case loader operator                       All Industries
F753  Case making machine operator               27
F777  Case operator                              291
H888  Case packer                                203
A174  Case reviewer                              832,836,839
H888  Case sealer                                20-39
A174  Case worker                                All Industries
E518  Case-finishing-machine adjuster            All Industries
K465  Case-work aide                             All Industries
F777  Caseman                                    291
E614  Caser                                      13
E679  Caser                                      272-279
E535  Caser                                      387
H888  Caser                                      Any not listed above
E679  Caser-in                                   272-279
F745  Caser-up                                   313,314
F727  Casey-saw operator                         242-244,249,25
C276  Cash boy                                   52-59
C276  Cash checker                               Money transportation service 7381,7382
C276  Cash girl                                  52-59
I475  Cash grain grower                          GOV,OBI or PR 01
I473  Cash grain grower                          OBNI 01
C276  Cash office worker                         All Industries
D337  Cash register balancer                     All Industries
E538  Cash register servicer                     All Industries
C276  Cash-register operator                     All Industries
C276  Cashier and salesperson                    50-59,63-65,70-89,91-97
K435  Cashier and waitress                       All Industries
B007  Cashier, bank                              60(exc.603,606)
C276  Cashier, gambling                          58,701,791,794,799
C276  Cashier, tube room                         52-59
C276  Cashier-hostess                            All Industries
C276  Cashier-wrapper                            52-59
C276  Cashier, n. s.                             52-59
D383  Cashier, n. s.                             60(exc.603,606)
C276  Cashier, n. s.                             Any not listed above
F777  Casing blower                              201
E563  Casing builder                             325
H878  Casing cleaner                             201
E614  Casing crew man                            13
F756  Casing fluid tender                        21
F777  Casing flusher                             201
F777  Casing girl                                201
F799  Casing grader                              201
E614  Casing man                                 13
F777  Casing man                                 201
E563  Casing man                                 325
G848  Casing puller                              13
F785  Casing puller                              201
F777  Casing runner                              201
F754  Casing running machine tender              201
F744  Casing sewer                               201
F785  Casing tier                                201
F785  Casing trimmer                             201
F777  Casing-in line setter                      27
H878  Casing-in-line feeder                      27
H878  Casing-machine operator                    201
D383  Casino change girl                         All Industries
K459  Casino floorman                            All Industries
E668  Casket coverer                             39(exc.394)
F785  Casket maker, metal                        39(exc.394)
E684  Casket maker, wood                         39(exc.394)
E668  Casket trimmer                             39(exc.394)
K447  Cast man                                   805-809
F759  Cast-iron dipper                           Enamelware 346
F766  Caster                                     33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699
E647  Caster                                     Jewelry 39(exc.394)
F787  Caster                                     Any not listed above
F719  Caster operator                            27
F777  Casterman                                  27
H889  Casting chipper                            All Industries
H889  Casting cleaner                            All Industries
A187  Casting director                           483,484,781-783,792
F736  Casting machine operator                   27
F719  Casting machine operator                   33-37
F719  Casting molder                             33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699
F719  Casting operator                           313,314,36
H889  Casting-house laborer                      All Industries
H889  Casting-house man                          331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339,
F755  Casting-machine operator                   202,206
F719  Casting-room operator                      282
F719  Casting-wheel operator                     All Industries
I479  Castrator                                  071,072,075,076
G856  Cat driver                                 All Industries
G856  Cat operator                               All Industries
A206  Cat scanner operator                       All Industries
G856  Cat skinner                                All Industries
H496  Cat swamper                                241
G856  Cat tender                                 241
F757  Cat-cracker operator                       291
G859  Cat-wagon operator                         20-39
D327  Catalogue clerk                            All Industries
D389  Catalogue compiler                         All Industries
A188  Catalogue illustrator                      All Industries
A164  Catalogue librarian                        All Industries
D389  Catalogue maker                            All Industries
A164  Cataloguer                                 823
D389  Cataloguer                                 Exc. 823
F756  Catalyst concentration operator            313,314
E628  Catalyst operator, chief                   281,286,289
F757  Catalyst operator, n. s.                   291
F757  Catalyst recovery operator                 281,282,286,289
F757  Catalyst-unit operator                     291
F757  Catalytic converter operator               All Industries
H887  Catch-basin cleaner                        763,764,7692,7699
H878  Catcher                                    20,22-39,40,763,764,7692,7699
F796  Catcher                                    21
F748  Catcher                                    721
H496  Catchman                                   241
A177  Catechist                                  866
K439  Caterer's aide                             All Industries
C277  Caterer, truck                             5963
B017  Caterer, n. s.                             546,58,701
B017  Cateress                                   546,58,701
G856  Caterpillar driver                         All Industries
G856  Caterpillar operator                       All Industries
G856  Caterpillar-tractor operator               All Industries
E614  Cathead man                                13
G849  Cathead man                                15-17
F787  Catheter builder                           3827,384,385
F759  Cathode maker                              281,286,289
G853  Catshovel driver                           15-17
F744  Catstitcher                                225
I479  Cattle brander                             02,071,072,075,076
B028  Cattle broker                              515
B028  Cattle buyer                               201,515
B028  Cattle dealer                              515
I479  Cattle dehorner                            071,072,075,076
I479  Cattle dipper                              02,071,072,075,076
I479  Cattle driver                              02,071,072,075,076
B036  Cattle examiner                            FGOV
I475  Cattle farmer                              GOV,OBI or PR 02
I473  Cattle farmer                              OBNI 02
I479  Cattle feeder                              GOV or PR 02,071,072,075,076
I475  Cattle feeder                              OBI 02,071,072,075,076
I473  Cattle feeder                              OBNI 02,071,072,075,076
F786  Cattle killer                              201
F786  Cattle knocker                             201
I475  Cattle rancher                             GOV,OBI or PR 02
I473  Cattle rancher                             OBNI 02
I479  Cattle rustler                             02,071,072,075,076
B028  Cattle shipper                             515
H889  Cattle sorter                              201
I479  Cattle sprayer                             02,071,072,075,076
A223  Cattle tester                              02
B028  Cattle trader                              515
B028  Cattleman                                  515
I475  Cattleman                                  GOV,OBI or PR 02
I473  Cattleman                                  OBNI 02
H496  Cattyman                                   241
E686  Caul dresser                               201
E686  Caul puller                                201
F757  Caustic man                                261-263
F756  Caustic mixer                              All Industries
F757  Caustic operator                           28
F757  Caustic preparer                           All Industries
F757  Caustic-liquor maker                       261-263
F757  Caustic-plant worker                       261-263
E696  Caustic-pump operator                      281,282,284,286-289
F757  Caustic-purification operator              28
F757  Caustic-room operator                      261-263
F757  Causticiser                                261-263,28
E567  Ceiler                                     373
E567  Ceiling installer                          Exc. metal ceilings 15-17
E596  Ceiling installer                          Metal ceiling 15-17
I479  Celery cutter                              01,071,072,075,076
F769  Celery cutter                              203,207,209
F799  Celery cutter                              Any not listed above
I488  Celery packer                              01,071,072,075,076,514,515,5191
F799  Celery packer                              Any not listed above
I479  Celery stripper                            01,071,072,075,076
F799  Celery stripper                            Exc. 01,071,072,075,076
I488  Celery tier                                01,071,072,075,076,514,515,5191
F799  Celery tier                                Any not listed above
I488  Celery wrapper                             01,071,072,075,076,514,515,5191
F799  Celery wrapper                             Any not listed above
F787  Cell builder                               28
E547  Cell changer, chemical                     All Industries
H887  Cell cleaner                               281,283-289
E519  Cell installer                             All Industries
F787  Cell maker                                 281,286-289
F757  Cell operator                              28
H889  Cell preparer                              282
H878  Cell stripper                              282
F757  Cell tender                                28
F797  Cell tester                                28
F785  Cell tuber, hand                           361,362,364,367,369
F777  Cell tuber, machine                        361,362,364,367,369
F777  Cell-room operator                         261-263
E519  Cellar packer                              40
H889  Cellarman                                  201
F757  Cellarman                                  208
A186  Cellist                                    781-783,792
F799  Cello-pack carrots                         All Industries
F756  Cellophane bath mixer                      313,314
F734  Cellophane pressman                        272-279
F777  Cellophane pressman                        282
A214  Cellophane tester                          All Industries
H888  Cellophane worker                          Cigar 21
F777  Cellophane-bag-machine operator            267
H888  Cellophaner                                All Industries
H869  Cement breaker                             15-17
B022  Cement contractor, administrator or
        general manager                          15-17
E558  Cement contractor, exc. administrator or
        general manager                          15-17
H869  Cement cutter                              15-17
E617  Cement gun operator                        12
E588  Cement mason                               15-17
E599  Cement mixer                               15-17
F756  Cement mixer                               324,327
E588  Cement patcher                             324,327
F777  Cement worker                              324,327
F719  Cement-block maker                         324,327
G859  Cement-boat-and-barge loader               324,327
E588  Cement-gun operator                        15-17
H878  Cementer, machine applicator               313,314
G859  Cementer, n. s.                            13
F745  Cementer, n. s.                            313,314
E588  Cementer, n. s.                            373
F753  Cementer, n. s.                            Any not listed above
C274  Cemetery counselor                         65
H486  Cemetery keeper                            65
H486  Cemetery laborer                           65
H486  Cemetery warden                            65
H486  Cemetery worker                            65
A194  Censor                                     All Industries
D316  Census enumerator                          96
D316  Census taker                               96
F709  Centerless grinder                         33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699
F709  Centerless-grinder operator                33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699
F777  Centerpuncher                              365,366
E529  Central office installer                   Western Electric Co. 365,366
E529  Central-office deskman                     481
E529  Central-office installer                   481
D348  Central-office operator                    481
E529  Central-office-equipment installer         481
E529  Central-office-trouble man                 481
D365  Central-service supply distributor         806
D365  Central-supply aide                        806
A095  Central-supply nurse                       All Industries
D365  Central-supply technician                  806
D365  Central-supply worker                      806
F717  Centrifugal control switch machine
        operator                                 All Industries
F757  Centrifugal man                            202,204,206,207,209,28
F757  Centrifugal operator                       202,204,206,207,209,28
F757  Centrifugal station operator               202,204,206,207,209,28
F755  Centrifugal-casting machine tender         39(exc.394)
F766  Centrifugal-casting-machine operator       33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699
F757  Centrifugal-drier operator                 202,204,206,207,209,28
F757  Centrifugal-machine tender                 202,204,206,207,209,28
F757  Centrifuge operator                        202,204,206,207,209,28
F757  Centrifuge separator operator              281,286,289
F757  Centrifuge separator tender                All Industries
A188  Ceramic artist                             All Industries
F777  Ceramic capacitator processor              All Industries
A073  Ceramic chemist                            All Industries
F723  Ceramic coater                             All Industries
A185  Ceramic designer                           All Industries
F777  Ceramic worker                             326
A185  Ceramic-mold designer                      All Industries
E565  Ceramic-tile installer                     15-17
E678  Ceramist                                   802,807-809
A073  Cereal chemist                             All Industries
E688  Cereal maker                               204
B023  Certified accountant                       872
A208  Certified medical technician               All Industries
B023  Certified-public accountant                872
B036  Certifier                                  Seed certification 96
H887  Cesspool cleaner                           763,764,7692,7699

Last modified: October 16, 2001