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National Compensation Survey - Wages

Ch‐Cl (Census Occs beginning with) ‐ Occupational Classification System Manual

Major Occupational Groups: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | K
About the Occupational Classification System Manual
Code  Census Job Title                           Industries Affected
F777  Chain builder                              22
H867  Chain carrier                              871
F756  Chain dyer                                 22
H496  Chain hooker                               241
G859  Chain hooker                               Exc. 241
E547  Chain maker                                Exc. jewelry 391-393,395-399
E647  Chain maker                                Jewelry 39(exc.394)
H878  Chain offbearer                            242-244,249
H496  Chain puller                               241
H883  Chain puller                               242,243
F777  Chain splitter                             22
H496  Chain tender                               241
F727  Chain-saw driver                           All Industries
H496  Chain-saw operator                         All Industries
F777  Chainer                                    22
H496  Chainer                                    241
H889  Chainer                                    Exc. 22,241
H867  Chainman                                   10-14,871
H496  Chainman                                   241
H878  Chainman                                   242,243
H883  Chainman                                   331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339,
H867  Chainman                                   Highway Commission 15-17
F777  Chainman                                   Any not listed above
F744  Chainstitcher sewing machine operator      All Industries
F785  Chair caner                                All Industries
E658  Chair finisher                             All Industries
F777  Chair installer                            All Industries
F785  Chair maker                                25
E657  Chair maker                                Exc. 25
E657  Chair mender                               All Industries
F785  Chair springer                             All Industries
E668  Chair upholsterer                          All Industries
K463  Chair-car attendant                        40
F785  Chair-frame builder                        25
K463  Chair-lift operator                        41(exc.412)
E668  Chair-pad maker                            25
H889  Chalk cutter                               39(exc.394)
F755  Chalk extruding machine operator           39(exc.394)
F755  Chalk molding machine operator             39(exc.394)
A225  Chalk tester                               14
F755  Chalk-machine operator                     39(exc.394)
F757  Chamber walker                             28
K449  Chambermaid                                701-704,726,805,806
L407  Chambermaid                                88
F757  Chamberman                                 28
F708  Chamfering-machine operator                348
B022  Chancellor                                 822
A176  Chancellor                                 866
B005  Chancery clerk                             92
F717  Chandelier maker                           361,362,364,367,369
C276  Change girl                                52-59,701,791,794,799
C276  Change man                                 Casino & hotel 701
F777  Change over                                22
C276  Change-booth attendant                     All Industries
K453  Change-house attendant                     All Industries
K469  Change-house man                           10-14
D348  Change-number operator                     481
K469  Change-room attendant                      10-14
E518  Changer fixer                              22
F745  Channel cementer                           313,314
F785  Channel installer                          244,249
F745  Channel layer                              313,314
E518  Channel man                                333-339
F745  Channel opener                             313,314
F745  Channel turner                             313,314
F745  Channel-lip wetter                         313,314
E617  Channel-machine operator                   All Industries
F745  Channeler                                  313,314
E616  Channeler runner                           10,12,14
E616  Channeling machine runner                  10,12,14
E616  Channeling-machine operator                10,12,14
F745  Channeling-machine operator                313,314
K469  Chaperone                                  All Industries
A176  Chaplain                                   866
F769  Char beltman                               206
H887  Char puller                                206
H889  Char-dust cleaner & salvager               206
F757  Char-filter operator                       All Industries
F757  Char-filter tank tender                    All Industries
F766  Charcoal burner                            281,286,289
F766  Charcoal kiln burner                       All Industries
K447  Charge aide                                805-809
K447  Charge attendant                           805-809
D376  Charge authorizer                          52-59
F777  Charge hand                                282
D348  Charge operator                            481
D368  Charge weigher                             33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699
D316  Charge-account clerk                       All Industries
G859  Charge-machine operator                    28
D389  Charge-out clerk                           60(exc.603,606)
E615  Chargeman                                  10-14
E615  Charger                                    10-14
F724  Charger                                    331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339,
F789  Charger                                    39,509,51,531,5944,5961,763,764,7692,
F724  Charger operator                           331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339,
G856  Charger-car operator                       Coke 331
F777  Charging board operator                    355,356,358,359
G849  Charging craneman                          33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699
F713  Charging manipulator                       331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339,
G856  Charging-car operator                      Coke 331
F717  Charging-machine operator                  20-23,26-32,348,3827,384-387,39
F766  Charging-machine operator                  33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699
F777  Charhouse worker                           206
D386  Chart calculator                           49
D386  Chart changer                              All Industries
D379  Chart clerk                                80
D386  Chart clerk                                Exc. 80
D386  Chart computer                             491-493,496
D386  Chart man                                  All Industries
D386  Chart picker                               All Industries
D386  Chart reader                               492,496
D386  Chart snatcher                             All Industries
E676  Chart writer                               267
F795  Charter                                    231-238
D389  Charter                                    791,794,799
K449  Charwoman                                  701-704,726,805,806
L407  Charwoman                                  88
K453  Charwoman                                  Any not listed above
D378  Chase man                                  Finance co. 61
H496  Chaser                                     241
F704  Chaser                                     355,356,358,359
E647  Chaser                                     39(exc.394),531,5944,763,764,7692,7699
E647  Chaser                                     Chandeliers 361,362,364,367,369
E689  Chassis driver                             371
E505  Chassis wireman                            371
G804  Chauffeur                                  421,423
K417  Chauffeur                                  Fire department 92
K418  Chauffeur                                  Police department 92
G809  Chauffeur                                  Any not listed above
G809  Chauffeurette                              All Industries
D383  Check cashier                              732,733,735,7383-7389
D337  Check clerk                                All Industries
D347  Check embosser                             All Industries
D376  Check examiner                             60,61
D375  Check examiner                             63,64
C275  Check girl                                 721
C276  Check out cashier                          All Industries
A226  Check pilot                                45
B036  Check viewer                               10-14
F798  Check weigher                              348
D368  Check weighman                             10-14
D336  Check writer                               52-59
C276  Check-out clerk                            52-59
C275  Check-out clerk                            721
C276  Check-out girl                             52-59
C275  Check-out girl                             721
D386  Check-out man                              50,51
D337  Check-processing clerk                     60,61
D347  Check-sorter operator                      60(exc.603,606)
D347  Check-writing-machine operator             All Industries
H888  Checker and packer                         20-39
C276  Checker, cafeteria or lunchroom            All Industries
D368  Checker, cargo                             44
C276  Checker, cashier                           52-59
C276  Checker, checking out customers            All Industries
C276  Checker, checking out grocery items        All Industries
C275  Checker, counter                           721
K426  Checker, fitting room                      531,56(exc.566)
D368  Checker, freight                           All Industries
D365  Checker, inventory                         All Industries
D365  Checker, linen                             701,806
F796  Checker, liner                             721
D375  Checker, loans, ratings, etc.              63,64
D368  Checker, warehouse                         All Industries
F796  Checker, n. s.                             20-39(exc.205)
D368  Checker, n. s.                             205,40-47,50,51
C276  Checker, n. s.                             52-59
D375  Checker, n. s.                             63,64
F796  Checker, n. s.                             721
F774  Checker, n. s.                             722,729,732,733,735,7383-7389,781-783,
D363  Checker-in                                 313,314
E547  Checkering-machine adjuster                All Industries
D347  Checking-machine operator                  All Industries
D338  Checkman                                   40
K469  Checkroom attendant                        All Industries
K456  Checkroom chief                            All Industries
K469  Checkroom girl                             All Industries
F769  Cheese cutter                              202
F799  Cheese grader                              202
E688  Cheese maker                               202
F799  Cheese packer                              202
E688  Cheese processor                           All Industries
F759  Cheese sprayer                             206
A223  Cheese tester                              02,202,514,545
D368  Cheese weigher                             All Industries
H888  Cheese wrapper                             All Industries
K433  Chef de cuisine                            58,701
K436  Chef de froid                              58,701
L404  Chef, cooking                              88
K436  Chef, cooking                              Exc. 88
K433  Chef, exc. cooking                         All Industries
L404  Chef, n. s.                                88
K433  Chef, n. s.                                Exc. 88
F777  Chemic mangler                             22
A073  Chemical analyst                           All Industries
F797  Chemical checker                           22
F757  Chemical compounder                        All Industries
A073  Chemical economist                         All Industries
A157  Chemical educator                          821
A115  Chemical educator                          822
A159  Chemical educator                          Exc. 821,822
A224  Chemical laboratory technician             All Industries
A164  Chemical librarian                         All Industries
F777  Chemical maker                             28
F756  Chemical mixer                             20-39
F774  Chemical mixer                             781-783,792
F757  Chemical operator                          All Industries
F756  Chemical preparer                          All Industries
H495  Chemical sprayer                           Blister rust control 08
F797  Chemical strength tester                   22
A224  Chemical technician                        All Industries
A224  Chemical tester                            301-306
D368  Chemical weigher                           All Industries
F777  Chemical worker                            All Industries
A224  Chemical-analytical sampler                28
A073  Chemical-laboratory chief                  All Industries
E699  Chemical-plant operator                    All Industries
F757  Chemical-process operator                  386
A224  Chemical-research worker                   All Industries
F757  Chemical-tank worker                       311
F757  Chemical-treatment operator                206,207,209
F757  Chemical-unit operator                     281,282,286,289
A073  Chemist                                    873
A203  Chemistry technologist                     805-809
A083  Chemotherapist                             All Industries
F744  Chenille operator                          20-39
F744  Chenille-machine operator                  20-39
H889  Cherry cutter                              203
F757  Cherry pitter                              203
F799  Cherry sorter                              203
G849  Cherry-picker operator                     15-17,481,491-493,496
F744  Chevron machine operator                   20-39
F744  Chevron maker                              20-39
I479  Chick grader                               02,071,072,075,076
I479  Chick sexer                                02,071,072,075,076
E686  Chicken boner                              201
B028  Chicken buyer                              514
I479  Chicken catcher                            02,071,072,075,076
H889  Chicken catcher                            Exc. 02,071,072,075,076
H889  Chicken cleaner                            All Industries
I479  Chicken dresser                            02,071,072,075,076
H889  Chicken dresser                            Exc. 02,071,072,075,076
I475  Chicken fancier                            GOV,OBI or PR 02,071,072,075,076
I473  Chicken fancier                            OBNI 02,071,072,075,076
I479  Chicken handler                            02,071,072,075,076
H889  Chicken hanger                             All Industries
I479  Chicken man                                02,071,072,075,076
I479  Chicken picker                             02,071,072,075,076
H889  Chicken picker                             Exc. 02,071,072,075,076
I475  Chicken raiser                             GOV,OBI or PR 02,071,072,075,076
I473  Chicken raiser                             OBNI 02,071,072,075,076
I479  Chicken sexer                              02,071,072,075,076
E688  Chicken stuffer                            All Industries
I479  Chicken tender                             02,071,072,075,076
I479  Chicken vaccinator                         071,072,075,076
H878  Chicle-grinder feeder                      206
B005  Chief                                      92
K456  Chief airport guide                        All Industries
D307  Chief clerk, measurement                   291,46,492,496
D307  Chief clerk, print shop                    All Industries
B005  Chief clerk, n. s.                         91-97
B022  Chief clerk, n. s.                         Exc. 91-97
B005  Chief deputy, exc. police and sheriff      All Industries
B005  Chief deputy, police                       All Industries
K423  Chief deputy, sheriff                      All Industries
E628  Chief dispatcher                           13,291,46,492,496
G829  Chief engineer's boy                       44
D307  Chief load dispatcher                      491,493
K414  Chief of harbor patrol                     92
A218  Chief of party                             08,13,15-17,40,43,49,871,91-97
B005  Chief of police                            92
K462  Chief of service                           781-783,792
B015  Chief of staff                             806
E699  Chief operator                             28
D306  Chief operator                             482-484,489
E555  Chief power dispatcher                     491-493,496
E628  Chief projectionist                        781-783,792
G829  Chief yeoman                               Coast & Geodetic Survey 95
A164  Chief, library-circulation department      All Industries
D307  Chief-crew scheduler                       45
B036  Chief-of-safety and protection             20-39
D386  Chief-wheelage clerk                       40
L406  Child attendant                            88
K447  Child care                                 806
K467  Child care                                 821,835
K468  Child care                                 835
K468  Child care                                 836
L406  Child care                                 88
K468  Child care                                 Any not listed above
K447  Child care aide                            806
L406  Child care aide                            88
B014  Child care center administrator            All Industries
B014  Child care center director                 All Industries
A174  Child consultant                           832,836,839,861,862,864,865,869
A163  Child guidance counselor                   All Industries
L406  Child monitor                              All Industries
A167  Child psychologist                         All Industries
B022  Child welfare director                     All Industries
L406  Child's nurse                              88
A167  Child-development consultant               OWN 873
A208  Child-health associate                     805-809
A174  Child-welfare consultant                   All Industries
A174  Child-welfare worker                       All Industries
K447  Children's aide                            805
A174  Children's aide                            832,833,836,839
K468  Children's attendant                       836
A174  Children's counselor                       832,833,836,839
A177  Children's counselor                       Church 866
A177  Children's director                        Church 866
A164  Children's librarian                       All Industries
K468  Children's matron                          All Industries
E688  Chili maker                                207,209
F777  Chiller operator                           281,286,289
F777  Chiller tender                             All Industries
F777  Chilling-hood operator                     201
F777  Chillman                                   331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339,
E563  Chimney builder                            15-17
K453  Chimney sweeper                            All Industries
F789  China decorator                            All Industries
A188  China painter                              All Industries
F777  Chinchilla machine operator                22
F748  Chinese laundryman                         721
H878  Chip drier                                 333-339
F763  Chip frier                                 207,209
K459  Chip girl                                  701,791,794,799
F777  Chip mixing machine operator               All Industries
E535  Chip tuner                                 All Industries
G859  Chip unloader                              261-263
H878  Chip washer                                208
G859  Chip-bin conveyor tender                   26
G859  Chip-bin operator                          26
H878  Chip-crusher operator                      333-339
G859  Chip-loft worker                           26
F777  Chip-machine operator                      261-263
H878  Chipman                                    208
F777  Chipper                                    261-263,39
F709  Chipper                                    326
F768  Chipper                                    33-37(exc.348,373),40,763,764,7692,7699
E579  Chipper                                    373
F768  Chipper                                    Boiler 344
H878  Chipper feeder                             261-263
F777  Chipper operator                           261-263,267,242-249,25,321-323
F777  Chipper-machine operator                   242-249,25,321-323
F777  Chipperman                                 242-249,25,321-323
A088  Chiropodist                                8043,8049
A089  Chiropractor                               8041
F768  Chisel trimmer                             371
E675  Chiseler                                   328,329
F777  Chiseler                                   Exc. 328,329
F757  Chlorinator                                All Industries
F757  Chlorinator man                            All Industries
F757  Chlorinator operator                       All Industries
F757  Chlorine operator                          All Industries
F757  Chlorine-cells operator                    281,286,289
F759  Chocolate dipper                           206
F777  Chocolate maker                            206
F755  Chocolate molder, machine                  206
F756  Chocolate temperer                         202,204
F763  Chocolate temperer                         206
A137  Choir director                             822
A186  Choir director                             Exc. secondary school 821,822
A157  Choir director                             Secondary school 821
A186  Choir leader                               866
A186  Choir singer                               866
A186  Choirmaster                                866
F708  Choke reamer                               All Industries
H496  Choke setter                               241
H496  Choker                                     241
H496  Choker hooker                              241
H496  Chokerman                                  241
F743  Chopped-strand operator                    All Industries
I479  Chopper                                    01,02,071,072,075,076
H889  Chopper                                    08,281,286,289,598
H496  Chopper                                    241
F769  Chopper                                    Any not listed above
I479  Chopper operator                           01,02,071,072,075,076
F756  Chopping machine operator                  201
I479  Chore boy                                  01,02,071,072,075,076
H889  Chore boy                                  20-39(exc.241)
H496  Chore boy                                  241
L407  Chore boy                                  88
K449  Chore boy                                  Any not listed above
I479  Chore man                                  01,02,071,072,075,076
H889  Chore man                                  311
K449  Chore man                                  701-704
I479  Chore tender                               01,02,071,072,075,076
A193  Choreographer                              All Industries
A186  Chorister                                  866
A193  Chorus boy                                 781-783,792
A193  Chorus girl                                781-783,792
A193  Chorus man                                 781-783,792
A186  Chorus master                              781-783,792
A177  Christian science nurse                    All Industries
A177  Christian science reading room attendant   861,862,864,865,869
A177  Christian-science healer                   8043,8049
A177  Christian-science practitioner             8043,8049
A177  Christian-science reader                   861,862,864,865,869
H495  Christmas-tree farm worker                 08
H494  Christmas-tree farmer                      08
H495  Christmas-tree grader                      08
F723  Chrome plater                              All Industries
F709  Chrome polisher                            33-37(exc.348),40,763,764,7692,7699
F777  Chrome tanner                              311
F723  Chrome worker                              All Industries
F723  Chromium plater                            All Industries
F796  Chronograph operator                       All Industries
E693  Chronometer adjuster                       387
E686  Chuck splitter                             201
H869  Chuck tender                               15-17
K436  Chuck-wagon cook                           Ranch 02
C277  Chuck-wagon driver                         5963
F704  Chucker                                    311
F726  Chucking and boring machine operator       242-249,25
F727  Chucking and sawing machine operator       242-249,25
F726  Chucking machine set-up-operator           242-249,25
F703  Chucking machine set-up-operator           Exc. 242-249,25
F726  Chucking-machine operator                  242-249,25
H498  Chummer                                    09
A177  Church official                            866
A186  Church organist                            866
A177  Church warden                              866
A177  Church worker                              866
E598  Churn driller                              All Industries
F756  Churn man                                  28
F756  Churn operator                             All Industries
E598  Churn-drill operator                       All Industries
F756  Churner                                    All Industries
G843  Chute boss                                 12
H496  Chute builder                              241
E653  Chute builder                              344
H496  Chute feeder                               241
H878  Chute feeder                               Exc. 241
H496  Chute greaser                              241
H889  Chute loader                               All Industries
H889  Chute man                                  10-14
H883  Chute man                                  Exc. 10-14
H889  Chute operator                             14
G848  Chute operator                             44
H889  Chute puller                               12
H889  Chute tapper                               10
H496  Chute tender                               241
H889  Chute tender                               Exc. 241
F757  Cider maker                                207,209
F757  Cider-press operator                       207,209
F754  Cigar bander                               21
F777  Cigar binder                               21
F787  Cigar maker, hand                          21
H888  Cigar packer                               21
F795  Cigar patcher                              21
F787  Cigar roller                               All Industries
H888  Cigar wrapper                              All Industries
F777  Cigar-head piercer                         21
H878  Cigar-machine feeder                       21
F777  Cigar-making-machine operator              21
F796  Cigarette catcher                          21
F777  Cigarette filter making machine operator   21
C274  Cigarette girl, selling                    58
F777  Cigarette maker                            21
F796  Cigarette package examiner                 All Industries
F754  Cigarette packer                           21
F777  Cigarette roller                           21
F777  Cigarette stamper                          All Industries
F797  Cigarette tester                           All Industries
F777  Cigarette tipper                           21
F777  Cigarette-book maker                       21
G806  Cigarette-machine filler                   5962
F777  Cigarette-machine operator                 21
H878  Cigarette-making-machine hopper feeder     21
F777  Cigarette-making-machine operator          21
F754  Cigarette-packing-machine operator         21
F797  Cigarette-paper tester                     21
H869  Cinder crew worker                         15-17
H889  Cinder man                                 331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339,
H889  Cinder pitman                              331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339,
H889  Cinder snapper                             331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339,
F755  Cinder-block maker                         324,327
E563  Cinder-block mason                         15-17
F768  Cinder-crusher operator                    All Industries
G849  Cinder-dump craneman                       331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339,
G849  Cinder-pit craneman                        331,332,pt333,334,pt335,pt336,339,
F773  Cinema operator                            781-783,792
A189  Cinematographer                            781-783,792(
F773  Cinematographer                            Theater 781-783,792
A068  Cipher expert                              All Industries
F727  Circle cutting saw operator                All Industries
F727  Circle-saw operator                        All Industries
F769  Circle-shear operator                      All Industries
D389  Circuit clerk                              All Industries
D389  Circuit court clerk                        All Industries
A179  Circuit court judge                        All Industries
A055  Circuit designer                           36
F777  Circuit recorder                           361,362,364,367,369
B028  Circuit rider                              515
F797  Circuit tester                             36
B028  Circuit walker                             515
D389  Circular clerk                             231-238
D357  Circular distributor                       All Industries
E599  Circular saw operator                      15-17
F769  Circular sawyer, stone                     All Industries
D389  Circular stuffer                           All Industries
A095  Circulating nurse                          806
D336  Circulation clerk                          All Industries
B013  Circulation director                       27
C256  Circulation man                            27
C256  Circulation roadman                        27
F777  Circulation tender                         206,207,209
C243  Circulation-crew leader                    Newspaper 271
F777  Circulator                                 All Industries
B034  Circus agent                               791,794,799
H889  Circus hand                                791,794,799
H889  Circus laborer                             791,794,799
A194  Circus performer                           791,794,799
A194  Circus rider                               791,794,799
H889  Circus roustabout                          791,794,799
F756  Cistern-room operator                      208
F769  Citrus peeler                              203
I479  Citrus picker                              01,071,072,075,076
I488  Citrus-fruit packer                        01,071,072,075,076,514,515,5191
H888  Citrus-fruit packer                        203
F799  Citrus-fruit packer                        Any not listed above
B003  City alderman                              LGOV 911-913
B005  City assessor                              LGOV 93
A178  City attorney                              LGOV 92
B023  City auditor                               LGOV 93
K423  City bailiff                               LGOV 92
D354  City clerk                                 43
B005  City clerk                                 91
B005  City collector                             LGOV 93
B005  City comptroller                           LGOV 93
K423  City constable                             LGOV 92
B005  City controller                            LGOV 93
B003  City councilman                            LGOV 911-913
K423  City detective                             LGOV 92
A195  City editor                                271
B005  City jailer                                LGOV 92
K423  City marshal                               LGOV 92
B005  City official                              LGOV 911-913
A173  City planner                               All Industries
B005  City recorder                              LGOV 911-913
G804  City routeman                              All Industries
B036  City sanitarian                            807-809
A178  City solicitor                             LGOV 92
B005  City superintendent                        LGOV 911-913
B022  City superintendent of schools             821
A063  City surveyor                              95
B005  City treasurer                             LGOV 93
D368  City weighmaster                           LGOV 96
A235  City-planning aide                         All Industries
A178  Civil lawyer                               All Industries
D328  Civil service worker                       43,91-97
A216  Civil-engineer's aide                      15-17
D328  Civil-service clerk                        43,91-97
B036  Civil-service examiner                     919
D375  Claim adjuster                             63,64,732,733,735,7383-7389
D376  Claim adjuster                             Exc. 63,64,821
B037  Claim agent                                291,46
D375  Claim agent                                63,64,732,733,735,7383-7389
B005  Claim agent                                919,92-97
D376  Claim agent                                Any not listed above
D375  Claim approver                             63,64,732,733,735,7383-7389
B005  Claim approver                             919,92-97
D376  Claim approver                             Any not listed above
A178  Claim attorney                             All Industries
D375  Claim clerk                                63,64,732,733,735,7383-7389
D376  Claim clerk                                Exc. 63,64,732,733,735,7383-7389
D375  Claim examiner                             63,64,732,733,735,7383-7389,753,7549
B005  Claim examiner                             919,92-97
D376  Claim examiner                             Any not listed above
D375  Claim investigator                         63,64,732,733,735,7383-7389,753,7549
B005  Claim investigator                         919,92-97
D376  Claim investigator                         Any not listed above
D375  Claim man                                  63,64,732,733,735,7383-7389,753,7549
B005  Claim man                                  919,92-97
D376  Claim man                                  Any not listed above
D375  Claim processor                            63,64,732,733,735,7383-7389
D376  Claim processor                            Exc. 63,64,732,733,735,7383-7389
D375  Claim representative                       63,64,732,733,735,7383-7389,753,7549
B005  Claim representative                       919,92-97
D376  Claim representative                       Any not listed above
B005  Claim superintendent                       Social Security Board 94
D375  Claim taker                                63,64,732,733,735,7383-7389
B005  Claim taker                                919,92-97
D376  Claim taker                                Any not listed above
D378  Claims collector                           All Industries
A194  Clairvoyant                                791,794,799
H498  Clam digger                                09
H498  Clam dredger                               09
H498  Clam picker                                09
H889  Clam picker                                207,209
H889  Clam shucker                               All Industries
H498  Clam sorter                                09
H889  Clam sorter                                207,209
G853  Clam-shovel operator                       All Industries
F777  Clammer                                    22
F785  Clamp operator                             242-249,25
F785  Clamp-carrier operator                     242-249,25
F735  Clamper                                    27
F785  Clamper                                    39(exc.394) exc. pens and pencils
H889  Clamper                                    Pens and pencils 39(exc.394)
G849  Clamshell operator                         All Industries
F757  Clarifier                                  20-23,26-31,33-39
F757  Clarifier operator                         20-23,26-31,33-39
F757  Clarifier tender                           20-23,26-31,33-39
E694  Clarifying-plant operator                  22
G856  Clark driver                               All Industries
F799  Classer                                    21,732,733,735,7383-7389
D386  Classification analyst                     43,91-97
D335  Classification clerk                       All Industries
D337  Classification-control clerk               All Industries
D325  Classified-ad clerk                        271,481
D325  Classified-ad taker                        271,481
F796  Classifier                                 302-306
F748  Classifier                                 721
A164  Classifier                                 823
D386  Classifier                                 Any not listed above
F757  Classifier operator                        333-339
F766  Clay burner                                291
G859  Clay carman                                325
H883  Clay carrier                               326
F755  Clay caster                                326
E617  Clay digger                                14
F768  Clay grinder                               All Industries
F756  Clay maker                                 All Industries
E615  Clay miner, blasting                       14
E616  Clay miner, n. s.                          14
F756  Clay mixer                                 All Industries
E645  Clay modeler                               372,376
E675  Clay modeler                               Exc. 372,376
F787  Clay molder                                All Industries
F756  Clay puddler                               325
F766  Clay roaster                               291
F756  Clay stain mixer                           All Industries
F768  Clay temperer                              325
E675  Clay thrower                               326
F777  Clay worker                                325
E599  Clay-house worker                          321-323
F777  Clay-machine operator                      326
K459  Clay-pigeon loader                         Gun club 791,794,799
K459  Clay-pigeon setter                         Gun club 791,794,799
F757  Clay-plant treater                         291
F755  Clay-press operator                        326
E599  Clay-structure builder & servicer          321-323
F756  Clayman                                    261-263
E614  Clean-out driller                          13
E614  Clean-out man                              13
A215  Clean-room technician                      All Industries
F748  Cleaner and dyer                           721
F748  Cleaner and presser                        721
F769  Cleaner and trimmer                        231-238
H887  Cleaner, buses, cars, trucks               All Industries
H887  Cleaner, equipment or machinery            All Industries
H889  Cleaner, furniture                         25
H486  Cleaner, grounds                           All Industries
K449  Cleaner, hospital                          All Industries
K453  Cleaner, janitor                           All Industries
K444  Cleaner, kitchen                           All Industries
H889  Cleaner, smoking pipes                     39(exc.394)
E617  Cleaner, n. s.                             10-14
H869  Cleaner, n. s.                             15-17
H887  Cleaner, n. s.                             231-238,313,314
K453  Cleaner, n. s.                             50-67,7219,722-725,729,73,78,79,801-804,
K449  Cleaner, n. s.                             701-704,726,805,806
F748  Cleaner, n. s.                             721
L407  Cleaner, n. s.                             88
H889  Cleaner, n. s.                             Any not listed above
K449  Cleaning maid                              701-704,726,805,806
L407  Cleaning maid                              88
K453  Cleaning maid                              Any not listed above
F777  Cleaning-machine operator                  231-238
F777  Clearing hand                              311
H495  Clearing trails                            08
D337  Clearing-house clerk                       60,61
F777  Clearing-tub man                           311
F777  Cleat blanker                              242-249,25
H878  Cleat feeder                               244,249
H878  Cleat layer                                244,249
F777  Cleat maker                                242-249,25
F777  Cleater                                    242-249,25
E686  Cleaver man                                201
A176  Clergyman                                  866
D377  Clerical aide                              832,833,836,839
D379  Clerical aide                              Exc. 832,833,836,839
B026  Clerical methods analyst                   All Industries
A065  Clerical technician                        All Industries
D379  Clerical-office worker, n. s.              All Industries
D386  Clerk analyst                              All Industries
D337  Clerk and bookkeeper                       All Industries
B005  Clerk of court                             92
A199  Clerk of scales                            791,794,799
K439  Clerk, delicatessen                        All Industries
D348  Clerk, route                               481
H877  Clerk, stocking, stocks shelves and 
        delivery                                 50-59
D379  Clerk, telegraph service                   481
K438  Clerk, waiting on customers                58
C275  Clerk, waiting on customers                721,725
D355  Clerk-carrier                              43
C276  Clerk-cashier                              50-59
C275  Clerk-cashier                              721
C276  Clerk-checker                              50-59
D313  Clerk-secretary                            All Industries
D314  Clerk-stenographer                         All Industries
D315  Clerk-typist                               All Industries
D389  Clerk, any other specified                 All Industries
D354  Clerk, n. s.                               43
H877  Clerk, n. s.                               514,541
C274  Clerk, n. s.                               52-58(exc.541),591-594,5962-3,598,599
C275  Clerk, n. s.                               721,725
K459  Clerk, n. s.                               793
D329  Clerk, n. s.                               823
D327  Clerk, n. s.                               Mail order house 5961
D379  Clerk, n. s.                               Any not listed above
F744  Click-clock-machine operator               Hosiery 225
F769  Clicker                                    20-39
F769  Clicker operator                           20-39
F769  Clicking-machine operator                  20-39
A074  Climatologist                              All Industries
H496  Climber                                    241
E527  Climber                                    481
E577  Climber                                    491-493,496
H486  Climber                                    Tree trimming service 078
F717  Clincher                                   All Industries
F717  Clinching machine operator                 All Industries
A078  Clinical biochemist                        All Industries
A097  Clinical dietitian                         All Industries
B015  Clinical director                          806
A084  Clinical fellow                            806
A084  Clinical pathologist                       801,803
A167  Clinical psychologist                      All Industries
A174  Clinical social worker                     All Industries
K446  Clinical-laboratory aide                   All Industries
A203  Clinical-laboratory technician             All Industries
A203  Clinical-laboratory technologist           All Industries
D377  Clinical-social work aide                  All Industries
H878  Clip-loading-machine feeder                348,376
D386  Clipman                                    515
F769  Clipper man                                242-249,25
F769  Clipper operator                           242-249,25
H889  Clipper, brush and broom                   39(exc.394)
H878  Clipper, machine                           225
F769  Clipper, n. s.                             231-238,241,313,314
D389  Clipper, n. s.                             732,733,735,7383-7389
F769  Clipper-machine operator                   242-249,25
D389  Clipping marker                            732,733,735,7383-7389
K469  Cloak-room attendant                       All Industries
F744  Clocker                                    225
A199  Clocker                                    791,794,799
E535  Clockmaker                                 All Industries
E686  Clod puller                                201
A208  Closed circuit screen watcher              806
F744  Closer                                     20-30,311,315-319,32-39
F745  Closer                                     313,314
F745  Closer-on                                  313,314
E567  Closet builder                             245,344
F777  Cloth baler                                22
D364  Cloth booker                               22
G859  Cloth boy                                  22
D365  Cloth boy                                  231-238
D365  Cloth burler                               22
G859  Cloth carrier                              22
F796  Cloth checker                              22
F756  Cloth colorer                              All Industries
E667  Cloth cutter                               231-238,56(exc.566)
F769  Cloth cutter                               Exc. 231-238,561-565,569
A185  Cloth designer                             737
H878  Cloth doffer                               22
F738  Cloth doubling machine operator            22
F756  Cloth dyer                                 All Industries
F796  Cloth examiner                             All Industries
H878  Cloth feeder                               22
E628  Cloth finisher                             22
F777  Cloth finishing range operator             All Industries
F799  Cloth grader                               22
F777  Cloth hand                                 22
G859  Cloth hauler                               22
F798  Cloth measurer                             22
F744  Cloth mender                               22
F777  Cloth mercerizer operator                  All Industries
H888  Cloth packer                               22
F777  Cloth painter                              22
F777  Cloth piecer                               22
F777  Cloth reeler                               All Industries
F777  Cloth sander                               22
F777  Cloth shader                               22
F777  Cloth shrinker                             22
F777  Cloth shrinker                             Mfg. exc. 22
F777  Cloth shrinking machine operator           22
F797  Cloth shrinking tester                     22
F777  Cloth sponger                              22
H889  Cloth spreader, screen printing            22
F777  Cloth spreader, n. s.                      231-238
H889  Cloth tearer                               231-238
A225  Cloth tester                               22
F777  Cloth washer                               22
F777  Cloth washer operator                      22
F739  Cloth weaver                               22
F738  Cloth winder                               22
F738  Cloth winder machine operator              22
H888  Cloth-bolt bander                          221-224,228
H889  Cloth-edge singer                          22
H878  Cloth-printing utility worker              22
F745  Clother-in                                 313,314
A185  Clothes designer                           737
L403  Clothes ironer, hand                       88
F795  Clothes ironer, hand                       Exc. 88
F747  Clothes ironer, machine                    All Industries
F748  Clothes marker                             721
C283  Clothes model                              All Industries
F747  Clothes presser, exc. hand                 All Industries
L403  Clothes presser, hand                      88
F795  Clothes presser, hand                      Exc. 88
F748  Clothes separator                          721
F748  Clothes shaker                             721
H878  Clothespin machine operator                244,249
F777  Clothier                                   PR 22
C264  Clothing consultant                        531,56(exc.566)
E667  Clothing cutter                            231-238
F796  Clothing examiner                          231-238
E518  Clothing man                               261-263
F795  Clothing pattern preparer                  All Industries
A069  Cloud physicist                            All Industries
A194  Clown                                      791,794,799
D364  Club boy                                   58
K435  Club man                                   58
K469  Club man                                   Exc. 58
K469  Club steward                               All Industries
K463  Club-car attendant                         40
K469  Club-room attendant                        791,794,799
K469  Club-room worker                           791,794,799
K469  Clubhouse boy                              791,794,799
K469  Clubhouse man                              791,794,799
E505  Clutch rebuilder                           371,527,55,752-754
E505  Clutch specialist                          371,527,55,752-754
G848  Clutchman                                  13
E505  Clutchman                                  371,527,55,752-754

Last modified: October 16, 2001