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2015 Archived articles from The Economics Daily (in chronological order)
October 2015
- Real average weekly earnings up 2.2 percent over the year (10/20/2015)
- CPI unchanged over the year ending September 2015 (10/19/2015)
- Producer Price Index for final demand falls 1.1 percent over the year (10/16/2015)
- Employment in electric power generation falls more than 100,000 since 2001 (10/15/2015)
- Import prices decrease 10.7 percent between September 2014 and September 2015 (10/14/2015)
- Long-term price trends for computers, TVs, and related items (10/13/2015)
- Hispanics and Latinos in industries and occupations (10/09/2015)
- Rising wage inequality, 2003–13 (10/08/2015)
- Metropolitan area unemployment: the highs and lows, August 2015 (10/07/2015)
- Labor force participation rate declines to 62.4 percent in September 2015 (10/06/2015)
- Nonfarm employment rises 2.0 percent for the year ending September 2015 (10/05/2015)
- Employment increased in 49 of 51 large metro areas for the year ending August 2015 (10/02/2015)
- Multifactor productivity in computer-related manufacturing, 1987–2013 (10/01/2015)
September 2015
- Prost! Celebrating Oktoberfest with a look at brewery employment (09/30/2015)
- Wages of middle 50 percent of protective service workers between $24,510 and $57,270 per year (09/29/2015)
- 40.4 million people provided eldercare in 2013–14 (09/28/2015)
- West Virginia has highest unemployment rate among the states in August 2015 (09/25/2015)
- West Virginia had employment decrease of 19,500 from August 2014 to August 2015 (09/24/2015)
- 4,679 fatal work injuries in 2014 (09/23/2015)
- Percent change in employment in the 342 largest counties, March 2014 to March 2015 (09/22/2015)
- Real average hourly earnings rise 2.0 percent from August 2014 to August 2015 (09/21/2015)
- Gasoline prices fall 23.3 percent over the year (09/18/2015)
- Access to selected pay protection benefits, March 2014 (09/17/2015)
- Employee compensation costs $31.39 per hour worked in June 2015 (09/16/2015)
- Producer Price Index for final demand decreased 0.8 percent for the year ended August 2015 (09/15/2015)
- U.S. import and export prices trended down over the year ending August 2015 (09/14/2015)
- Job openings at 5.8 million in July 2015, a series high (09/11/2015)
- Household spending increased for most categories in 2014 (09/10/2015)
- Unemployment rates by educational attainment in August 2015 (09/09/2015)
- Payroll employment up 173,000 in August 2015 (09/08/2015)
- Comparing metro area unemployment rates to the national rate of 5.6% in July 2015 (09/04/2015)
- Changes in metro area employment, July 2015 (09/03/2015)
- More education still means more pay in 2014 (09/02/2015)
- More than half of women born in 1980–84 had a child in the household at age 27 (09/01/2015)
August 2015
- Back to school: enrollment and employment in October 2014 (08/31/2015)
- Multiple jobholding in states in 2014 (08/28/2015)
- Nebraska has lowest jobless rate among states in July 2015 (08/27/2015)
- Utah employment up 4.4 percent over the year ended July 2015 (08/26/2015)
- Hurricane Katrina: a look back at employment and unemployment (08/25/2015)
- Real earnings increased from July 2014 to July 2015 (08/24/2015)
- Percent change in Consumer Price Index by expenditure category, July 2014 to July 2015 (08/21/2015)
- Summer youth employment in July 2015 (08/20/2015)
- Registered nurses employment and wages by state and metropolitan area (08/19/2015)
- Producer prices down slightly over the year ending July 2015 (08/18/2015)
- U.S. export prices fell 6.1 percent over the year ending in July 2015 (08/17/2015)
- Job openings, hires, and total separations by industry, June 2015 (08/14/2015)
- Nonfarm business productivity increased slightly over the year ending in second quarter 2015 (08/13/2015)
- Labor productivity up 2.6 percent in wholesale trade in 2014 (08/12/2015)
- Share of part-time workers at lowest since November 2008 (08/11/2015)
- Employment up 215,000 in July 2015; four industries add 30,000 jobs or more (08/10/2015)
- Percent changes in average hourly earnings for largest metro areas, June 2014 to June 2015 (08/07/2015)
- Manufacturing multifactor productivity, 1987 to 2013 (08/06/2015)
- Private employer costs for pay and benefits rose 1.9 percent from June 2014 to June 2015 (08/05/2015)
- Austin-Round Rock, Texas, has lowest unemployment rate among large metro areas in June 2015 (08/04/2015)
- Provo-Orem, Utah, has largest percentage job gain from June 2014 to June 2015 (08/03/2015)
July 2015
- 63 percent of 4th quarter 2014 employment gain at firms with 250 or more employees (07/31/2015)
- Working poor reaches 10.5 million in 2013 (07/30/2015)
- Areas with highest concentration of employment in software publishing, December 2014 (07/29/2015)
- Access to retirement and medical benefits by occupation, March 2015 (07/28/2015)
- Rhode Island unemployment declines 1.8 percentage points over the year ended in June 2015 (07/27/2015)
- California, Texas, and Florida have largest over-the-year employment increases, June 2015 (07/24/2015)
- Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers by occupation and sex (07/23/2015)
- Real average weekly earnings increase 1.8 percent from June 2014 to June 2015 (07/22/2015)
- June 2015 increase in price of eggs largest since 1973 (07/21/2015)
- People with a disability less likely to have completed a bachelor's degree (07/20/2015)
- Producer Price Index for final demand goods and services in June 2015 (07/17/2015)
- U.S. import prices decline 10 percent over the year (07/16/2015)
- Percent changes in average hourly earnings by state, May 2014 to May 2015 (07/15/2015)
- Movie theater establishments and wages, fourth quarter 2014 (07/14/2015)
- Registered nurses have highest employment in healthcare occupations; anesthesiologists earn the most (07/13/2015)
- Job openings remain high at 5.4 million in May 2015 (07/10/2015)
- Large metro area unemployment rates, May 2015 (07/09/2015)
- Employment up 5.7 percent over the year in San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, California (07/08/2015)
- Unemployment rate falls from May to June 2015 (07/07/2015)
- Private employment increases 3.4 percent from December 2007 to June 2015; earnings rise 17.6 percent (07/06/2015)
- Time spent working by full- and part-time status, gender, and location in 2014 (07/02/2015)
- Part-time private industry workers less likely to have access to benefits in 2013 (07/01/2015)
June 2015
- Multifactor productivity in private nonfarm business sector up 0.8 percent in 2014 (06/30/2015)
- Time spent in leisure activities in 2014, by gender, age, and educational attainment (06/29/2015)
- Employment and wages increase over the year in all 10 of the largest U.S. counties, December 2014 (06/26/2015)
- Nebraska had lowest unemployment rate in May 2015, West Virginia and DC the highest (06/25/2015)
- West Virginia only state to lose employment from May 2014 to May 2015 (06/24/2015)
- Real earnings increased from May 2014 to May 2015 (06/23/2015)
- Consumer food prices rise 1.6 percent from May 2014 to May 2015 (06/22/2015)
- Labor force participation of fathers in 2014 (06/19/2015)
- Largest proportion of workers with a disability work in education and health services in 2014 (06/18/2015)
- Radio and television broadcasting and cable see largest productivity increases in 2014 (06/17/2015)
- Producer Price Index for final demand decreases over the year for the fourth consecutive month (06/16/2015)
- U.S. import price indexes by country or region of origin (06/15/2015)
- Employer costs for employee compensation, March 2015 (06/12/2015)
- Job openings at highest level since 2000 (06/11/2015)
- Employment in casinos, third quarter 2014 (06/10/2015)
- Labor force participation rate little changed at 62.9% in May 2015 (06/09/2015)
- Employment up by 280,000 in May and 3.1 million over the year (06/08/2015)
- Metro division unemployment rates in April 2015 (06/05/2015)
- Metropolitan area employment in April 2015 (06/04/2015)
- County employment concentration in the leisure and hospitality industry, September 2014 (06/03/2015)
- State employment concentration among protective service occupations (06/02/2015)
- All 9 geographic divisions had over-the-year unemployment rate decreases, April 2015 (06/01/2015)
May 2015
- Utah has largest over-the-year percent gain in employment, April 2015 (05/29/2015)
- Foreign born represented 16.5 percent of the U.S. labor force in 2014, up from 14.8 percent in 2005 (05/28/2015)
- Real earnings increased from April 2014 to April 2015 (05/27/2015)
- Consumer Price Index down 0.2 percent from April 2014 to April 2015 (05/26/2015)
- Employment of veterans by occupation, 2014 (05/22/2015)
- Consumer spending on entertainment by household income in 2013 (05/21/2015)
- Multiple jobholding over the past two decades (05/20/2015)
- Producer Price Index for final demand falls from April 2014 to April 2015 (05/19/2015)
- U.S. import and export prices down over the year ending April 2015 (05/18/2015)
- Fatal falls in the private construction industry, 2003–2013 (05/15/2015)
- Quits and layoffs and discharges among industries in March 2015 (05/14/2015)
- Productivity falls 1.9 percent (annual rate) in 1st quarter 2015 (05/13/2015)
- Unemployment rates by educational attainment in April 2015 (05/12/2015)
- Employment up 118,000 to 328,000 in April (90 percent certainty) (05/11/2015)
- Daily time use among married mothers (05/08/2015)
- Compensation costs up 2.6 percent for the year ending March 2015 (05/07/2015)
- Large metropolitan area unemployment rates, March 2015 (05/06/2015)
- Employment and annual wages for preschool, primary, middle, and secondary school teachers (05/05/2015)
- Metropolitan area employment in March 2015 (05/04/2015)
- Alaska has highest rates of employment turnover in third quarter 2014 (05/01/2015)
April 2015
- Oil and gas extraction labor productivity increases 11.5 percent in 2014 (04/30/2015)
- 80.1 percent of families had at least one employed family member in 2014 (04/29/2015)
- Fatal injuries in U.S. workplaces fall over the last two decades (04/28/2015)
- Median usual weekly earnings $808 in first quarter 2015 (04/27/2015)
- Unemployment rates down over the year in 27 states; Kentucky has largest decline (04/24/2015)
- Wyoming had highest share of employment in construction in March 2015 (04/23/2015)
- Real average hourly earnings rise 2.2 percent from March 2014 to March 2015 (04/22/2015)
- Consumer Price Index down 0.1 percent from March 2014 to March 2015 (04/21/2015)
- 38 percent of 2014 high school graduates enrolled in college were in labor force in October 2014 (04/20/2015)
- Industries with spring employment peaks (04/17/2015)
- Producer Price Index for final demand down 0.8 percent from March 2014 to March 2015 (04/16/2015)
- Employment and wages in places named for Abraham Lincoln (04/15/2015)
- U.S. import and export prices down over the year ending March 2015 (04/14/2015)
- All 38 metropolitan divisions had over-the-year unemployment rate decreases in February 2015 (04/13/2015)
- All metro divisions had over-the-year gains in employment, February 2015 (04/10/2015)
- Job openings at 5.1 million on last business day of February 2015; hires at 4.9 million (04/09/2015)
- High wages and low employment or the other way around (04/08/2015)
- Unemployment rate unchanged from February 2015 to March 2015 (04/07/2015)
- Private industry employment up 2.6 percent over the year ending March 2015 (04/06/2015)
- Baby Boomer earnings grew fastest during their late teens and early twenties (04/03/2015)
- Occupational employment and wages in 2014 (04/02/2015)
- Nebraska and North Dakota have lowest jobless rates in February 2015 (04/01/2015)
March 2015
- States with statistically significant over-the-year employment increases, February 2015 (03/31/2015)
- Largest counties accounted for 74 percent of 12-month increase in U.S. employment, September 2014 (03/30/2015)
- Real average hourly earnings rise 2.1 percent from February 2014 to February 2015 (03/27/2015)
- Consumer Price Index unchanged from February 2014 to February 2015 (03/26/2015)
- Unemployment rates fall in most metropolitan areas, for the year ending in January 2015 (03/25/2015)
- San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, California, has largest employment percent increase over the year (03/24/2015)
- Veteran unemployment rate decreases to 5.3 percent in 2014 (03/23/2015)
- West North Central region had lowest unemployment rate, Pacific region the highest, in January 2015 (03/20/2015)
- Delaware had highest share of employment in financial activities in January 2015 (03/19/2015)
- Consumer spending by age group in 2013 (03/18/2015)
- Producer Price Index for final demand decreased from February 2014 to February 2015 (03/17/2015)
- Fuel import prices and import and export air passenger fare price indexes in February 2015 (03/16/2015)
- Employer costs for union workers averaged $46.50 per hour worked in December 2014 (03/13/2015)
- Job openings and labor turnover, January 2015 (03/12/2015)
- Unemployment rate at 5.5 percent in February 2015 (03/11/2015)
- Employment up by 295,000 in February and 3.3 million over the year (03/10/2015)
- State employment–population ratios in 2014 (03/09/2015)
- Consumer spending $51,100 in 2013 (03/06/2015)
- Workers with disability insurance plans (03/04/2015)
- Real hourly earnings up 3.6 percent over the year in leisure and hospitality (03/03/2015)
- Consumer Price Index down over the year ended January 2015 (03/02/2015)
February 2015
- Volunteering in 2014 (02/27/2015)
- Injuries and illness among state and local government bus drivers (02/26/2015)
- Educational attainment, employment, and unemployment among African Americans (02/25/2015)
- Arkansas had highest share of employment in nondurable goods manufacturing in December 2014 (02/24/2015)
- Major work stoppages down in 2014 (02/23/2015)
- Producer Price Index for final demand unchanged, January 2014–January 2015 (02/20/2015)
- Fuel import index down 39 percent over the year ending in January 2015 (02/19/2015)
- Illness-related work absences in January 2015 little different from a year earlier (02/18/2015)
- Average weekly wages of workers in counties bearing names of U.S. presidents in June 2014 (02/13/2015)
- Job openings reach 5.0 million in December 2014 (02/12/2015)
- Productivity falls 1.8 percent (annual rate) in 4th quarter 2014 (02/11/2015)
- Unemployment rate 5.7 percent in January 2015; U-6 measure was 11.3 percent (02/10/2015)
- Employment up by 257,000 in January 2015 (02/09/2015)
- 208 out of 372 metro areas had unemployment rates below U.S. rate of 5.4 percent in December 2014 (02/06/2015)
- Dallas has largest percentage increase in employment among large metropolitan areas, December 2014 (02/05/2015)
- Union membership by state in 2014 (02/04/2015)
- Compensation costs for civilian workers up 2.2 percent for the year ending December 2014 (02/03/2015)
- Gross job gains exceed gross job losses by 916,000 in second quarter of 2014 (02/02/2015)
January 2015
- Illinois has the largest unemployment rate decline, December 2013 to December 2014 (01/30/2015)
- Indiana had highest share of employment in durable goods manufacturing in December 2014 (01/29/2015)
- Union membership rate in private industry was 6.6 percent in 2014; public sector 35.7 percent (01/28/2015)
- Professional and business services accounted for 25 percent of job gains in 2014 (01/27/2015)
- Dependent care reimbursement accounts and workplace-funded childcare access (01/26/2015)
- Median weekly earnings by educational attainment in 2014 (01/23/2015)
- Real average hourly earnings rise 1.0 percent in 2014; real weekly earnings up 1.9 percent (01/22/2015)
- Gasoline index continues to fall sharply, down 21 percent in 2014 (01/21/2015)
- Producer prices of crude petroleum down 37 percent, December 2013–December 2014 (01/20/2015)
- U.S. import and export prices decline in 2014 (01/16/2015)
- Job openings rate 3.4 percent in November 2014 (01/15/2015)
- Workweek of production employees in manufacturing at or above 42.0 hours for 9 months in 2014 (01/14/2015)
- Unemployment rate declines 0.2 percentage point to 5.6 percent in December 2014 (01/13/2015)
- Nonfarm employment rises by 252,000 in December 2014 (01/12/2015)
- Counties with highest concentration of employment in oil and gas extraction, June 2014 (01/09/2015)
- 90 percent of young adults moved away from home by age 27 (01/08/2015)
- Unemployment in areas with a population of 1 million or more, November 2014 (01/07/2015)
- Large metropolitan area employment changes, November 2013 to November 2014 (01/06/2015)
- Selected fruit prices: September 2004-September 2014 (01/05/2015)
- Employment in fitness and recreational sport centers in 2013 (01/02/2015)