An official website of the United States government
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KCode Census Job Title Industries Affected C243 Haberdasher 56(exc.566) G809 Hack driver 412 G859 Hack driver 47 F727 Hack-saw operator All Industries H495 Hacker 08 H878 Hacker 325 G809 Hacker 412 F795 Hackler 39(exc.394) F777 Hair boiler 39(exc.394) F777 Hair boiler operator 39(exc.394) F786 Hair clipper, power All Industries K458 Hair colorist 723 K457 Hair colorist 724 K457 Hair cutter Barbershop 724 K458 Hair cutter Beauty parlor 723 F777 Hair dryer 311 F756 Hair mixer 39(exc.394) K458 Hair specialist 723 H878 Hair spinner 20-39 K458 Hair stylist 723 F785 Hair weaver 39(exc.394) F777 Hair-machine operator 311 H878 Hair-spinning-machine operator 39(exc.394) E693 Hair-spring adjuster 387 F785 Hair-spring cutter 387 E693 Hair-spring setter 387 E693 Hair-spring staker 387 E693 Hair-spring truer 387 E693 Hair-spring vibrator 387 F717 Hair-spring winder 387 K458 Hairdresser 723 F745 Half backer 313,314 F745 Half-sole fitter 313,314 D317 Hall clerk 701 K453 Hall girl 701 K453 Hall porter 65,701,806 K426 Hall tender 43,91-97 K453 Hallboy 65,701,806 K453 Hallman 65,701,806 E686 Ham boner 201 D368 Ham clerk 201 F777 Ham curer 201 F764 Ham doctor 201 E686 Ham facer 201 F777 Ham marker 201 H883 Ham passer 201 F764 Ham pumper 201 E686 Ham sawyer 201 F777 Ham smoker 201 H889 Ham stringer 201 E686 Ham stripper 201 E686 Ham trimmer 201 F754 Ham-rolling machine operator 201 F713 Hammer driver 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F777 Hammer fitter 39(exc.394) F713 Hammer runner 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 E647 Hammer setter 39(exc.394),pt509,5944,763,764,7692,7699 I479 Hammer-mill operator 01,02,071,072,075,076 F769 Hammer-mill operator 3334,334,3353-3355,3363,3365 F768 Hammer-mill operator Any not listed above E617 Hammerman 10-14 E599 Hammerman 15-17 F713 Hammerman Any not listed above F713 Hammersmith 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 E647 Hammersmith 39(exc.394) F785 Hamper maker, machine All Industries E684 Hand carver 244,249,25 F789 Hand decorator 326 H889 Hand finisher, toys and games 394 F795 Hand finisher, n. s. 225,23,56(exc.566),721 F795 Hand grinder All Industries L403 Hand ironer 88 F795 Hand ironer Exc. 88 F789 Hand painter 22 L403 Hand presser 88 F795 Hand presser Exc. 88 F795 Hand sander All Industries F795 Hand stamper 20-39 E666 Hand stitcher 20-39 G859 Hand trucker All Industries E666 Hand weaver 22 I479 Hand, n. s. 01,02,071,072,075,076 E617 Hand, n. s. 10-14 F777 Hand, n. s. 20-39 H885 Hand, n. s. 554 F744 Handbag finisher 315-319 F785 Handbag framer 315-319 F785 Handbag operator 315-319 F744 Handbag stitcher All Industries A183 Handbook writer 372,376 F777 Hander-in 22 A195 Handicapper 271 A199 Handicapper 791,794,799 H888 Handkerchief folder 231-238 F744 Handkerchief maker 231-238 F777 Handle attacher 351,353-356,358,359 F787 Handle maker All Industries F777 Handle turner All Industries F753 Handle-machine operator All Industries F795 Handler 326 H883 Handler Exc. 326 A235 Handwriting expert 732,733,735,7383-7389 F748 Handy girl Laundromat 721 K449 Handyman, cleaning 701-704,726,805,806 L407 Handyman, cleaning 88 K453 Handyman, cleaning Any not listed above K444 Handyman, kitchen help All Industries I479 Handyman, n. s. 01,02,071,072,075,076 E617 Handyman, n. s. 10-14 H869 Handyman, n. s. 15-17 H889 Handyman, n. s. 20-39(exc.241) K453 Handyman, n. s. 506-508,521-526,53,54,56-59,721-725,729, 78-82,833,835 H885 Handyman, n. s. 527,55,752-754 K449 Handyman, n. s. 701-704,726,832,836,839,861,862,864,865, 869 L407 Handyman, n. s. 88 G829 Handyman, n. s. Dredgeboat 15-17 H889 Handyman, n. s. Any not listed above H889 Hangar attendant 45 F748 Hanger 721 H889 Hanger Exc. 721 H889 Hanger-off 201 E585 Hangerman 373 E646 Hangersmith 373 F738 Hanker 22 F777 Hanker Exc. 22 B005 Harbor master All Industries K418 Harbor-patrol policeman All Industries E615 Hard-rock miner, blasting 10-14 E616 Hard rock miner, n. s. 10-14 F795 Hardener, hand 231-238 F785 Hardener, n. s. 231-238,324,327 F724 Hardener, n. s. 33-37(exc.348),40,5944,763,764,7692,7699 A216 Hardness tester 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F785 Hardware installer 20-39 E599 Hardwood finisher 15-17 E658 Hardwood finisher 242-249,25 E567 Hardwood-floor layer 15-17 A068 Harmonic analyst All Industries F785 Harmonica maker 39(exc.394) F739 Harness boy 22 H887 Harness brusher 22 F739 Harness builder 22 F785 Harness builder 372,376 H887 Harness cleaner 22 F777 Harness cutter 315-319 F777 Harness fitter 315-319 F785 Harness installer 372,376 F777 Harness mender 22 F739 Harness placer All Industries F796 Harness puller 22 F785 Harness rigger 239 F777 Harness worker 371 F785 Harnessmaker 361,362,364,367,369 E669 Harnessmaker Exc. 361,362,364,367,369 F777 Harnessman 22 A186 Harpist 781-783,792 H498 Harpooner 09 I477 Harvest contractor, field crop 071,072,075,076 I479 Harvest worker, field crops 01,071,072,075,076 I479 Harvest worker, fruit 01,071,072,075,076 I479 Harvest worker, vegetable 01,071,072,075,076 D368 Harvest-field ticket man 01 I479 Harvester 01,071,072,075,076 I479 Harvester operator 01,071,072,075,076 G853 Harvester operator 10-14 K436 Hash slinger All Industries F769 Hasher 201 K436 Hasher 241 F769 Hasher machine operator All Industries F744 Hat binder All Industries E684 Hat block maker 242-244,249 F748 Hat blocker All Industries K469 Hat checker All Industries F748 Hat cleaner 725 E684 Hat copyist 56(exc.566) F769 Hat cutter 231-238 A185 Hat designer 231-238 F777 Hat finisher 225,23,267,39(exc.394) F777 Hat former 225,23,267,39 F748 Hat former 721 F747 Hat ironer All Industries F744 Hat liner 20-39 E684 Hat maker 225,23,267,39(exc.394),531,56(exc.566) C283 Hat model All Industries F747 Hat presser All Industries F748 Hat renovator 725 F777 Hat sizer 225,23,267,39(exc.394) F748 Hat sizer 721 F759 Hat sprayer 225,23,267,39(exc.394) F747 Hat steamer 721 E684 Hat trimmer 531,56(exc.566) F744 Hat trimmer Exc. 531,561-564,569 F777 Hat-blocking-machine operator 20-39 F799 Hat-body sorter All Industries K469 Hat-check boy All Industries K469 Hat-check girl All Industries H878 Hat-forming machine feeder 225,23,267,39 G843 Hatch boss 44 H889 Hatch tender 44 I479 Hatchery attendant 02 H483 Hatchery attendant 09 I479 Hatchery employee 02 H483 Hatchery employee 09 I479 Hatchery laborer 02 H483 Hatchery laborer 09 H483 Hatchery man, fish 09 I479 Hatchery man, poultry GOV or PR 02 H483 Hatchery man, n. s. 09 I479 Hatchery man, n. s. GOV or PR 02 I475 Hatchery man, n. s. OBI 02 I473 Hatchery man, n. s. OBNI 02 F748 Hatter 725 F777 Hatter Exc. 725 I479 Haul-cane brakeman 01,02,071,072,075,076 I477 Haul-cane-crew chief 01,02,071,072,075,076 G824 Haulage engineman All Industries G859 Hauler 10-14,201,21,22,311 G856 Hauler 241 G804 Hauler Any not listed above G843 Hauling contractor 421,423 C277 Hawker 5963 I479 Hay baler 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Hay buckler 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Hay chopper 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Hay stacker 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Hay-rake operator 01,02,071,072,075,076 H878 Hay-sorter, archery equipment 394 G859 Hazard waste handler All Industries E599 Hazardous material specialist 15-17 G859 Hazardous material specialist Exc. 15-17 E599 Hazardous waste remover 15-17 K433 Head baker All Industries K433 Head banquet waiter 58,701 K433 Head banquet waitress 58,701 D305 Head bookkeeper All Industries H494 Head bucker 241 D303 Head cashier 60(exc.603,606) C243 Head cashier Exc. 601,602,608,609 F766 Head charger 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 H494 Head chopper 241 K433 Head cook, school cafeteria All Industries E628 Head cook, n. s. 201-204,206-209 E687 Head cook, n. s. 205 K433 Head cook, n. s. Any not listed above E667 Head cutter 231-238 F768 Head grinder 261-263 E686 Head holder 201 L405 Head housekeeper 88 K448 Head housekeeper Exc. 88 F747 Head ironer 721 E503 Head lineman 481 H494 Head loader 241 H878 Head machine feeder All Industries F768 Head miller 204 F756 Head mixer 205 A095 Head nurse 806 C243 Head of commission department 63,64 E628 Head operator, sulfide 281,286,289 K433 Head pastry chef All Industries K456 Head porter, baggage All Industries H887 Head porter, cleaning 527,55,752-754 L407 Head porter, cleaning 88 K449 Head porter, cleaning Any not listed above H494 Head rigger 241 I477 Head rose grower 01 H494 Head sawyer 241 F727 Head sawyer 242-249,25 F777 Head screenman 261-263 F736 Head setter 27 D364 Head shipper All Industries K433 Head silverman 58 B014 Head start Director All Industries F757 Head stillman 291 H494 Head swamper 241 D303 Head teller All Industries F786 Head trimmer 20 K456 Head usher All Industries K433 Head waiter 58 K433 Head waitress 58 A174 Head worker 832,839 F777 Head-bander and liner operator 27 K426 Head-gate attendant 491 E686 Header 201 F728 Header 242-249,25 F795 Header 244,249 F766 Header 333-339 G843 Header 44 F777 Header Any not listed above E558 Header boss 15-17 F713 Header man 33-34 F713 Header operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F777 Header up All Industries F713 Header-machine operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F777 Heading machine operator 387 F777 Heading maker All Industries F777 Heading pinner 242-249,25 H889 Heading-up-machine man 285 F727 Heading-up-machine operator 244,249 E505 Headlight adjuster 371,527,55,752-754 E505 Headlight man 371,527,55,752-754 A195 Headline writer 271 F785 Headliner installer 371 G859 Headman 10-14 F766 Headman 333-339 G825 Headman 40 B014 Headmaster 821 B015 Health administrator All Industries B015 Health commissioner 807-809 B015 Health director All Industries A084 Health officer 807-809 A069 Health physicist, radiation control All Industries A069 Health physicist, n. s. All Industries B026 Health program specialist 806 A208 Health sanitarian All Industries A105 Health therapist, associate degree or higher All Industries K446 Health therapist, less than associate degree All Industries B015 Health-care administrator All Industries K446 Health-education aide All Industries B014 Health-education director All Industries A197 Health-information specialist All Industries B026 Health-program analyst 806 A184 Health-science writer All Industries A064 Health-systems analyst, computer 806 B026 Health-systems analyst, exc. computer 806 A184 Health-technical writer All Industries B036 Hearing examiner All Industries A179 Hearing officer All Industries D314 Hearing stenographer All Industries A104 Hearing therapist All Industries C274 Hearing-aid consultant 531,591,593,5948,5993-5,5999 C274 Hearing-aid fitter 531,591,593,5948,5993-5,5999 E535 Hearing-aid technician 531,591,593,5948,5993-5,5999 D314 Hearings reporter 43,91-97 G809 Hearse driver All Industries A084 Heart specialist 801,803 F766 Hearth feeder 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 H878 Heat curer 22 F713 Heat reader All Industries F724 Heat regulator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F724 Heat treater 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F724 Heat treating bluer All Industries F753 Heat-sealing-machine operator All Industries A215 Heat-transfer technician All Industries F724 Heat-treat operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F724 Heat-treating operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F724 Heat-treating-furnace tender 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F724 Heater 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F724 Heater boy 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 E505 Heater installer 371,527,55,752-754 E534 Heater installer Exc. 371,527,55,752-754 F724 Heater man 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 E695 Heater man 492,496 F766 Heater tender All Industries G855 Heater-planer operator 15-17 E696 Heating and ventilating man All Industries A216 Heating technician All Industries E534 Heating-equipment installer 15-17 E628 Heating-plant superintendent All Industries E534 Heating-systems installer 15-17 E585 Heating-unit installer 15-17 F713 Heavy forger 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 G859 Heavy-equipment operator, n. s. 20-39 E599 Heavy-equipment operator, n. s. 40 G844 Heavy-equipment operator, n. s. Any not listed above F713 Heavy-forging machine operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 G844 Heavy-road construction equipment operator 15-17 F777 Heddler 22 F739 Heddler tier 22 H486 Hedge trimmer All Industries F745 Heel attacher 313,314 F745 Heel blacker 313,314 F745 Heel breaster 313,314 F745 Heel builder 313,314 F745 Heel burnisher 313,314 F745 Heel caser 313,314 F745 Heel cementer 313,314 F745 Heel compressor 313,314 F745 Heel coverer 313,314 F745 Heel curver 313,314 F745 Heel cutter 313,314 F745 Heel dipper 313,314 F745 Heel gouger 313,314 F745 Heel gummer 313,314 F745 Heel layer 313,314 F729 Heel nailing machine operator 242-249 F745 Heel nailing machine operator 313,314 H888 Heel packer 313,314 F745 Heel padder 313,314 F745 Heel painter 313,314 F745 Heel pricker 313,314 F745 Heel sander 313,314 F745 Heel scourer 313,314 F745 Heel seat fitter 313,314 F745 Heel seat laster 313,314 F745 Heel seater 313,314 F745 Heel sewer 313,314 F745 Heel shaper 313,314 F745 Heel shaver 313,314 F745 Heel slugger 313,314 F799 Heel sorter 313,314 F745 Heel sprayer 313,314 F745 Heel stainer 313,314 F745 Heel stiffener 313,314 F745 Heel trimmer 313,314 F745 Heel turner 313,314 F745 Heel varnisher 313,314 F745 Heel-coverer-machine operator 313,314 F745 Heeler 313,314 F783 Heliarc welder All Industries A226 Helicopter pilot All Industries A089 Heliotherapist 8043,8049 F783 Helium-arc welder All Industries F777 Helmet coverer All Industries Helper — see separate Helper Page A084 Hematologist 801,803 A203 Hematology technician All Industries A203 Hematology technologist All Industries F744 Hemmer All Industries F744 Hemming and tacking machine operator All Industries A203 Hemodialysis technician All Industries F744 Hemstitcher All Industries I479 Herb digger 01,071,072,075,076 A089 Herb doctor 8043,8049 I475 Herb grower GOV,OBI or PR 01 I473 Herb grower OBNI 01 A089 Herbalist 8043,8049 I479 Herder 02,071,072,075,076 I479 Herdsman 02,071,072,075,076 H487 Herdsman Exc. 02,071,072,075,076 A078 Herpetologist All Industries H496 Hewer 241 F769 Hewer 242-249,25 E567 Hewer 373 G856 Hi-lift operator All Industries G856 Hi-lo driver All Industries G856 Hi-low truck driver All Industries G856 Hi-ranger operator All Industries B028 Hide buyer 515 F786 Hide cleaner All Industries H889 Hide curer 201 E686 Hide dropper 201 F756 Hide dyer 311 I488 Hide grader 201,515 H889 Hide handler 311 F777 Hide paster 311 F757 Hide puller 201 H889 Hide salter 201 H889 Hide selector All Industries H889 Hide shaker All Industries H874 Hide splitter 311 H889 Hide spreader 201 F777 Hide tanner 311 E686 Hide trimmer 201 H889 Hide trimmer 311 F777 Hide washer All Industries H889 Hide worker 201 H889 Hide-mill man 311 H496 High climber 241 F789 High lighter 25 H869 High man 15-17 G859 High rigger 483,484,791,794,799 G856 High-lift driver All Industries G856 High-lift operator All Industries G856 High-lift-mule operator All Industries E699 High-pressure operator 492,496 E615 High-scaler 15-17 D309 High-speed-printer operator All Industries F738 High-speed-warper tender 22 E577 High-tension tester 491 B005 Highway commissioner GOV 15-17 E599 Highway maintenance 15-17 A216 Highway technician 15-17 E599 Highway worker 15-17 G804 Highway-truck driver All Industries G813 Hiker 527,55,752-754 E577 Hiker Exc. 527,55,752-754 F777 Hinging-machine operator 244,249 L407 Hired girl 88 I479 Hired hand 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Hired help 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Hired man 01,02,071,072,075,076 L407 Hired man 88 K446 Histologic aide All Industries K446 Histologic technician All Industries A188 Histological illustrator All Industries A083 Histologist All Industries A083 Histopathologist All Industries A203 Histopathology technician All Industries A205 Historian 806 A169 Historian Exc. 806 D336 History-card clerk 491 H496 Hitcher 241 G859 Hitcher Exc. 241 F709 Hob grinder 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F717 Hob-machine operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F704 Hobber 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F717 Hobbing-machine operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F717 Hobbing-press operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 A199 Hockey player 791,794,799 A199 Hockey scout 791,794,799 H869 Hod carrier 15-17 G853 Hoe runner 15-17 I479 Hoe sharpener 01,02,071,072,075,076 I479 Hoer 01,02,071,072,075,076 B028 Hog buyer 201 F777 Hog cooler 201 H889 Hog counter 201 E686 Hog cutter 201 H889 Hog driver 201 E686 Hog dropper 201 H878 Hog feeder 242-249,25 F786 Hog killer 201 H878 Hog man 242-249,25 H889 Hog pusher 201 I475 Hog raiser GOV,OBI or PR 02 I473 Hog raiser OBNI 02 F785 Hog ringer 371 F777 Hog scalder 201 F777 Hog scraper 201 F786 Hog sticker 201 F768 Hog tender 20-39 B028 Hog trader OWN 515 F785 Hogshead builder 21 F785 Hogshead cooper 21,244,249 G859 Hogshead dumper 21 H888 Hogshead filler 21 H889 Hogshead opener 21 D368 Hogshead weigher 21 H889 Hogshead-salvage man 21 G848 Hoist operator All Industries F777 Hoister 201 G848 Hoisting engineman All Industries F777 Hoistman 201 G848 Hoistman Exc. 201 H876 Hold man 44 H889 Holder 201 H889 Holding for sticker 201 H869 Hole digger All Industries F777 Hole filler 20-39 E598 Hole-digger operator 15-17,491-493,496 F757 Hollock maker 208 F777 Hollow-ware maker 39(exc.394) A159 Home advisor Agricultural Extension Service 829 K447 Home attendant All Industries K468 Home child care provider 835 C283 Home demonstrator 52-59 A159 Home economist All Industries A174 Home visitor 821,832,836,839 E526 Home-appliance installer All Industries K465 Home-care aide All Industries A095 Home-care coordinator All Industries A159 Home-demonstration agent 829 A159 Home-economics expert All Industries A159 Home-economics-extension worker 829 E575 Home-fire-alarm installer All Industries K447 Home-health aide All Industries B022 Home-improvement contractor 15-17 A235 Home-lighting adviser 491 A177 Home-mission worker 866 C253 Home-office representative 63,64 A159 Home-service adviser 491-493,496 A159 Home-service consultant 491-493,496 C283 Home-service demonstrator 491-493,496 A159 Home-service director 491,52-59 A174 Home-service director Red Cross 832,839 K465 Homemaker 832,836,839,861,862,864,865,869,94 L407 Homemaker 88 A163 Homemaking-rehabilitation consultant All Industries A084 Homeopathic doctor 801,803 K418 Homicide investigator 92 F757 Homogenizer operator All Industries F709 Honer 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 E688 Honey blender All Industries I479 Honey extractor 02,071,072,075,076 F757 Honey processor All Industries F795 Honeycomb decapper 20 F785 Honeycomb-blanket maker 372,376 F709 Honing-machine operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F785 Hood fitter 371 F785 Hood maker All Industries H889 Hoof trimmer 201 H889 Hook puller 22 H494 Hook tender 241 H889 Hook tender Exc. 241 F744 Hook-and-eye-machine operator 231-238 H889 Hook-up 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) G804 Hook-up driver 421,423 H889 Hook-up man 242-249,25,371 H498 Hooker 09 F777 Hooker 22 F745 Hooker 313,314 H889 Hooker Any not listed above F777 Hooker-machine tender 22 F777 Hooker-off 201 F777 Hooker-on 201 H496 Hooker-on 241 H889 Hooker-on Exc. 201,241 F777 Hooker-up 201 H496 Hooker-up 241 H889 Hooker-up Exc. 201,241 F705 Hooking-machine operator 387 H496 Hookman 241 F783 Hookman 372,376 H889 Hookman Any not listed above H878 Hoop coiler 244,249 F769 Hoop cutter 244,249 F777 Hoop expander 244,249 F777 Hoop maker 244,249 F706 Hoop puncher 244,249 F729 Hoop riveter 244,249 F777 Hoop-machine operator 244,249 F777 Hooper 244,249 D385 Hooven operator All Industries I479 Hop picker 01,071,072,075,076 F757 Hop strainer 208 I479 Hop trainer 01,071,072,075,076 I479 Hop worker 01,071,072,075,076 H878 Hopper feeder All Industries H878 Hopper filler All Industries H878 Hopper man All Industries F719 Hopper operator 20-39 E616 Horizontal drill operator 10,12,14 E598 Horizontal earth-boring machine operator 15-17 F708 Horizontal-boring-mill operator All Industries E647 Horologist 387 I479 Horse breaker 02,071,072,075,076 I475 Horse breeder GOV,OBI or PR 071,072,075,076 I473 Horse breeder OBNI 071,072,075,076 B028 Horse buyer OWN 515 A086 Horse doctor 074 I479 Horse groomer 02,071,072,075,076 H487 Horse groomer Exc. 02,071,072,075,076 B028 Horse trader OWN 515 A194 Horse trainer 791,794,799(exc.racetrack) I479 Horse trainer Farm 02,071,072,075,076 A199 Horse trainer Racetrack 791,794,799 I479 Horse wrangler 02,071,072,075,076 K459 Horse wrangler 702-704 A199 Horse-race starter or timer All Industries G853 Horseback excavator All Industries A194 Horseman 791,794,799(exc.racetrack) A199 Horseman Racetrack 791,794,799 H878 Horser-up 311 H487 Horseshoer 763,764,7692,7699 H484 Horticultural worker 01,071,072,075,076 H486 Horticultural worker 078 I476 Horticultural-specialty grower GOV,OBI or PR 01,071,072,075,076 I474 Horticultural-specialty grower OBNI 01,071,072,075,076 A077 Horticulturist Exc. 01,071,072,075,076 I476 Horticulturist GOV,OBI or PR 01,071,072,075,076 I474 Horticulturist OBNI 01,071,072,075,076 F785 Hose builder 302-306 F786 Hose cutter, hand All Industries H878 Hose cutter, machine 295,299 E593 Hose handler 15-17,374 F739 Hose maker 225 F785 Hose maker 302-306 F744 Hose mender 225 F744 Hose seamer 225 I479 Hose sprayer 01,02,071,072,075,076 H889 Hose stripper 302-306 H878 Hose tubing backer 302-306 H869 Hoseman 15-17(exc. building insulation) E593 Hoseman Building insulation 15-17 K417 Hoseman Fire department 92 H888 Hosiery bagger 225 F739 Hosiery knitter 225 F777 Hosiery mater 225 F799 Hosiery mater Surgical hosiery 3827,384,385 E666 Hosiery mender All Industries F744 Hosiery operator 225 F777 Hosiery pairer 22 F799 Hosiery pairer Surgical hosiery 3827,384,385 B022 Hospital administrator 806 K447 Hospital aide 806 K447 Hospital attendant All Industries K447 Hospital corpsman All Industries B022 Hospital director 806 K461 Hospital entrance attendant All Industries A084 Hospital fellow 806 A164 Hospital librarian 806 K447 Hospital orderly All Industries A096 Hospital pharmacist All Industries B015 Hospital plan administrator All Industries B022 Hospital superintendent 806 A208 Hospital technician 806 D303 Hospital-admissions officer All Industries D316 Hospital-admitting clerk 806 K463 Host, specified or n. s. 40-45 K469 Host, speficied or n. s. Exc. 40-45 K469 Hostess, dance hall 791,794,799 K433 Hostess, dining room All Industries C277 Hostess, party-plan sales 5963 K463 Hostess, specified or n. s. 40-45 K433 Hostess, n. s. Cafeteria 531,58 K444 Hostess, n. s. Vending machines 5962 C277 Hostess, n. s. Welcome wagon 732,733,735,7383-7389 K469 Hostess, n. s. Any not listed above C276 Hostess-cashier All Industries I479 Hostler 02,071,072,075,076 H496 Hostler 241 G824 Hostler 40 G804 Hostler 421,423 H889 Hostler Any not listed above F766 Hot baller 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) H874 Hot box operator All Industries F795 Hot braider 231-238 A225 Hot cell technician All Industries F759 Hot dipper All Industries E519 Hot man 40 F717 Hot metal mixer operator All Industries F719 Hot molder 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 E594 Hot oiler 15-17 K447 Hot packer 806 F777 Hot patcher 242,243 F777 Hot patchman 242,243 F707 Hot roller 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 H487 Hot walker Racetrack 791,794,799 F766 Hot-blast man 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) H874 Hot-box checker 40 H874 Hot-box spotter 40 F766 Hot-car charger 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) G856 Hot-car man Coke 331 G856 Hot-car operator 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F769 Hot-die press operator 313,314 F706 Hot-dimpling-machine operator 372,376 F723 Hot-dip galvanizer All Industries F723 Hot-dip plater All Industries C277 Hot-dog vendor 5963 F777 Hot-frame tender 22 F766 Hot-iron man 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F754 Hot-kettle man 203 F766 Hot-metal charger 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F766 Hot-metal-car operator 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F724 Hot-mill man 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F766 Hot-mill observer 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F707 Hot-mill operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F707 Hot-mill roller 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F769 Hot-mill shearman All Industries F724 Hot-mill worker 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F756 Hot-mix operator 15-17 F777 Hot-pipe gager 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F758 Hot-plate-press operator 242,243,25 F777 Hot-pond operator 261-263 F758 Hot-press operator 242-249,25 F706 Hot-punch-press operator All Industries K469 Hot-room attendant 722,729 F727 Hot-saw man 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F706 Hot-stamp operator All Industries E577 Hot-stick man 491-493,496 F707 Hot-strip finisher 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) C277 Hot-tamale man 5963 E595 Hot-tar roofer 15-17 E563 Hot-top liner 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) E585 Hot-water-heater installer 15-17 F757 Hot-wort settler 208 F707 Hotbed leverman 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339 F707 Hotbed man 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339 F707 Hotbed operator 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339 D317 Hotel clerk 701 B017 Hotel man 701 K443 Hotel runner, food service 701 B017 Hotel superintendent 701 E567 House carpenter All Industries K449 House cleaner 701-704,734 L407 House cleaner 88 L407 House cleaner All industries E579 House decorator 15-17 K426 House detective Exc. police department 92 K418 House detective Police department 92 C254 House evaluator All Industries K468 House father Exc. reformatory 92 K424 House father Reformatory 92 L407 House girl 88 C283 House model All Industries K468 House mother Exc. reformatory 92 K424 House mother Reformatory 92 G843 House mover OWN 15-17 E599 House mover PR 15-17 K426 House officer 701 E579 House painter All Industries K468 House parent Exc. reformatory 92 K424 House parent Reformatory 92 A199 House player 793 E567 House repairer, carpenter 15-17 L407 House servant 88 E599 House shorer 15-17 L407 House sitter All Industries K448 House superintendent 701 A174 House visitor 821,832,836,839 E575 House wireman 15-17 E575 House wirer 15-17 B022 House wrecker OWN 15-17 E599 House wrecker PR 15-17 K449 Houseboy 701-704,726,805,806 L407 Houseboy 88 K469 Housefellow 822 E526 Household-appliance installer All Industries K449 Housekeeper, cleaning 701-704,726,805,806 L407 Housekeeper, cleaning 88 K453 Housekeeper, cleaning Any not listed above L407 Housekeeper, cleaning, cooking, etc 88 K456 Housekeeper, home 822 K449 Housekeeper, maid 701-704,726,805,806 L405 Housekeeper, maid 88 K453 Housekeeper, maid Any not listed above K449 Housekeeper, n. s. 701-704,726,805,806 L405 Housekeeper, n. s. 88 K469 Housekeeper, n. s. OWN 702-704 K424 Housekeeper, n. s. Reformatory 92 K469 Housekeeper, n. s. Any not listed above K449 Housekeeping 701-704,726,805,806 L405 Housekeeping 88 K449 Housekeeping aide 701-704,726,805,806 K449 Housekeeping-department worker 701-704,726,805,806 L407 Housemaid 88 L407 Housemaid All industries K449 Housemaid Any not listed above K443 Houseman, set up tables in dining rooms 701 E699 Houseman, n. s. 291 H889 Houseman, n. s. 324,327,40 K426 Houseman, n. s. 791,794,799 L407 Houseman, n. s. 88 K449 Houseman, n. s. Any not listed above E597 Housesmith 15-17 L407 Housework 88 L407 Housework All industries K449 Housework Any not listed above B018 Housing director 65 B014 Housing director 822 B005 Housing director 95 F785 Housing installer 371 B014 Housing officer 822 B005 Housing relocator 95 F785 Hub bander All Industries F708 Hub borer All Industries E634 Hub cutter 39(exc.394) C277 Huckster 5963 A217 Hull draftsman 373 F768 Hull grinder 204 F768 Huller 203 F768 Huller man 204 F768 Huller operator 204 D377 Human relations or drug and alcohol counselor FGOV A167 Human-factors scientist All Industries B036 Humane agent 861,862,864,865,869 B036 Humane officer 861,862,864,865,869 F777 Humidifier attendant 22 F777 Humidifier operator 261-263 A183 Humorist 899 H498 Hunter, skin diver 09 H498 Hunter, n. s. 09 K461 Hunting guide 791,794,799 F768 Husker operator 203 G856 Hy-lift operator All Industries I475 Hybrid-corn breeder GOV,OBI or PR 01 I473 Hybrid-corn breeder OBNI 01 A077 Hybrid-corn breeder Any not listed above E505 Hydramatic specialist 371,527,55,752-754 E585 Hydrant setter All Industries F757 Hydrate control tender All Industries F768 Hydration-plant operator All Industries F768 Hydrator All Industries F768 Hydrator operator All Industries F755 Hydraulic billet maker 39(exc.394) F777 Hydraulic blocker Hat or cap 231-238 G848 Hydraulic boom operator 10,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339 E615 Hydraulic miner, blasting 10 E616 Hydraulic miner, n. s. 10 E616 Hydraulic operator 15-17 F713 Hydraulic operator Exc. 15-17 E585 Hydraulic plumber 372,376 F754 Hydraulic press operator 21 E505 Hydraulic specialist 371,527,55,752-754 F797 Hydraulic tester 372,376 E543 Hydraulic-elevator constructor All Industries E594 Hydraulic-hammer operator 15-17 E599 Hydraulic-jack adjuster 15-17 E599 Hydraulic-jack operator 10,12,14-17,40,41(exc.412) G856 Hydraulic-lift driver All Industries F706 Hydraulic-press operator 301-306 E518 Hydraulic-press servicer All Industries F717 Hydraulic-strainer operator All Industries E695 Hydro operator 491 E695 Hydro-plant operator 491 F797 Hydro-pneumatic 20-39 I479 Hydro-sprayer operator 01,071,072,075,076 E695 Hydro-station operator 491 F757 Hydrochloric-acid operator 281,282,284,286-289 G849 Hydrocrane operator All Industries A068 Hydrodynamicist All Industries E695 Hydroelectric operator 491 K453 Hydroelectric-plant maintenance All Industries E695 Hydroelectric-station operator 493 E628 Hydroelectric-station, chief 491 F757 Hydrogen operator 281,282,284,286-289 F777 Hydrogenation operator 281,282,284,286-289 F757 Hydrogenation-still operator 291 A075 Hydrogeologist All Industries A225 Hydrographer All Industries A075 Hydrologist All Industries A074 Hydrometeorologist All Industries E693 Hydrometer calibrator 20-39 F797 Hydrometer tester 36 F706 Hydropress operator 372,376 F768 Hydropulper 261-263 F768 Hydropulper operator 261-263 F704 Hydrotel operator All Industries A103 Hydrotherapist All Industries K458 Hypertrichologist All Industries A089 Hypnotherapist All Industries A194 Hypnotist 781-783,792 F777 Hypo dipper 311 F774 Hypo splasher 27,386,722,729,732,733,735,7383-7389, 781-783,792 F797 Hypoid gear tester 371 G856 Hyster driver All Industries G856 Hyster-machine operator All Industries
Last modified: October 16, 2001