An official website of the United States government
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KCode Census Job Title Industries Affected D389 Tracer clerk All Industries F786 Tracer, stonework 15-17 F745 Tracer, n. s. 313,314 A217 Tracer, n. s. 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348),355,356,358,359,373, 871 D389 Tracer, n. s. 40-47 H889 Track dresser 40 H889 Track fitter 41(exc.412) H889 Track greaser 41(exc.412) F709 Track grinder 41(exc.412) H889 Track laborer 40 H889 Track layer 10-14,40,41(exc.412) H889 Track maintainer 40 K425 Track patrolman 40 H889 Track sweeper 41(exc.412) H889 Track walker 40,41(exc.412) K425 Track watchman 40 H889 Track worker 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 G826 Track-broom operator 40,41(exc.412) G824 Track-car operator 40 E599 Track-grinder operator 40,41(exc.412) E599 Track-laying machine operator 10,12,14-17,40,41(exc.412) E599 Track-moving machine operator 10,12,14-17,40,41(exc.412) E599 Track-surfacing machine operator 15-17,40,41(exc.412) G808 Trackless trolley driver 41(exc.412) H889 Trackman All Industries G824 Trackmobile operator All Industries C243 Tractor distributor OWN 507,508 G856 Tractor driver, lift truck All Industries I479 Tractor driver, n. s. GOV or PR 01,02,071,072,075,076 I473 Tractor driver, n. s. OBNI 01,02,071,072,075,076 G856 Tractor driver, n. s. Any not listed above E507 Tractor expert 763,764,7692,7699 G849 Tractor-crane operator All Industries G814 Tractor-sweeper operator All Industries G804 Tractor-trailer driver All Industries A166 Trade economist All Industries B036 Trade-mark classifier 96 B028 Trader 515 C255 Trader 62,67 C243 Tradesman OWN 506-508,5191,52-59 C257 Traffic agent 40-47 B022 Traffic analyst 15-17,91-97 D323 Traffic checker 43,91-97 B022 Traffic chief 481,482,489 D363 Traffic clerk 731 D364 Traffic clerk Exc. 731 G823 Traffic control operator 40 A227 Traffic controller 45,96,97 D368 Traffic counter All Industries A235 Traffic expert 92 K414 Traffic lieutenant All Industries D364 Traffic man 40-47 D348 Traffic observer 481,482,489 K418 Traffic officer All Industries D348 Traffic operator 481,482,489 D364 Traffic recorder All Industries C257 Traffic representative 40-47 B005 Traffic safety administrator 91-97 K414 Traffic sergeant All Industries B022 Traffic superintendent 40-47,481,482,489 A179 Traffic-court referee 92 E579 Traffic-line painter 15-17 A056 Traffic-rate analyst 20-39 D343 Traffic-rate clerk All Industries D343 Traffic-rate computer All Industries E575 Traffic-signal technician All Industries G825 Trailer 12-14 H496 Trailer 241 G804 Trailer driver All Industries G804 Trailer-truck driver All Industries D323 Train announcer 40 D323 Train caller 40 D336 Train clerk 40 G823 Train conductor 40 G826 Train director 40 D359 Train dispatcher 40,41(exc.412) K425 Train gateman 40 K463 Train matron 40 G824 Train operator, engineer 40 D353 Train operator, exc. engineer 40 K459 Train operator, n. s. 791,794,799 D359 Train starter 41(exc.412) K447 Trained attendant 805-809 A207 Trained practical nurse All Industries F785 Trainer 387 B027 Training coordinator All Industries B008 Training director All Industries B027 Training specialist All Industries G825 Trainman 10-14 G824 Trainman 40,41(exc.412) G823 Trainmaster 40,501 G853 Tram operator 10-14 G824 Tram operator 41(exc.412) G824 Trammer All Industries D389 Transcriber, clerical All Industries D314 Transcribing-machine operator All Industries D315 Transcription typist All Industries E628 Transfer & pumphouse operator, chief 281,286,289 D389 Transfer clerk All Industries G848 Transfer controller 242,243,245 H877 Transfer girl All Industries F739 Transfer knitter 225 F735 Transfer man 27 G859 Transfer man 325 B022 Transfer man OWN 421,423 G804 Transfer man PR 421,423 G859 Transfer-car operator 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F777 Transfer-machine operator 225,226,239 F766 Transfer-machine operator 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) E684 Transfer-machine operator 371 G826 Transfer-table operator 40 F793 Transferrer 27 F795 Transferrer Exc. 27 F785 Transformer 36 F785 Transformer builder 36 F785 Transformer maker 36 F797 Transformer tester 36 D364 Transformer-stock clerk 491 K446 Transfusion aide 805-809 F797 Transistor tester 20-39 D347 Transit clerk All Industries A218 Transit man, surveying All Industries A218 Transit man, n. s. 08,13,15-17,40,43,49,871,91-97 D347 Transit-department clerk 60(exc.603,606) G804 Transit-mix operator 324,327 G804 Transit-mixer driver 324,327 G804 Transit-mixer operator 324,327 D344 Transit-proof-machine operator 60(exc.603,606) A194 Translator 732,733,735,7383-7389 E505 Transmission man 371,527,55,752-754 E529 Transmission man 481 A228 Transmission operator 483,484 E505 Transmission rebuilder 371,527,55,752-754 F797 Transmission tester 371 E529 Transmission tester 481 E529 Transmitter chief 481 A228 Transmitting operator 483,484 H484 Transplanter, greenhouse or nursery All Industries H484 Transplanter, orchid All Industries I479 Transplanter, n. s. 01,071,072,075,076 G804 Transport driver All Industries A226 Transport pilot 45 G804 Transport-truck driver All Industries D373 Transportation agent 45 D318 Transportation agent Exc. 45 D318 Transportation clerk All Industries D318 Transportation man All Industries K459 Trap boy Gun club 791,794,799 K459 Trap operator Gun club 791,794,799 K459 Trap puller Gun club 791,794,799 K459 Trap setter Gun club 791,794,799 A194 Trapeze performer 791,794,799 H498 Trapper, animal 09 H498 Trapper, bird 09 H498 Trapper, n. s. 09 H875 Trash collector, exc. truck driver 495 G804 Trash collector, truck driver 495 G804 Trash hauler 495 D318 Travel agent All Industries D318 Travel clerk 43,58,701,806,91-97 D318 Travel consultant All Industries D318 Travel counselor All Industries K461 Travel guide All Industries C257 Travel-freight-and-passenger agent 40,41(exc.412),421,423,44 F777 Traveler changer 22 A174 Travelers'-aid worker 832,839 G856 Travelift operator 15-17 B023 Traveling accountant All Industries B023 Traveling auditor All Industries B033 Traveling buyer All Industries C259 Traveling man 10-14,20-39,50,51 A177 Traveling missionary 866 E594 Traveling plant operator 15-17 B021 Traveling representative 832,839,861-865,869 B021 Traveling secretary 832,839,861-865,869 C259 Traveling solicitor 10-14,20-39,50,51 D365 Traveling storekeeper 40 C257 Traveling-freight agent 40-47 D318 Traveling-passenger agent 40-47 B023 Traveling-repair accountant 40 C259 Traveling-sales agent 10-14,20-39,50,51 F783 Travograph operator All Industries H498 Trawler 09 K444 Tray boy, food service 805,806 H883 Tray boy, n. s. 203,207,209 F755 Tray casting machine operator 202 D344 Tray checker 58 H878 Tray filler 21 K444 Tray girl, food service 805,806 K444 Tray setter All Industries K438 Tray-line worker 806 K438 Tray-room worker 806 F777 Tread booker 301-306 F719 Tread builder 301 F769 Tread cutter 301 B007 Treasurer 60,61 B005 Treasurer 91-97 K418 Treasury agent 93 F757 Treater 20-39 F777 Treating machine operator 20-39 H495 Tree chipper 08 H495 Tree climber 08 H495 Tree deadener 08 H486 Tree doctor 078 A223 Tree expert 08 H486 Tree expert Exc. 08 H889 Tree girdler All Industries H495 Tree killer 08 H496 Tree marker 241 H495 Tree sapper 08 H495 Tree scout 08 H496 Tree shear operator 241 H486 Tree specialist 078 H486 Tree surgeon 078 H495 Tree trimmer 08 H496 Tree trimmer 241 H889 Tree trimmer 491 I479 Tree trimmer GOV or PR 01,071,072,075,076 I475 Tree trimmer OBI 01,071,072,075,076 I473 Tree trimmer OBNI 01,071,072,075,076 H486 Tree trimmer Any not listed above K423 Tree warden 91-97 I479 Tree wrapper 01,071,072,075,076 H495 Tree wrapper 08 F745 Treer 313,314 H869 Trench digger All Industries E599 Trench-pipe layer 15-17 G853 Trench-shovel operator All Industries G853 Trencher driver All Industries G853 Trenching-machine operator All Industries E567 Trestle builder All Industries H876 Trestleman 44 A178 Trial examiner 92 A179 Trial justice 92 A178 Trial lawyer 92 B003 Tribal councilman Indian Tribal Council 911-913 B003 Tribal delegate Indian Tribal Council 911-913 B005 Tribal judge Indian Tribal Council 911-913 K457 Trichologist Barbershop 724 K458 Trichologist Beauty parlor 723 A194 Trick rodeo rider 791,794,799 F739 Tricot knitter 22 F717 Trim attacher All Industries E567 Trim carpenter 15-17 F785 Trim installer 371,372 F717 Trim machine adjuster 348,376 F717 Trim machine operator All Industries F727 Trim sawyer All Industries F785 Trim-line worker 371,372 F769 Trim-master operator 231-238 F727 Trim-saw operator All Industries F777 Trimmer and borer machine operator 242-249,25 H889 Trimmer loader 242,243,245 F743 Trimmer machine operator 22 F727 Trimmer machine operator 242-249,25 F745 Trimmer machine operator 313,314 F717 Trimmer machine operator 345 F769 Trimmer machine operator Any not listed above F727 Trimmer man 242,243,245 F769 Trimmer operator 261-263,265 F769 Trimmer, blue prints All Industries F709 Trimmer, castings All Industries F786 Trimmer, hand All Industries F785 Trimmer, metal 371 E567 Trimmer, prefabricated houses 242,243,245 F706 Trimmer, punch press All Industries E668 Trimmer, seat covers All Industries F744 Trimmer, sewing 20-30,311,315-319,32-39 E565 Trimmer, tile All Industries E668 Trimmer, upholstery All Industries H889 Trimmer, n. s. 10-14 E686 Trimmer, n. s. 201 F785 Trimmer, n. s. 203,207,209 H889 Trimmer, n. s. 204,598 F727 Trimmer, n. s. 242-249,25 F743 Trimmer, n. s. 311 E668 Trimmer, n. s. 371,527,55,752-754 H876 Trimmer, n. s. 44 F744 Trimmer, n. s. Caps,hats and millinery 231-238 H889 Trimmer, n. s. Grain elevator 515 H486 Trimmer, n. s. Landscape service 078 E684 Trimmer, n. s. Millinery 56(exc.566) A185 Trimmer, n. s. Window trimming 732,733,735,7383-7389 F769 Trimmer, n. s. Any not listed above F745 Trimming caser 313,314 E669 Trimming cutter 313,314 F769 Trimming cutter Exc. 313,314 F744 Trimming maker 231-238 F743 Trimming-machine operator 22 F727 Trimming-machine operator 242-249,25 F745 Trimming-machine operator 313,314 F717 Trimming-machine operator 345 F769 Trimming-machine operator Any not listed above D323 Trip charter Auto club 861,862,864,865,869 D389 Trip follower 45 G824 Trip motorman 10-14 G825 Trip rider 10-14 G824 Trip-motor operator 10-14 F777 Tripe cooker 201 H889 Tripe finisher 201 H889 Tripe scraper 201 H889 Tripe washer 201 E516 Triple-valve tester 40 H878 Tripper 242,243,245 H498 Troller 09 H889 Trolley boy 201 H887 Trolley cleaner 201 G859 Trolley operator 205 G824 Trolley operator 41(exc.412) G824 Trolley-car operator 41(exc.412) E516 Trolley-car-overhauler 41(exc.412) A186 Trombonist 781-783,792 F764 Trommel tender All Industries K418 Trooper 92 D389 Trouble clerk All Industries D359 Trouble dispatcher 41(exc.412) E577 Trouble lineman 491 E505 Trouble man 371,527,55,752-754 E516 Trouble man 40 E529 Trouble man 481 E577 Trouble man 491 D348 Trouble operator 481 F796 Trouble shooter, n. s. 13,46,492,493,496 E505 Trouble shooter, n. s. 371 E515 Trouble shooter, n. s. 372,376 E529 Trouble shooter, n. s. 481 E577 Trouble shooter, n. s. 491 E637 Trouble shooter, n. s. Guns 348 E547 Trouble shooter, n.e.c. Any not listed above E529 Trouble tracer 481 C285 Trousseau consultant 526,527,531,539,54-59 A174 Truant officer 821 H883 Truck bracer All Industries G804 Truck chauffeur All Industries H887 Truck cleaner All Industries D359 Truck dispatcher All Industries G804 Truck driver, milk pickup 202 G804 Truck driver, n. s. 43,591,721 K417 Truck driver, n. s. Fire department 92 G804 Truck driver, n. s. United Parcel Service 421,423 G804 Truck driver, n. e. c. Any not listed above I473 Truck farmer OBNI 01 I473 Truck gardener OBNI 01 H885 Truck greaser 527,55,752-754 K426 Truck guard Armored car service 7381,7382 G804 Truck hop All Industries G804 Truck hopper All Industries G804 Truck jumper All Industries H883 Truck loader All Industries H883 Truck loader and unloader All Industries H883 Truck packer 40 G813 Truck spotter All Industries H889 Truck striker All Industries G804 Truck switcher 421,423 H887 Truck washer All Industries E514 Truck-body builder 753,7549 H876 Trucker 44 G804 Trucker OWN 421,423 G804 Trucking OWN 421,423 B022 Trucking contractor 421,423 G804 Truckman 10-14,15-17 G859 Truckman 20-39 H876 Truckman 44 K417 Truckman Fire department 92 G804 Truckman OWN 421,423 E516 Trucksmith 374,40,41(exc.412),46 F745 Truer 313,314 F777 Truer 341,343,347,349,387 A186 Trumpeter 781-783,792 F728 Truss builder 242,243,245 F785 Truss maker 242,243,245 F744 Truss maker Exc. 242,243,245 . B025 Trust officer 60(exc.603,606) D356 Trust-mail clerk 60,61 D336 Trust-securities 60,61 D336 Trust-vault clerk 60,61 D336 Trust-vault custodian 60 B018 Trustee 65 B005 Trustee LGOV 91-97 B025 Trustee of estate All Industries E667 Try-on baster 56(exc.566) E689 Try-out man 371 E547 Tub mender All Industries D389 Tub puller 62,67 G825 Tub rider 12 F756 Tub tender 22 H889 Tub washer 22 F764 Tubber 39(exc.394) F706 Tube bender, machine All Industries H887 Tube blower 324,327,331,332,pt333,334,pt335, pt336,339,34(exc.348) F709 Tube buffer 301-306 F719 Tube builder 301-306 F719 Tube building machine operator 301-306 H887 Tube cleaner All Industries F723 Tube coater 344 F777 Tube coverer 22 F769 Tube cutter 20-39 F769 Tube cutter operator 348,376 F755 Tube drawer 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) H878 Tube handler 22 F724 Tube heater 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F739 Tube knitter 225 F766 Tube lancer 261-263 F777 Tube maker All Industries D389 Tube man 62,67 F785 Tube mounter 36 D357 Tube operator All Industries F785 Tube pusher 371 E684 Tube rebuilder 361,362,364,367,369 F707 Tube roller 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339 F777 Tube roller Any not listed above F769 Tube sizer operator 348,376 F769 Tube skiver 301 F799 Tube sorter All Industries F777 Tube splicer 301 C276 Tube teller 52-59 F797 Tube tester 20-39 H887 Tube washer 22 F738 Tube winder 22 H888 Tube wrapper 20-39 C276 Tube-carrier girl 52-59 F777 Tube-former operator 20-39 F777 Tube-machine operator All Industries C276 Tube-room cashier 52-59 D357 Tube-station attendant 806 F777 Tuber Boilers 344 F769 Tuber machine cutter 301 F755 Tuber machine operator All Industries F707 Tuber operator 301 A084 Tuberculosis specialist All Industries F717 Tubing oiler All Industries F707 Tubing-machine operator All Industries F777 Tubman 201 F756 Tubman 22 F717 Tubular riveter 36 E599 Tuck pointer 15-17 F744 Tucker 231-238 F744 Tucking machine operator All Industries F777 Tuft machine operator All Industries F777 Tufter All Industries F777 Tufting machine operator All Industries G828 Tugboat captain 44 G828 Tugboat mate 44 G828 Tugboat operator 44 G848 Tugger operator 10-14 A194 Tumbler 791,794,799 F777 Tumbler man 20-39 F777 Tumbler operator 20-39 F748 Tumbler operator 721 F756 Tumbler tender 20-39 F764 Tumbling-machine operator 20-39 E535 Tuner, percussion All Industries F777 Tungsten tender 333-339 F766 Tunnel kiln operator All Industries E615 Tunnel man 10,12,14 H869 Tunnel man Exc. 10,12,14 H869 Tunnel mucker 15-17 H869 Tunnel worker All Industries F766 Tunnel-kiln fireman 20-39 E563 Tunnel-kiln repairman 325 E598 Tunneling-machine operator 15-17 E628 Turbine operator, head 491 E695 Turbine operator, n. s. 49 E696 Turbine operator, n. s. Exc. 49 E695 Turbine-room attendant 491 E696 Turbo operator All Industries E696 Turbo-electric operator All Industries E519 Turbo-generator oiler All Industries E686 Turkey boner 201 I479 Turkey picker 02,071,072,075,076 H889 Turkey picker Exc. 02,071,072,075,076 I479 Turkey pinner 02,071,072,075,076 H889 Turkey pinner Exc. 02,071,072,075,076 F786 Turkey roll maker All Industries F745 Turn laster 313,314 F745 Turn sewer 313,314 H878 Turn-down man 242,243,245 F777 Turn-out 321-323 F777 Turner 201,202,204-209,21-39 H889 Turner 203,207,209 F745 Turner-in 313,314 F777 Turner-off 225 F719 Turning and beading machine operator 39(exc.394) F727 Turning machine operator 24,25 F777 Turning sander operator All Industries K424 Turnkey 92 C276 Turnstile collector 40-47 H869 Turntable man 15-17 K459 Turntable operator 791,794,799 F757 Turpentine distiller 08,281,286,289 H494 Turpentine farmer 08 H495 Turpentiner PR 08 F704 Turret lathe operator Exc. 242-249,25 F726 Turret lathe set-up operator 242-249,25 F703 Turret lathe set-up operator Exc. 242-249,25 E637 Turret-lathe machinist All Industries F726 Turret-lathe operator 242-249,25 F706 Turret-punch press operator All Industries A159 Tutor OWN 824,829 K459 Twenty-six girl 791,794,799 F717 Twist maker 21 F797 Twist tester 221-224,228 F738 Twister 22 F777 Twister Exc. 22 H889 Twister hand 21 F738 Twister hand 22 F738 Twister operator 22 F738 Twister tender 22 F738 Twister-frame tender 22 F738 Twister-in 22 F738 Twisting operator 22 F738 Twisting-frame operator 22 H878 Twisting-machine operator 36 F777 Twisting-machine operator 39(exc.394) F717 Twisting-machine operator Any not listed above F777 Twitchell operator 281,286,289 F744 Two-needle-machine operator 20-30,311,315-319,32-39 F754 Tying machine operator All Industries F777 Type caster 27,355,356,358,359 F769 Type cutter 355,356,358,359 A079 Type mapper Forest Service 08 F736 Typecasting machine operator All Industries F736 Typesetter 27 D385 Typesetter perforator operator 27 F736 Typesetting machine tender All Industries F797 Typewriter tester 3578,3579 D337 Typing and bookkeeper All Industries D315 Typing and filing All Industries D314 Typing and shorthand All Industries D339 Typing bills All Industries D303 Typing-section chief All Industries D315 Typist All Industries F736 Typo-machine operator 27 F736 Typographer 271
Last modified: October 16, 2001