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Archived articles from The Economics Daily— Current Population Survey
- Hispanics and Latinos in industries and occupations (10/09/2015)
- Labor force participation rate declines to 62.4 percent in September 2015 (10/06/2015)
- Unemployment rates by educational attainment in August 2015 (09/09/2015)
- More education still means more pay in 2014 (09/02/2015)
- Back to school: enrollment and employment in October 2014 (08/31/2015)
- Summer youth employment in July 2015 (08/20/2015)
- Share of part-time workers at lowest since November 2008 (08/11/2015)
- Working poor reaches 10.5 million in 2013 (07/30/2015)
- Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers by occupation and sex (07/23/2015)
- People with a disability less likely to have completed a bachelor's degree (07/20/2015)
- Unemployment rate falls from May to June 2015 (07/07/2015)
- Labor force participation of fathers in 2014 (06/19/2015)
- Largest proportion of workers with a disability work in education and health services in 2014 (06/18/2015)
- Labor force participation rate little changed at 62.9% in May 2015 (06/09/2015)
- Foreign born represented 16.5 percent of the U.S. labor force in 2014, up from 14.8 percent in 2005 (05/28/2015)
- Employment of veterans by occupation, 2014 (05/22/2015)
- Multiple jobholding over the past two decades (05/20/2015)
- Unemployment rates by educational attainment in April 2015 (05/12/2015)
- 80.1 percent of families had at least one employed family member in 2014 (04/29/2015)
- Median usual weekly earnings $808 in first quarter 2015 (04/27/2015)
- 38 percent of 2014 high school graduates enrolled in college were in labor force in October 2014 (04/20/2015)
- Unemployment rate unchanged from February 2015 to March 2015 (04/07/2015)
- Veteran unemployment rate decreases to 5.3 percent in 2014 (03/23/2015)
- Unemployment rate at 5.5 percent in February 2015 (03/11/2015)
- Volunteering in 2014 (02/27/2015)
- Educational attainment, employment, and unemployment among African Americans (02/25/2015)
- Illness-related work absences in January 2015 little different from a year earlier (02/18/2015)
- Unemployment rate 5.7 percent in January 2015; U-6 measure was 11.3 percent (02/10/2015)
- Union membership by state in 2014 (02/04/2015)
- Union membership rate in private industry was 6.6 percent in 2014; public sector 35.7 percent (01/28/2015)
- Median weekly earnings by educational attainment in 2014 (01/23/2015)
- Unemployment rate declines 0.2 percentage point to 5.6 percent in December 2014 (01/13/2015)
- Full-time work and year-round work both rose in 2013 (12/23/2014)
- Unemployment rate at 5.8 percent in November 2014 (12/09/2014)
- Unemployment and other labor market difficulties (11/18/2014)
- Unemployment rates by educational attainment, October 2014 (11/12/2014)
- Employment and unemployment among all veterans, Gulf-War era II veterans, and nonveterans (11/10/2014)
- Median weekly earnings, 2004–2014 (10/28/2014)
- Almost 60% of people with a disability age 25 and older had a high school education or less in 2013 (10/10/2014)
- Unemployment in September 2014 (10/07/2014)
- National Hispanic Heritage Month (10/01/2014)
- Median employee tenure unchanged at 4.6 years in January 2014 (09/25/2014)
- Labor force participation rate, at 62.8 percent, changed little in August 2014 (09/09/2014)
- Women veterans ages 25 to 34 had unemployment rate of 9.8 percent in 2013 (09/04/2014)
- Reemployment following worker displacement in 2011–2013 by industry (09/03/2014)
- Sixty-one percent of workers displaced in 2011–2013 were reemployed in January 2014 (08/28/2014)
- Multiple jobholding in states in 2013 (08/27/2014)
- Youth employment and unemployment, July 2014 (08/19/2014)
- Employment–population ratio and long-term unemployment in July 2014 (08/05/2014)
- Weekly earnings by educational attainment in the second quarter of 2014 (07/25/2014)
- Unemployment rate down to 6.1 percent in June (07/08/2014)
- Employment of people with disabilities in 2013 (06/26/2014)
- Workers with a disability more likely to be in production and transportation occupations (06/17/2014)
- Unemployment rate down 1.2 percentage points from May 2013 to May 2014 (06/10/2014)
- U.S. military veterans and nonveterans in the labor force, 2013 (06/06/2014)
- Educational attainment and earnings of women (06/03/2014)
- Working wives in married-couple families, 1967–2011 (06/02/2014)
- Earnings of foreign born were 79.9 percent of native born in 2013 (05/28/2014)
- Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders had a higher labor force participation rate than Asians (05/23/2014)
- 65.9 percent of 2013 high school graduates enrolled in college (05/08/2014)
- Participation rate, employment–population ratio, and unemployment rate in April 2014 (05/06/2014)
- Proportion of families with an unemployed member decreased to 9.6 percent in 2013 (04/29/2014)
- Median weekly earnings, 2004–2014 (04/23/2014)
- Unemployment rate holds at 6.7 percent in March 2014 (04/08/2014)
- Minimum wage workers account for 4.3 percent of hourly paid workers in 2013 (04/03/2014)
- Unemployment rate for veterans edges down in 2013 (03/25/2014)
- Unemployment rate down 1 percentage point over the year (03/11/2014)
- Volunteering rate at 25.4 percent for year ending September 2013 (02/28/2014)
- Unemployment by sex and age, January 2014 (02/11/2014)
- Median weekly earnings at $786, fourth quarter 2013 (02/04/2014)
- Union membership rate 11.3 percent in 2013, the same as in 2012 (01/28/2014)
- Long-term unemployed account for 37.7 percent of all unemployed persons in December 2013 (01/14/2014)
- Forty-nine percent of employed Asians in management, professional, and related occupations, 2012 (12/31/2013)
- Employment and unemployment experience of the U.S. population in 2012 (12/23/2013)
- U.S. unemployment rate drops to 5-year low (12/11/2013)
- Median weekly earnings by sex, marital status, and presence and age of own children under 18 in 2012 (12/03/2013)
- Racial and ethnic characteristics of the U.S. labor force in 2012 (11/19/2013)
- Unemployment by age, sex, and education, October 2013 (11/13/2013)
- Median weekly earnings at $771, third quarter 2013 (11/05/2013)
- Women's earnings, 1979–2012 (11/04/2013)
- Unemployment rate little changed at 7.2 percent in September 2013 (10/24/2013)
- Unemployment rate little changed at 7.3 percent in August 2013 (09/10/2013)
- Youth labor force participation rate in July 2013 same as a year earlier (08/23/2013)
- July unemployment rates: adult men, 7.0 percent; adult women, 6.5 percent; teens, 23.7 percent (08/06/2013)
- Median weekly earnings, second quarter 2013 (07/24/2013)
- Unemployed persons per job opening in May 2013 (07/10/2013)
- Leisure and hospitality has highest unemployment rate among major industries, June 2013 (07/09/2013)
- Labor force characteristics of persons with a disability in 2012 (06/18/2013)
- Unemployment in May 2013 (06/11/2013)
- Labor force participation rates of the foreign born and native born, 2008–2012 (05/28/2013)
- Barriers to employment for persons with a disability (05/22/2013)
- Happy Mother’s Day from BLS: working mothers in 2012 (05/10/2013)
- Number of discouraged workers down by 133,000 from last year, April 2013 (05/07/2013)
- Employment characteristics of families, 2012 (04/30/2013)
- 48.8 percent of recent high school graduates in labor force (04/22/2013)
- Median weekly earnings by age, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, first quarter 2013 (04/19/2013)
- Duration of unemployment in March 2013 (04/09/2013)
- The job market for recent college graduates in the United States (04/05/2013)
- Minimum wage workers account for 4.7 percent of hourly paid workers in 2012 (03/25/2013)
- Unemployment among veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces declines in 2012 (03/22/2013)
- Unemployment rate by major worker group, February 2013 (03/12/2013)
- Volunteering declines in 2012 (02/26/2013)
- Illness-related work absences in January 2013 highest since February 2008 (02/19/2013)
- Unemployment rate 7.9 percent in January (02/05/2013)
- Union membership declines in 2012 (01/24/2013)
- Median weekly earnings, fourth quarter 2012 (01/23/2013)
- Unemployment by sex and age, December 2012 (01/08/2013)
- Women’s earnings by occupation, 2011 (01/02/2013)
- Employment and unemployment experience of the U.S. population in 2011 (12/27/2012)
- Unemployment rate edges down in November 2012 (12/11/2012)
- Overview of the labor force from 1950–2010 and projections to 2050 (12/03/2012)
- Women’s earnings, 1979–2011 (11/23/2012)
- Veterans in the civilian labor force, 2011 (11/09/2012)
- Employment increases in October 2012 (11/05/2012)
- Occupational employment by race and ethnicity, 2011 (10/26/2012)
- Median weekly earnings by age, sex, race, and ethnicity, third quarter 2012 (10/19/2012)
- Unemployment rate demographics, September 2012 (10/10/2012)
- Employee tenure in 2012 (09/20/2012)
- Unemployment and labor force participation rates down in August 2012 (09/11/2012)
- Racial and ethnic characteristics of the U.S. labor force, 2011 (09/05/2012)
- Employment status of displaced workers (08/28/2012)
- Youth employment in summer 2012 (08/22/2012)
- Employment and unemployment in July 2012 (08/06/2012)
- Weekly earnings of full-time workers by age and sex, second quarter 2012 (07/20/2012)
- Unemployment in June 2012 (07/10/2012)
- Unemployment among persons with a disability, 2011 (06/25/2012)
- Employment of persons with a disability, 2011 (06/12/2012)
- Education and occupations of the foreign born in 2011 (06/06/2012)
- The employment situation in May 2012 (06/04/2012)
- Employment status of the foreign born and native born by age, 2011 (05/29/2012)
- Employed Asians by occupation, 2008–2010 (05/10/2012)
- Unemployment among families, 2011 (05/08/2012)
- The employment situation in April 2012 (05/07/2012)
- Women as a percent of total employed in selected occupations, 2011 (05/01/2012)
- Employment status of parents, 2011 (04/27/2012)
- Length of job search for the unemployed (04/24/2012)
- Labor force participation among students and nonstudents, October 2011 (04/20/2012)
- Median weekly earnings by race, ethnicity, and occupation, first quarter 2012 (04/19/2012)
- Employment trends from two surveys (04/10/2012)
- The employment situation in March 2012 (04/09/2012)
- Working poor rate 7.2 percent in 2010 (04/05/2012)
- Employment Situation of Veterans — 2011 (03/23/2012)
- Payroll employment increases by 227,000 in February 2012 (03/12/2012)
- Characteristics of minimum wage workers in 2011 (03/06/2012)
- Work experience during 2010 (02/27/2012)
- Volunteer rate rises in 2011 (02/23/2012)
- Employment and unemployment in January 2012 (02/06/2012)
- Alternative Measures of Labor Underutilization for States, 2011 (01/31/2012)
- Union membership, 2011 (01/30/2012)
- Median weekly earnings, fourth quarter 2011 (01/26/2012)
- Women’s earnings as a percent of men’s in 2010 (01/10/2012)
- Unemployment rate falls to 8.5 percent in December 2011 (01/09/2012)
- Educational attainment of women in the labor force, 1970–2010 (12/29/2011)
- Women in the labor force, 2010 (12/23/2011)
- Educational attainment and unemployment among Asians in the United States (12/14/2011)
- Asians in the U.S. labor force, 2008–2010 (12/06/2011)
- Unemployment rate falls to 8.6 percent in November 2011 (12/05/2011)
- Employment of veterans, 2010 (11/10/2011)
- Unemployment rate at 9.0 percent in October 2011 (11/07/2011)
- Median weekly earnings, third quarter 2011 (10/27/2011)
- Displaced workers by industry (10/12/2011)
- Unemployment in September 2011 (10/11/2011)
- Unemployment rates by race and ethnicity, 2010 (10/05/2011)
- Earnings and employment by occupation, race, ethnicity, and sex, 2010 (09/14/2011)
- Unemployment rate 9.1 percent in August 2011 (09/08/2011)
- Youth employment in July 2011 (08/26/2011)
- Unemployment in July 2011 (08/10/2011)
- Women’s earnings, 1979–2010 (07/22/2011)
- Median usual weekly earnings, by race, ethnicity, and education, second quarter, 2011 (07/21/2011)
- Unemployment rate at 9.2 percent in June 2011 (07/12/2011)
- Careers in solar power (06/29/2011)
- Labor force characteristics of persons with a disability in 2010 (06/28/2011)
- Unemployment rate at 9.1 percent in May 2011 (06/08/2011)
- Duration of unemployment, 1994–2010 (06/02/2011)
- Employed foreign-born and native-born persons by occupation, 2010 (06/01/2011)
- Unemployment rate at 9.0 percent in April 2011 (05/10/2011)
- Share of married-couple families with an employed mother at its lowest, 1994-2010 (05/06/2011)
- Median weekly earnings in first quarter 2011 by demographics (04/25/2011)
- High school grads not enrolled in college more likely to be in the labor force (04/12/2011)
- Unemployment in March 2011 (04/06/2011)
- Employment characteristics of families, 2010 (03/28/2011)
- Unemployment rates of veterans, 2010 (03/16/2011)
- Duration of unemployment in February 2011 (03/08/2011)
- Women’s earnings and employment by industry, 2009 (02/16/2011)
- Unemployment rate declines to 9.0 percent in January 2011 (02/09/2011)
- Volunteering in 2010 (01/28/2011)
- Union membership declines in 2010 (01/25/2011)
- Median weekly earnings for men and women in fourth quarter 2010 (01/24/2011)
- Unemployment in December 2010 (01/11/2011)
- Women in the labor force, 1970–2009 (01/05/2011)
- Fatal occupational injuries among volunteer workers, 2003–07 (12/30/2010)
- Work experience during 2009 (12/21/2010)
- Unemployment in November 2010 (12/07/2010)
- Long-term unemployment rate remains high in 2010 (11/17/2010)
- Unemployment in October 2010 (11/10/2010)
- Earnings by age and sex, third quarter of 2010 (10/25/2010)
- Demographics of the self-employed (10/22/2010)
- Unemployment rate demographics, September 2010 (10/13/2010)
- Employee tenure, January 2010 (09/27/2010)
- Unemployment in August 2010 (09/14/2010)
- Youth employment and unemployment in July 2010 (09/03/2010)
- Reemployment rates of displaced workers, January 2010 (09/02/2010)
- Employment among the disabled by age in 2009 (08/31/2010)
- Unemployment in July 2010 (08/11/2010)
- Demographics of multiple jobholding (08/09/2010)
- Demographics of Gulf War-era II veterans (08/05/2010)
- Usual weekly earnings in second quarter 2010 by education (07/26/2010)
- Employee union representation elections, 1997–2009 (07/09/2010)
- Women’s-to-men’s earnings ratio by age, 2009 (07/08/2010)
- Unemployment in June 2010 (07/07/2010)
- Employment and unemployment of fathers without spouses (06/18/2010)
- Unemployment in May 2010 (06/10/2010)
- Summertime school enrollment and employment among teens (06/02/2010)
- Families with unemployed members in 2009 (06/01/2010)
- Unemployment in April 2010 (05/12/2010)
- Labor force participation rates among mothers (05/07/2010)
- College enrollment up among 2009 high school grads (04/28/2010)
- Weekly earnings in first quarter 2010 by demographics (04/20/2010)
- Unemployment in March 2010 (04/06/2010)
- Unemployment rates for foreign-born workers, 2009 (03/24/2010)
- Disabled veterans and the labor force (03/17/2010)
- Unemployment in February 2010 (03/10/2010)
- Unemployment in January 2010 (02/17/2010)
- Volunteering on the rise: September 2008-September 2009 (02/05/2010)
- Union membership declines in 2009 (02/01/2010)
- Median usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers, by major occupational group and sex, 2009 (01/27/2010)
- States with highest multiple jobholding rates (01/26/2010)
- Long-term unemployment in December 2009 (01/14/2010)
- Work-experience unemployment rate, 2008 (01/06/2010)
- Labor force demographics, 2008 (01/05/2010)
- Work experience during 2008 (12/11/2009)
- Unemployment in November 2009 (12/08/2009)
- Unemployment in October 2009 (11/10/2009)
- Earnings by age and sex, third quarter of 2009 (10/21/2009)
- Women’s earnings as a percentage of men’s, 2008 (10/14/2009)
- Labor force participation of women and mothers, 2008 (10/09/2009)
- Demographics of New York City health care employment (10/07/2009)
- Unemployment in September 2009 (10/06/2009)
- Unemployment rate demographics, August 2009 (09/04/2009)
- Youth unemployment and employment in July 2009 (08/28/2009)
- Unemployment rates of men and women in July 2009 (08/10/2009)
- Women and men in management, professional, and related occupations, 2008 (08/07/2009)
- Women’s-to-men’s earnings ratio, 1979-2008 (07/31/2009)
- Education and usual weekly earnings for women and men, second quarter 2009 (07/17/2009)
- Unemployment and demographics in June 2009 (07/06/2009)
- Unemployment rate in May 2009 (06/09/2009)
- Labor force participation of mothers with infants in 2008 (05/29/2009)
- Employment and married-couple families in 2008 (05/28/2009)
- Unemployment in April 2009 (05/12/2009)
- Flows into and out of employment in recent recessions (05/06/2009)
- 2008 high school grads and college enrollment (04/29/2009)
- Weekly earnings in first quarter 2009 by demographics (04/17/2009)
- Unemployment rate in March 2009 (04/06/2009)
- Foreign-born labor force and educational attainment in 2008 (04/03/2009)
- Education levels and unemployment at end of 2008 (04/01/2009)
- Foreign-born workers by region, 2008 (03/31/2009)
- Unemployment and foreign-born workers, 2008 (03/27/2009)
- Labor force participation in 2008 of veterans of World War II, Korean War, or Vietnam era (03/25/2009)
- Unemployment and veterans who served since September 2001 (03/23/2009)
- Unemployment and demographics in February 2009 (03/10/2009)
- Increase in unemployment rate in January 2009 (02/10/2009)
- Union membership by state, 2008 (02/03/2009)
- Union membership in 2008 (01/30/2009)
- Most frequent volunteer activities: fundraising, tutoring, teaching (01/26/2009)
- Earnings and education, fourth quarter 2008 (01/23/2009)
- Unemployment in December 2008 (01/13/2009)
- Wives earning more than their husbands, 1987-2006 (01/09/2009)
- Labor force participation rate of mothers, 1975-2007 (01/08/2009)
- Women and employment by industry (01/07/2009)
- Involuntary part-time work (01/06/2009)
- Working in 2007 (12/24/2008)
- Work-experience unemployment rate in 2007 (12/23/2008)
- Working full time, year round in 2007 (12/19/2008)
- Unemployment rates by sex, November 2008 (12/09/2008)
- Unemployment in October 2008 (11/10/2008)
- Women’s earnings by occupation in 2007 (10/31/2008)
- Earnings of women and men by race and ethnicity, 2007 (10/30/2008)
- Women’s earnings as a percentage of men’s, 1979-2007 (10/29/2008)
- Weekly earnings in the third quarter of 2008 (10/21/2008)
- Multiple jobholding in States in 2007 (10/09/2008)
- Unemployment and demographics in September 2008 (10/07/2008)
- Employee tenure by industry, 2008 (10/01/2008)
- Employees with 10 years or more of tenure with the same employer, 2008 (09/29/2008)
- Unemployment in August 2008 (09/08/2008)
- Working poor and education in 2006 (09/04/2008)
- Summer 2008 labor force participation of youth (09/03/2008)
- Unemployment among youth, Summer 2008 (08/29/2008)
- Displaced workers’ earnings at new jobs, January 2008 (08/27/2008)
- Reason for job losses among displaced workers (08/22/2008)
- More seniors working full time (08/06/2008)
- Unemployment in July 2008 (08/04/2008)
- Labor force participation of seniors, 1948-2007 (07/29/2008)
- Earnings of bachelor’s degree recipients 10 years after graduation (07/22/2008)
- Earnings and education in the second quarter of 2008 (07/21/2008)
- The unemployment rate and beyond (07/11/2008)
- Unemployment rate unchanged in June 2008 (07/08/2008)
- Increase in unemployment rate in May 2008 (06/09/2008)
- Labor force participation of mothers with infants in 2007 (06/04/2008)
- Families and unemployment, 2007 (06/03/2008)
- Married-couple families and employment, 2007 (06/01/2008)
- Unemployment demographics, April 2008 (05/06/2008)
- Unemployment rate 26.9 percent among recent dropouts (04/30/2008)
- Recent high school graduates and labor force participation, October 2007 (04/29/2008)
- 2007 high school grads and college enrollment (04/28/2008)
- Unemployment in 2007 (04/23/2008)
- Labor force participation of veterans of World War II, Korean War, or Vietnam era (04/22/2008)
- Unemployment and young veterans, 2007 (04/11/2008)
- Unemployment rate up in March 2008 (04/07/2008)
- Occupations and foreign-born workers in 2007 (04/02/2008)
- Educational attainment of foreign born labor force (04/01/2008)
- Foreign-born workers by region, 2007 (03/31/2008)
- Foreign-born workers and unemployment, 2007 (03/27/2008)
- Unemployment rates by demographics, February 2008 (03/11/2008)
- Union membership by industry, 2007 (02/11/2008)
- Unemployment and age, January 2008 (02/05/2008)
- Education and volunteering (01/30/2008)
- Union membership by State, 2007 (01/29/2008)
- Union membership in 2007 (01/28/2008)
- Volunteering in 2007 (01/24/2008)
- Unemployment and labor force participation at the end of 2007 (01/08/2008)
- Work-experience unemployment rate in 2006 (01/02/2008)