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With the release of 2022Q1 data, the BED program is removing eleven 3-digit NAICS series from its data files. This is the result of a break in the time series related to their removal from the NAICS registry during the 2022 update. Additionally, the eight series added to the NAICS registry will not be included in the BED files since there are not sufficient data to produce a time series. The eleven series being removed are as follows; 442, 443, 446, 447, 448, 451, 452, 453, 454, 511, and 515. The eight series that were added to the registry, but not included in the BED tables, are as follows; 449, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, 513, and 516. Please see the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages NAICS 2022 Revision At-a-Glance or the Census Bureau NAICS classification page for complete listings of NAICS codes and the revisions made in 2022.
Last Modified Date: October 30, 2024