An official website of the United States government
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KCode Census Job Title Industries Affected H889 T-rail turner 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) A207 T.P.N. (Trained practical nurse) All Industries D385 T.W.X. operator 481 F785 Tab builder 372,376 F743 Tab cutter 225 D309 Tab operator All Industries F734 Tab-card press operator 27 F777 Tab-cutting-machine operator 272-279 F777 Tabber 225 H878 Tabber 372,376 D389 Tabber Press Clipping Bureau 732,733,735, 7383-7389 K443 Table attendant, cafeteria 58 K459 Table attendant, poolroom All Industries H889 Table hand 21 F777 Table hand Mfg. exc. 21 K459 Table keeper 793 F707 Table leverman 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F785 Table maker 25 F707 Table operator 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F757 Table runner 12 F707 Table runner 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) F757 Table tender 12 F795 Table top tile setter 325 H888 Table worker, packager All Industries F777 Table worker, n. s. 20-39 H878 Table worker, n. s. 315-319 H889 Table-cover folder 239 F748 Table-machine operator 721 F717 Table-saw operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F757 Tableman 10,12 H878 Tableman 242,243,245 F707 Tableman 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) G826 Tableman 40 K459 Tableman 793 F759 Tablet coater 283 F758 Tablet machine operator 202 F797 Tablet tester 283 F769 Tablet-machine operator 267 D386 Tabulating clerk All Industries D309 Tabulating-machine operator All Industries H889 Tack cleaner 311 F777 Tack coverer 20-39 F769 Tack cutter 341,343,347,349 F777 Tack driller 373 F717 Tack maker 331 H889 Tack picker 311 F745 Tack puller 313,314 F783 Tack welder All Industries F759 Tack-off man 371 F744 Tacker 225,231-238 F745 Tacker 313,314 F744 Tacking-machine operator 225,231-238 F756 Taffy puller 206 D389 Tag clerk All Industries F739 Tag maker 225 D374 Tag marker 52-59 H878 Tag stringer All Industries D389 Tag writer All Industries F777 Tag-machine operator 267 F777 Tag-press operator All Industries H878 Tagger All Industries H869 Tagman 15-17 H878 Tail boy 242-249,25 H878 Tail dogger 242-249,25 F727 Tail edger 242,243,245 E686 Tail puller 201 E686 Tail ripper 201 E686 Tail sawyer 201 F727 Tail sawyer 242,243,245 F727 Tail trimmer 242,243,245 K417 Tail-board man Fire department 92 E616 Tailer 10,12,14 H878 Tailer 242-249,25 H496 Tailer-in 241 H878 Tailer-off 242-249,25 F777 Tailing hand 22 H889 Tailings man 207,209 E667 Tailor Exc. shirt 231-238 F744 Tailor Shirt 231-238 H874 Tailor's aide All Industries H878 Take-away man 242,243,245 F774 Take-down sorter 732,733,735,7383-7389 H878 Take-off boy 20-39 H878 Take-off girl 20-39 H878 Take-off man 20-39 K459 Take-off man 791,794,799 H878 Taker 311 H883 Taker-away 201 H883 Taker-down 311,321-323 H878 Taker-off, n. s. or any specified 20-39 F748 Taker-off, n. s. or any specified 721 H883 Taker-out 321-323 H887 Talcer 301 B034 Talent scout 781-783,792 D368 Tallier All Industries F757 Tallow maker 207,209 F757 Tallow refiner 207,209 D368 Tally boy 242-249,25 D368 Tally clerk All Industries D368 Tally girl 201,206,207,209 D368 Tallyman All Industries F777 Tamale machine feeder 203 H889 Tamale maker 203 H869 Tamper 15-17 E594 Tamping-machine operator 15-17 G826 Tamping-machine operator 40 D348 Tandem operator 481 F707 Tandem-mill operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 H874 Tandem-mill sticker 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 F777 Tangled-yarn man 22 E597 Tank builder, metal 13,15-17 E567 Tank builder, wood 15-17 E567 Tank carpenter All Industries H887 Tank cleaner All Industries F777 Tank cooper 244,249 G804 Tank driver All Industries E597 Tank erector, metal 15-17 E567 Tank erector, wood 15-17 F754 Tank filler 517 H887 Tank processor 372 F757 Tank pumper 208 F717 Tank riveter 15-17,46,492,496,493 E597 Tank setter 13 F777 Tank tender 333-339 F757 Tank tender Any not listed above F797 Tank tester 20-36,371,372,374-379,38,39 F783 Tank welder All Industries F756 Tank worker 20-39 H887 Tank-car cleaner 291 G859 Tank-car loader All Industries E516 Tank-car reconditioner All Industries E696 Tank-farm operator 281,282,284,286-289 F717 Tank-house man 333-339 F777 Tank-house operator 201 F717 Tank-house operator 333-339 E699 Tank-terminal gager 46,492,493,496 G804 Tank-truck driver All Industries G804 Tank-truck operator All Industries G804 Tank-wagon driver All Industries G804 Tank-wagon operator All Industries F758 Tankage grinder 201 F777 Tanker 244,249 F785 Tanker 36 G804 Tanker driver All Industries H887 Tanker serviceman 421,423 G829 Tankerman 44 F758 Tankman 20-39 H885 Tankman 527,55,752-754 F777 Tankroom man 207,209 F756 Tankroom man 282 F777 Tankroom tender 282,313,314 F777 Tanner 311 F756 Tanning solution maker 281,284,286,289 F777 Tanning-drum operator 311 F777 Tanning-wheel man 311 F777 Tanyard man 311 E634 Tap & die maker technician 387 F785 Tap builder 371 A193 Tap dancer 781-783,792 F709 Tap grinder 35 F785 Tap puller 365,366 F759 Tape coater All Industries F769 Tape cutter All Industries A216 Tape duplicator All Industries D335 Tape librarian All Industries F753 Tape maker All Industries F753 Tape making machine operator All Industries F744 Tape sewer 20-30,311,315-319,32-39 A216 Tape transferrer All Industries F739 Tape weaver All Industries E505 Tape-deck installer 371,527,55,752-754 F744 Tape-edge-machine operator Mattress 25 D309 Tape-to-card-converter operator All Industries H867 Tapeman 40,871 E573 Taper 15-17,242,243,245 F753 Taper operator 20-39 F777 Tapering-machine operator 39 F744 Taping-machine operator 225,229,231-238 F777 Taping-machine operator Exc. 225,229,231-238 F757 Tapper 208 H889 Tapper 324,327 F717 Tapper 33,341-347,349 F777 Tapper 387 F708 Tapper operator All Industries F785 Tappet adjuster 371 K434 Taproom attendant All Industries E599 Tar boiler 15-17 H889 Tar chaser Coke 331 E599 Tar heater 15-17 H495 Tar heel 08 H869 Tar kettle runner 15-17 F757 Tar levelman 291 H869 Tar man 15-17 H889 Tar man 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 H869 Tar pot man 15-17 E595 Tar roofer 15-17 E594 Tar-distributor operator 15-17 D368 Tare man 207,209 H883 Tare man 221-224,228 D368 Tare weigher 201,207,209 G826 Target man 40 K459 Target setter Gun club 791,794,799 E693 Targeteer 348,376 D389 Tariff clerk All Industries D386 Tariff compiler All Industries A178 Tariff counsel All Industries A178 Tariff expert 481,482,489 F777 Tarring-machine operator 22 I479 Tassel clipper 01,071,072,075,076 F777 Tassel maker All Industries F777 Tassel making machine operator All Industries I479 Tassel snipper 01,071,072,075,076 H889 Tasseler 239 F796 Taster 206,207,209 A194 Tattoo artist 722,729 A194 Tattooer 722,729 B017 Tavern keeper 58 B017 Tavern operator 58 K434 Tavern-car attendant 40 F777 Tawer 311 B023 Tax accountant All Industries B023 Tax adjuster All Industries A178 Tax agent 481,482,489 B036 Tax agent 93 B005 Tax appraiser LGOV 93 B005 Tax assessor LGOV 93 A178 Tax attorney All Industries B023 Tax auditor All Industries D389 Tax clerk All Industries B005 Tax collector 93 B005 Tax commissioner 93 B025 Tax consultant 874 A166 Tax economist All Industries B025 Tax evaluator 874 B023 Tax examiner All Industries B023 Tax expert 874 B036 Tax investigator All Industries B025 Tax preparer 874 B025 Tax specialist 874 K469 Taxi dancer 791,794,799 G809 Taxi driver 412 D363 Taxicab coordinator 412 D359 Taxicab dispatcher 412 G809 Taxicab driver 412 D359 Taxicab starter 412 A235 Taxidermist 763,764,7692,7699 A078 Taxonomist All Industries F796 Tea taster 207,209 F754 Tea-bag packer All Industries Teacher, elementary and secondary — see separate Teacher Page Teacher, Except elementary and secondary — see separate Teacher Page K467 Teacher's aide 835 A154 Teaching fellow, subject n. s. 822 B014 Team coordinator 821 G859 Teamster, horses or mule All Industries G856 Teamster, tractor driver 241 G804 Teamster, truck driver 10-14 I479 Teamster, n. s. 02 E505 Tear-down man 371 K433 Tearoom hostess All Industries F777 Teasel setter 22 F777 Teasel-gig operator 22 F777 Teaseler 22 F766 Teaser 321-323 D389 Technical clerk All Industries C259 Technical consultant All Industries D303 Technical coordinator All Industries A048 Technical director 28 B022 Technical director 483,484 A187 Technical director 781-783,792 A184 Technical editor All Industries A217 Technical illustrator All Industries A225 Technical operator 13 A184 Technical writer All Industries K447 Technician's aide 806 A223 Technician, biological All Industries A224 Technician, chemical All Industries A203 Technician, clinical laboratory All Industries A213 Technician, electrical All Industries A205 Technician, health records All Industries A208 Technician, health type n. s. All Industries A214 Technician, industrial All Industries A215 Technician, mechanical engineering All Industries E523 Technician, plant & maintenance All Industries A206 Technician, radiologic All Industries A225 Technician, science, n. s. All Industries E529 Technician, submarine cable equipment All Industries A218 Technician, surveying All Industries A235 Technician, n. e. c. All Industries A223 Technician, n. s. 01,02,07-09,20,283 A224 Technician, n. s. 28(exc.283) A225 Technician, n. s. 291,295,299 A213 Technician, n. s. 36,483,484,493,873 E523 Technician, n. s. 5731,5734 A203 Technician, n. s. 805-809 A216 Technician, n. s. 822(exc.medical school) A216 Technician, n. s. 899 A208 Technician, n. s. Medical school 822 E523 Technician, n. s. Radio repair shop 762,7694 E523 Technician, n. s. Television repair shop 762,7694 A235 Technician, n. s. Any not listed above A175 Teen counselor Community center 832,839 A174 Teenage adviser 832,833,836,839 B021 Teenage-program director 832,839,861,862,864,865,869 D353 Telautograph operator All Industries A228 Telecasting technician 483,484 C257 Telecommunications consultant All Industries A213 Telecommunications technician All Industries D353 Telegraph dispatcher 482,489 A195 Telegraph editor 271 E529 Telegraph installer 482,489 E527 Telegraph lineman All Industries D357 Telegraph messenger 482,489 D353 Telegraph operator 482,489 E529 Telegraph-plant maintainer 482,489 E529 Telegraph-repeater installer 482,489 D343 Telegraph-service rater 481,482,489 D353 Telegrapher All Industries D353 Telegrapher agent 40 E529 Telegraphic-typewriter installer 482,489 D353 Telegraphic-typewriter operator 482,489 D325 Telephone ad-taker 271 D323 Telephone answerer All Industries H887 Telephone cleaner 751 D348 Telephone clerk, telegraph office 482,489 D323 Telephone clerk, n. s. All Industries D348 Telephone girl All Industries E529 Telephone installer 481 E527 Telephone lineman All Industries E529 Telephone maintainer 481 E529 Telephone man 481 D357 Telephone messenger 481 D306 Telephone operator, chief All Industries D348 Telephone operator, n. s All Industries D319 Telephone operator-receptionist All Industries D336 Telephone recorder 482,489 C257 Telephone sales 481 C267 Telephone sales 593,5948,5993-5,5999 C277 Telephone sales Exc. 481,593,5948,5993-5,5999 C274 Telephone solicitor All Industries H887 Telephone sterilizer 732,733,735,7383-7389 D316 Telephone surveyor 874 D353 Telephone-answering-service operator 732,733,735,7383-7389 D319 Telephone-appointment clerk All Industries D348 Telephone-exchange operator All Industries D323 Telephone-information clerk All Industries D327 Telephone-order clerk All Industries D323 Telephone-quotation clerk 62,67 D323 Telephone-service adviser 481 D348 Telephone-switchboard operator All Industries D385 Teleprinter 482,489 E547 Telescope maintenance man All Industries G848 Telescope operator 44 K438 Teletray operator Drive-in restaurant 58 E529 Teletype adjuster All Industries D385 Teletype clerk Telephone Co 481 E529 Teletype installer All Industries D385 Teletype operator 482,489 E529 Teletype technician All Industries F736 Teletypesetter All Industries F736 Teletypesetter operator All Industries E529 Teletypewriter installer All Industries D385 Teletypewriter operator 482,489 D385 Teletypist 482,489 A187 Television actor 483,484 F796 Television analyzer 365,366 A198 Television announcer 483,484 E523 Television cable installer All Industries A189 Television cameraman 483,484 E523 Television installer All Industries E523 Television maintenance man 762,7694 A228 Television operator 483,484 A187 Television producer 483,484 A195 Television script writer, advertising or news 483,484 A183 Television script writer, exc. advertising or news 483,484 E523 Television technician 365,366,52-59,762,7694 A228 Television technician 483,484 A195 Television writer, advertising or news 483,484 A183 Television writer, exc. advertising or news 483,484 E599 Television-antenna installer 15-17 F785 Television-antenna installer Television 365,366 E658 Television-cabinet finisher All Industries F797 Television-parts tester 365,366 D385 Telex operator All Industries D383 Teller 60,61 C276 Teller Exc. 60,61 F797 Temperature regulator 33 A225 Temperature-logging operator 13 F777 Temperer 22,23 F724 Temperer 321-323,33,341-347,349,35-37,40,763,764, 7692,7699 F766 Temperer Any not listed F724 Tempering-oven operator 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 E645 Template checker 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 D365 Template clerk All Industries F786 Template cutter All Industries E653 Template fitter 372,376 E645 Template maker 33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699 E588 Template man 15-17 E645 Template man 372,376 E684 Template reproduction technician All Industries E634 Template-lay-out man 355,356,358,359 E653 Template-lay-out man 372,376 D365 Template-storage clerk All Industries H878 Temple marker 201 I473 Tenant OBNI 01,02 I473 Tenant farmer, crop or livestock OBNI 01,02 D377 Tenant selector City Housing Authority 65 C276 Tender, bridge 47 G834 Tender, locks 44 H885 Tender, n. s. 554 G834 Tender, n. s. Lighthouse 96 F795 Tennis ball coverer, hand 394 A199 Tennis coach Exc. Secondary school 821 A157 Tennis coach Secondary school 821 A199 Tennis player 791,794,799 A159 Tennis professional All Industries F769 Tenon-machine operator All Industries F769 Tenoner operator All Industries A216 Tensile tester 20-39 F734 Tension man 27 F717 Tensioning machine operator All Industries H889 Tent man 791,794,799 F777 Tenter 22 F777 Tenter feeder 22 F777 Tenter-frame operator 22 F777 Tenterer 22 F777 Tentering-machine feeder 22 E684 Tentmaker 239 D389 Terminal clerk All Industries E699 Terminal gager 46,492,493,496 D385 Terminal operator, computer All Industries H883 Terminal worker 421,423 D385 Terminal-make up operator 27 F706 Terminal-press operator 36 D385 Terminal-system operator 27 K455 Termite exterminator 734 K455 Termite treater All Industries K455 Termite-control-serviceman All Industries E563 Terra-cotta mason 15-17 E595 Terra-cotta roofer 15-17 E563 Terra-cotta setter 15-17 E588 Terrazzo finisher 15-17 E588 Terrazzo layer 15-17 E588 Terrazzo man 15-17 E588 Terrazzo polisher 15-17 E588 Terrazzo roller 15-17 E588 Terrazzo worker 15-17 A044 Test analyst 372,376 E616 Test borer 10-14 F708 Test borer Exc. 10-14 E558 Test boring crew chief 15-17 F797 Test carrier 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339, 34(exc.348) E689 Test desk trouble locator 481 E529 Test deskman 481 E598 Test driller All Industries D379 Test grader 91-97 D387 Test grader Exc. 91-97 E689 Test man 36(exc.363) E529 Test man 481 E575 Test man 491 D348 Test operator 481 A226 Test pilot 372,376 F797 Test worker 33 E689 Test-car driver 371 A213 Test-laboratory technician 36 E516 Test-rack operator 40 E515 Test-stand operator 372,376,45,97 F777 Test-tube maker 321-323 E529 Testboard man 481 E529 Testboard operator 481 A223 Tester 02,202,514,545 F797 Tester 12,348,35-40 A225 Tester 13 E689 Tester 36(exc.363) E529 Tester 481 E689 Testing and regulating technician 481 B014 Testing director All Industries F797 Testing machine operator 221-224,228,341,343,347,349 F756 Tetryl dissolver operator 348,376 C243 Textile broker OWN 513,5192-5199 A073 Textile chemist All Industries F756 Textile colorist, dyer All Industries A224 Textile colorist, formulator All Industries C243 Textile converter OWN 513,5192-5199 A185 Textile designer All Industries E649 Textile engraver All Industries E667 Textile reweaver 721 A224 Textile technologist All Industries F777 Textile worker 22 F777 Textile-machine operator 22 F777 Textile-pin boy 22 F777 Textile-screen printer 22
Last modified: October 16, 2001