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Archived articles from The Economics Daily— Occupations
- Hispanics and Latinos in industries and occupations (10/09/2015)
- Wages of middle 50 percent of protective service workers between $24,510 and $57,270 per year (09/29/2015)
- Registered nurses employment and wages by state and metropolitan area (08/19/2015)
- Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers by occupation and sex (07/23/2015)
- Registered nurses have highest employment in healthcare occupations; anesthesiologists earn the most (07/13/2015)
- State employment concentration among protective service occupations (06/02/2015)
- Employment of veterans by occupation, 2014 (05/22/2015)
- Employment and annual wages for preschool, primary, middle, and secondary school teachers (05/05/2015)
- High wages and low employment or the other way around (04/08/2015)
- Occupational employment and wages in 2014 (04/02/2015)
- Workers with disability insurance plans (03/04/2015)
- Injuries and illness among state and local government bus drivers (02/26/2015)
- Wages of retail salespersons, by state (12/05/2014)
- Fighting fire with firefighters and related workers (10/09/2014)
- Highest fatal injury rate (22.2 per 100,000) in agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, 2013 (09/15/2014)
- 12-month percent changes in private industry wages and salaries (08/07/2014)
- Paid vacation benefits available to 77 percent of private-industry workers, March 2014 (07/30/2014)
- Workers with a disability more likely to be in production and transportation occupations (06/17/2014)
- Office and administrative support occupations make up nearly 16 percent of U.S. employment, May 2013 (04/09/2014)
- Minimum wage workers account for 4.3 percent of hourly paid workers in 2013 (04/03/2014)
- The Herfindahl-Hirschman index and occupational concentration by industry (03/05/2014)
- Occupations projected to add most new jobs, 2012 to 2022 (01/27/2014)
- Occupational employment projections to 2022 (01/07/2014)
- Forty-nine percent of employed Asians in management, professional, and related occupations, 2012 (12/31/2013)
- Rate of severe occupational injuries and illnesses declines in 2012 (12/02/2013)
- Northeast has highest percentage of workers employed in professional and related occupations, 2012 (09/04/2013)
- Paid leave by occupation, March 2013 (07/25/2013)
- Compensation highlights in trade, transportation, and utilities industries (06/04/2013)
- Union and nonunion wages, December 2011 (05/13/2013)
- Medical and retirement benefits, March 2012 (04/26/2013)
- Employment and wages for newly defined occupations, May 2012 (04/04/2013)
- Women’s earnings by occupation, 2011 (01/02/2013)
- Employer costs for defined benefit and defined contribution retirement plans (12/26/2012)
- Work injuries and illnesses of local government firefighters in 2009 (12/07/2012)
- Work injuries and illnesses requiring days away from work in 2011 (11/14/2012)
- Community and social service occupations in 2011 (11/08/2012)
- Changes in private industry compensation costs, September 2011–September 2012 (11/02/2012)
- Occupational employment by race and ethnicity, 2011 (10/26/2012)
- Occupational employment and wages in green goods and services (10/02/2012)
- Who has retirement benefits in private industry in 2012? (09/21/2012)
- Employer costs for employee compensation $28.80 in June 2012 (09/19/2012)
- Occupations with the highest job gains and losses (07/30/2012)
- Green technologies and practices, August 2011 (07/03/2012)
- Education and occupations of the foreign born in 2011 (06/06/2012)
- Education and training across occupation groups (05/15/2012)
- Employed Asians by occupation, 2008–2010 (05/10/2012)
- Women as a percent of total employed in selected occupations, 2011 (05/01/2012)
- Median weekly earnings by race, ethnicity, and occupation, first quarter 2012 (04/19/2012)
- Employer-provided life insurance benefits, 2011 (04/06/2012)
- Occupational Employment and Wages — May 2011 (03/29/2012)
- Workplace safety for security guards (03/09/2012)
- Employer-provided health care benefits (02/29/2012)
- Employment projections by occupational group, 2010–2020 (02/28/2012)
- Top searches on BLS website in 2011 (01/18/2012)
- Homicides in retail trade, 2003–2008 (01/04/2012)
- Recycling occupations (12/30/2011)
- Fatal occupational injuries in retail trade, 2003–2008 (12/13/2011)
- Construction employment and wages, May 2010 (12/12/2011)
- Asians in the U.S. labor force, 2008–2010 (12/06/2011)
- Average wage for the highest paying occupational group nearly five times that of the lowest paying group (11/30/2011)
- Workers in abolished occupations (11/03/2011)
- Helping those in need: Human service workers (10/20/2011)
- Occupations in electric vehicle manufacturing (10/13/2011)
- Earnings and employment by occupation, race, ethnicity, and sex, 2010 (09/14/2011)
- Retirement and savings benefit costs for employers in private industry, June 2011 (09/13/2011)
- Careers in sales (08/16/2011)
- Careers in green construction (08/03/2011)
- 12-month private industry compensation costs, June 2011 (08/02/2011)
- Number and incidence rates of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses by occupation, 2009 (07/13/2011)
- Extended mass layoffs and occupational employment, 1999–2008 (07/07/2011)
- Careers in solar power (06/29/2011)
- Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) occupations, May 2009 (06/15/2011)
- Occupational employment by ownership, May 2010 (06/13/2011)
- Employed foreign-born and native-born persons by occupation, 2010 (06/01/2011)
- Annual wages of largest occupations, May 2010 (05/23/2011)
- Retail salespersons: occupation with highest employment in 2010 (05/20/2011)
- 12-month private industry compensation costs, March 2010–March 2011 (05/03/2011)
- Three occupations in management, scientific, and technical consulting services (05/02/2011)
- Workplace injuries involving the eyes, 2008 (03/02/2011)
- It pays to be the boss—supervisory wages in 2009 (02/02/2011)
- Top searches on the BLS website (01/21/2011)
- Careers in wind energy (12/22/2010)
- Insurance benefits costs for employers in private industry, September 2010 (12/13/2010)
- Fatal occupational injuries at road construction sites, 1995–2007 (12/08/2010)
- Occupations with high geographic concentration, 2009 (11/03/2010)
- 12-month private industry compensation costs increase 2.0 percent (11/02/2010)
- Average hourly earnings for major occupational groups, July 2009 (10/06/2010)
- Costs of retirement and savings benefits for employers in private industry, June 2010 (09/16/2010)
- Largest occupations in private and government sectors, May 2009 (08/03/2010)
- Supplemental pay in the healthcare industry, 2007–10 (07/29/2010)
- Museum occupations: skills on exhibit (06/16/2010)
- Occupational employment in May 2009 (06/15/2010)
- Health insurance benefit costs in private industry, March 2010 (06/14/2010)
- Highest and lowest mean hourly wages in May 2009 (05/20/2010)
- Employment and wages in the 10 largest occupations, May 2009 (05/18/2010)
- Occupations with increasing employment, 2008–2018 (05/06/2010)
- Hourly earnings of healthcare practitioner and technical occupations, by work level, 2008 (05/03/2010)
- Metropolitan geography of tax preparers employment and earnings (04/15/2010)
- Paid leave benefit costs in private industry, March 2009 (03/16/2010)
- Earnings of healthcare workers in hospitals, 2008 (03/15/2010)
- Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers, by major occupational group and sex, 2009 (01/27/2010)
- Take-up rates for medical care plans among State and local government and private industry workers, March 2009 (01/08/2010)
- Employment change by major occupational group, 2008-18 (12/24/2009)
- Employment and wages in large occupations, May 2008 (12/16/2009)
- Wages for sales and related workers down substantially in first three quarters of 2009 (11/30/2009)
- Declines in occupational illnesses and injuries in 2008 (11/03/2009)
- Stand-alone dental and vision plans: employee access and participation by establishment size (11/02/2009)
- Careers in auto racing (09/15/2009)
- Wages and benefits by occupational group, June 2009 (09/11/2009)
- Women and men in management, professional, and related occupations, 2008 (08/07/2009)
- Access to medical care benefits: private industry vs. State and local government (07/29/2009)
- Comparisons of full- and part-time hourly earnings, 2007 (07/28/2009)
- Putting numbers to work for 125 years (06/26/2009)
- Working at home, 2003-2007 (06/23/2009)
- Compensation costs per hour, March 2009 (06/12/2009)
- Health benefit costs in private industry, March 2009 (06/11/2009)
- Employment concentration: welders, cutters, solderers, and brazers (05/05/2009)
- Wages of workers in largest occupations, May 2008 (05/04/2009)
- Which workers spend the most time working at home? (04/28/2009)
- Wellness programs (04/23/2009)
- Forensic science technicians (04/22/2009)
- A career as an executive chef (04/21/2009)
- Bonuses as percentage of cash compensation (04/02/2009)
- Employer costs and paid leave, December 2008 (03/13/2009)
- Wages in architecture and engineering occupations by sector (12/05/2008)
- Working in the electric power industry (12/03/2008)
- Musculoskeletal disorders and days away from work in 2007 (12/02/2008)
- Jobs with most injuries and illnesses resulting in days away from work (12/01/2008)
- Mixed-education occupations, 2006-16 (10/22/2008)
- Variation in medical care benefits by occupation, 2008 (09/25/2008)
- Healthcare occupations and workdays (09/19/2008)
- Variation in worker earnings by occupation, July 2007 (09/16/2008)
- Employer costs for retirement and savings plans, June 2008 (09/11/2008)
- Surgical technologists (07/23/2008)
- Earnings of bachelor’s degree recipients 10 years after graduation (07/22/2008)
- Earnings in nine largest occupations, May 2006 (06/25/2008)
- Occupations with different wage variations (06/20/2008)
- Employment of fast food cooks by metropolitan area, May 2006 (06/19/2008)
- Health benefit costs in private industry, March 2008 (06/12/2008)
- Highest and lowest paying occupational groups, 2007 (05/13/2008)
- Office and administrative occupations in 2007 (05/12/2008)
- Older teachers work more hours than younger teachers (04/25/2008)
- Occupations and foreign-born workers in 2007 (04/02/2008)
- Commercial divers (03/25/2008)
- Employer costs for paid leave in private industry, December 2007 (03/20/2008)
- Projected growth in professional occupations, 2006-16 (01/04/2008)
- Self-employment in 2016 (12/31/2007)
- Occupations losing the most jobs, 2006-16 (12/28/2007)
- Occupations with the largest projected job growth, 2006-16 (12/07/2007)
- Employment and wages by occupation for nonmetropolitan areas (10/25/2007)
- Earnings in air travel jobs (10/05/2007)
- Employment in air travel jobs (10/04/2007)
- Health educators (10/01/2007)
- Working as a cobbler (09/26/2007)
- STEM occupations and job growth (06/28/2007)
- Variation in worker earnings by occupation, June 2006 (06/27/2007)
- Employer costs for paid leave in private industry, December 2006 (06/21/2007)
- Change in employment by major occupation and sex, 2005-06 (06/12/2007)
- Employment in office and administrative support occupations, 2006 (05/29/2007)
- Highest and lowest paying occupational groups, 2006 (05/22/2007)
- Highest paid registered nurses are in California (05/18/2007)
- Foreign-born workers by occupation, 2006 (05/01/2007)
- Working as a floral designer (03/02/2007)
- Training animals for a living (02/21/2007)
- Unionization rates by occupation in 2005 (01/25/2007)
- Sprains and strains again most common workplace injury (11/20/2006)
- Occupations with the most job openings for college graduates, 2004-14 (09/28/2006)
- Healthcare employment for workers without a bachelor’s degree (09/26/2006)
- Employee tenure by occupation, 2006 (09/12/2006)
- Emergency management specialists (06/30/2006)
- Captioning and court reporting in the 21st century (06/26/2006)
- Health benefit costs in private industry, March 2006 (06/22/2006)
- Earnings of retail salespersons highest in metro areas in West (06/08/2006)
- Occupational changes: then and now (04/06/2006)
- Absence rates and occupation, 2005 (01/31/2006)
- Occupational mobility and age (01/04/2006)
- Mass layoffs in November (12/23/2005)
- Occupations with the largest job growth, 2004-14 (12/22/2005)
- Occupational groups and projections, 2004-14 (12/13/2005)
- Meeting and convention planners (12/02/2005)
- Food preparation and serving occupations, November 2004 (11/29/2005)
- Highest paid occupations, November 2004 (11/10/2005)
- Alternative routes to agricultural work (07/25/2005)
- Earnings in geography jobs (07/22/2005)
- Lowest paying occupations in May 2004 (06/01/2005)
- Highly paid healthcare occupations (05/27/2005)
- Foreign-born workers and occupations, 2004 (05/13/2005)
- Jobs that have become less male-dominated (04/08/2005)
- Sprains and strains most common workplace injury (04/01/2005)
- Injuries and illnesses resulting in days away from work, 2003 (03/31/2005)
- Absence rates and occupation, 2004 (02/14/2005)
- Unionization rates by occupation, 2004 (02/09/2005)
- Earnings of advertising sales agents (01/07/2005)
- New and emerging occupations at the start of the 21st century (01/05/2005)
- Employer costs for paid leave (12/16/2004)
- Lost-worktime injuries and illnesses by day of week, 2002 (12/03/2004)
- Highest-paying jobs in November 2003 (11/15/2004)
- Fatal work injuries from accidental gunshot wounds (10/28/2004)
- Occupation and earnings: third quarter of 2004 (10/21/2004)
- Fatal work injuries by occupation, 2003 (10/08/2004)
- Occupational employment of veterans (07/28/2004)
- Compensation by occupational group in March 2004 (07/02/2004)
- 9/11 and the New York City economy (07/01/2004)
- Lowest paying occupations in May 2003 (05/06/2004)
- Highest paying occupations in May 2003 (05/05/2004)
- Occupational fatalities: self-employed workers and wage and salary workers (04/12/2004)
- Occupations with most lost-time injuries and illnesses (03/31/2004)
- Projected employment in high-paying occupations requiring a bachelor’s or graduate degree (03/17/2004)
- Projected employment in high-paying occupations requiring less than a bachelor’s degree (03/15/2004)
- Fastest growing occupations through 2012 (02/12/2004)
- Evaluating 1988–2000 employment projections (01/07/2004)
- Nursing animals to health (12/16/2003)
- Lowest paying occupations in 2002 (12/02/2003)
- Highest paying occupations in 2002 (11/24/2003)
- Earnings and union status (10/30/2003)
- Women’s earnings in professional specialty occupations (10/29/2003)
- Earnings and occupation: third quarter of 2003 (10/21/2003)
- New and emerging occupations by industry, 2000 (09/02/2003)
- Employee benefits in June 2003 (08/27/2003)
- Metro areas with highest percentages of high-tech workers (08/22/2003)
- Employment and wages in elementary and secondary schools (08/20/2003)
- Occupational earnings in July 2002 (07/23/2003)
- Farm and service workers have highest poverty rates (07/03/2003)
- When relative wages depend on where you are (06/06/2003)
- Occupational variation in computer use (06/04/2003)
- Do occupational wages vary much by location? (06/03/2003)
- Assessing the 1988-2000 employment growth projections (05/29/2003)
- Accuracy of growth projections for health care occupations (05/28/2003)
- When the future becomes the past: 1988-2000 projections for large occupations (05/23/2003)
- Jobs with the most lost-time injuries (03/28/2003)
- Farm jobs and managerial positions have lowest absence rate (01/28/2003)
- Lowest paying occupations in 2001 (12/03/2002)
- Highest paying occupations in 2001 (11/07/2002)
- Most IT workers have college degrees (10/23/2002)
- Managers, professionals have highest tenure (09/24/2002)
- Occupations of foreign-born workers (08/02/2002)
- Earnings of interpreters and translators (07/19/2002)
- Employment costs by occupation in March (07/10/2002)
- Wages in legal occupations in 2000 (06/07/2002)
- Earnings spread widest within and between professional, service groups (05/22/2002)
- Nearly half of executives have flexible work hours (04/25/2002)
- Truck drivers again have the most lost-time injuries (04/24/2002)
- For aircraft mechanics, certification pays (04/03/2002)
- Steepest job losses in manufacturing-related fields in 2001 (03/27/2002)
- Most home workers are managers and professionals (03/05/2002)
- Self-employed in 2000 (01/28/2002)
- Occupations losing the most jobs, 2000-10 (01/04/2002)
- Fastest growing jobs, 2000-2010 (12/04/2001)
- Office, administrative support largest occupation (11/26/2001)
- Lowest paid jobs in 2000 (11/23/2001)
- Highest paying occupations in 2000 (11/21/2001)
- Probation officers and correctional treatment specialists—working to rehabilitate offenders (09/28/2001)
- Medical transcriptionists: making medical histories (09/25/2001)
- Sales engineers: technical expertise plus people skills (09/18/2001)
- Keeping the environment clean (09/07/2001)
- Employment cost increase by occupation (08/03/2001)
- Displacement rates among blue-collar and white-collar workers (08/02/2001)
- Health benefits 5.6 percent of total compensation (07/05/2001)
- Five million new jobs in just ten occupations (07/03/2001)
- Seeing with sound (05/31/2001)
- From watches to pianos: precision instrument and equipment repairers (05/30/2001)
- Occupations of independent contractors (04/30/2001)
- Truck drivers have the most lost-time injuries (03/29/2001)
- Lowest absence rate in farm jobs (03/23/2001)
- Taxing jobs: tax examiners, revenue agents, and collectors (03/13/2001)
- Wild jobs: working in zoos and aquariums (03/05/2001)
- Surge in demand for troubleshooters (02/27/2001)
- Union membership by occupation in 2000 (01/23/2001)
- Librarians in 2008—more in business settings (01/04/2001)
- Earnings by occupation in 1998 (10/25/2000)
- Farmers have highest percentage of older workers (09/11/2000)
- Jobs most affected by baby-boomer retirements (08/31/2000)
- Pay gap crosses occupational lines (08/04/2000)
- Service workers on alternative shifts more often (08/03/2000)
- Wages of salespersons in 1998 (07/20/2000)
- Longer hours at the top? (06/21/2000)
- About one in five workers have supervisory role (04/26/2000)
- Work-related homicide rates highest among cabbies, cops (04/05/2000)
- Strong growth in managerial and professional occupations in 1999 (03/23/2000)
- Total job openings, 1998-2008: replacement and growth (03/14/2000)
- Managers, laborers unemployed longest in 1999 (03/13/2000)
- Wages, occupations, and job duties (02/15/2000)
- Farmers projected to have largest job loss in 1998-2008 (02/08/2000)
- Gender pay gap largest in sales, lowest in farm occupations (01/24/2000)
- The top-paying service occupations in 1998 (01/21/2000)
- Protective service occupations have highest union membership rate (01/20/2000)
- Occupations with the largest growth, 1998-2008 (12/29/1999)
- Annual wages of nurses, doctors, and other health care workers (12/23/1999)
- Occupational stress and time away from work (10/20/1999)
- Displaced professional workers most likely to return to same occupation (10/15/1999)
- Shifts within and across occupations drive changes in skill levels (09/17/1999)
- Service, farm workers have highest poverty rates (09/07/1999)
- Projections of service worker employment generally on target (06/18/1999)
- Assessing projections of management jobs (06/16/1999)
- Savings and thrift plans in small private establishments (06/11/1999)
- Women in managerial, professional occupations earn more than others (06/10/1999)
- More temporary workers expected in certain blue-collar occupations (03/03/1999)
- Demographics vary by occupation (02/16/1999)
- Production occupations have largest employment share in 1997 (01/13/1999)
- Professional and managerial occupations have higher wages (12/29/1998)
- Entrants concentrated in sales, clerical, and service occupations (12/21/1998)
- Young workers more likely to try new occupations (12/14/1998)
- Services industry has highest number of emerging occupations (12/07/1998)
- New occupations emerging across industry lines (11/09/1998)